Why is lesson five important? I'm glad you asked. I hope it comes as no surprise to you that our hope, our vision, our goal in the LK10 community is to see a vibrant family of Jesus in easy access of every person on the planet. In order for this to happen, we need leaders for these vibrant families of Jesus. Not to be the head of these families. No, that's Jesus' job. But we do need people who are able to draw out, encourage, and train the People of Peace whose home will become a new Kingdom hub. In order to facilitate this encouragement and training, we have Leader 101.
And as Jim says in the video, lesson five is the bridge from Church 101 into Leader 101.
So what do you get by being part of a Leader Team? I'm glad you asked.
First, you get equipping. Continued training. Who knew that sitting in a pew a bunch of Sunday mornings didn't prepare us to lead small groups of folks in following Jesus? A lot of people come out of traditional church and think it will be easy to just start a church in their house. A lot of people start a small group in their traditional church and think it will be easy to just lead some discussions. And it can be, to a point. But we've seen over and over again how almost everyone comes to that point where they don't have any clue what they're doing. Leader 101 provides the equipping that can lead to a much more sustainable shared life with your house church or small group.
Second, you get relationships and support. You get a network of other folks who are also learning as they go. You'll encourage them, and they'll encourage you. You'll talk things out when things don't make sense, when you're unsure of what to do, or when you do something you really wish you hadn't done. And when you are doing a good job, you'll hear about that too. But regardless of how things are going, your leader team is there to support you, and you're there to support them. That kind of mutual support is key to the continued health of a leader, and the continued vibrancy of the community that they are guiding.
So we are inviting you to consider joining a leader team. We're inviting you to count the cost. But if the stories that we keep hearing from folks in these leader teams is any indication, it's well worth it.
Please let us know if you have any questions. And as always, swing by the Facebook group for more conversations!
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