Senin, 18 April 2016

Toni experiments with Church 101 in Spanish Como escuchar a Dios?

Toni experiments with Church 101 in Spanish
Como escuchar a Dios?

April 15, 2016

In the LK10 Community, we have a high value for experimenting.  (Try it out and see what you learn!)  I recently explained to Toni Daniels (along with her husband, Matt, our LK10 Coordinators for Uruguay) how to use Google "hangouts on air" to record her own videos. This morning she sent me the email below.  (You may remember from our last Newsletter, that she is taking Juan Carlos in Paraguay through Church 101.)

Experimenting like this takes courage.  This is Toni's first time using this technology.  And, she is quick to admit that her Spanish isn't the best.  (This video will be out there in public for everyone to see!)  But, she is confident that, like all wise, loving parents, her Father is happy for her to try things even if they are messy.  (How else do we learn?) As a Community, let's celebrate what Toni is modeling for us!

(So, what experiments is He giving you these days?)
Here is a video I just did for Juan Carlos on Lesson 3 of Church 101.  "How to listen to God".
In it I share my steps (similar to Virkler's but including appreciation)
Just so you know what i am saying…
I start off by saying that I began all of this with an attitude of experimentation and play.  And that is necessary in order to enter this type of knowing God.
I share five steps that have helped me sense God´s voice and presence with me: 
  1. Quiet myself, I share breathing and body scanning as a way to do this.
  2. Experiment with an appreciation memory, I model this for them.
  3. Ask questions and pay attention:  Ask God a) How do you feel being with me? and b) What do I need to know?  Pay attention or SIFT what you sense: Sensations, Images, Feelings, and Thoughts (this actually comes from Dr Dan Siegel). In Spanish, the acronym is SEPIA (as we are trying to sense a different perspective than our own)
  4. Write everything down.
  5. Share with your community and evaluate with them and Scripture.
I am planning on having a Spanish tab on my site if possible and I will offer these videos as training videos on that sight.  But, you are welcome to put them on the LK10 site if you think they will be helpful!
Loving this!


Click on Toni's picture below to hear Church 101, Lesson Three in Spanish.

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