Our Hearts are Full as We Head Home
we are so full of appreciation that you journey with us, care and pray
for us and the work, and keep us going. We never take health, safety,
and logistics for granted. You have been wonderful partners during these
past two months.
As I reflect back…
with leaders in Kampala, alongside coach Bill Smith, will pay dividends
on the ground with the movements in six countries. Such meetings
encourage, expand vision, and result in more people’s lives touched and
reached on the ground. This encouragement is passed from leaders to
workers in each country. Bahizi, from Burundi, already sent this message
to us:
“Brother, pray for us as we plan to do training on leadership development next month, June 7–9. This will be an opportunity to share what we have learnt from Bill in Kampala.”

also think of the day we spent with women house church leaders in the
village of Busia. Each leader who came had started at least three house
churches within the past year. We don’t always get to be on the ground
in villages anymore, so we treasure these times to hear firsthand how
the work is progressing. From one of the women:
“It has meant so much to us to have you come to our place, work with us, and encourage us. We will run far with God’s message because of the motivation we have received.”

“As of now we have 1,971 house churches. With God’s help we believe that we can see 5,000 house churches within the next year. We will do this by making the following adjustments and improvement to our work:Finally, there was the opportunity to work with brand new leaders and others who are interested in stepping out of the comfort zones of the traditional ways they have been doing ministry in order to embrace the new wineskin of movements. This is the heart of our ‘basic training’ that we did in Malawi. This is not an easy change to make embrace! One pastor from a large church said this:
- Train leaders in every sub-county every month on the DNA of disciplemaking movements
- Unity of prayer
- Leaders empowered financially so that families and movement can be sustained
- Develop leaders who are ready to serve, who are faithful, and who have a call”
“I have never heard such things before. We have much to go back and change. If the Word of God is something that you eat, then I have become very fat during these three days together.”We thank God that it is humble and hungry hearts, like this man, that lead the way in mobilizing new teams who go with fresh vision, focus, and methods to the least and the lost in Africa.

and let us not forget the children. We will not be able to be onsite at
the school until October. But we receive updates every month letting us
know how the sponsored children are doing. Precious as always…

Thank you, once again, for making all of this possible as we are only able to do what our friends back home enable!
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