international conference where church planters can connect and learn
and exchange with each other is not always about tools, stories from the
field and prayer.
Sometimes those out in the
field are extremely isolated, alone and fighting it out in remote
regions of the world completely by themselves or with just their mate
and children. It’s not easy living in another culture, far from home and
support, friends and family. Yet, their passion to share the gospel, to
love people, to give their lives for what they believe in more than
anything else is worth it and they will choose it over and over again.
One young mom with tears in her eyes told me, “I am so sad to leave, but
when we move (in March) to (name of nation protected), I am praying
that God puts unbelievers over me, under me, all around me in our new
home. I love those people so much and I want to be with them.”
So, what does an American mom
who is living in a volatile Asian nation with an 18 month old need or
want when she travels half way around the world to be at this
conference? What does a Brazilian mom of three teenagers who lives in a
remote village in Africa want? What about a mom of adult children who
have estranged themselves from her need or care about receiving in a
week-long conference? Connection. Relationship. Someone to listen.
Someone to care. “Yes, I am out working and serving Jesus and I’m very
focused on the Great Commission; it’s my life, my passion. But, day to
day, my heart is breaking…over my kids, over my relationship with my
husband, over our apartment that has water leaks and mold, over
betrayals of friendships.”
Real people living their real lives, choosing the values and roads “less traveled.” Why?
Because He first loved them…
Because He said, “Go into all the world and make disciples…”
Because “God so loved the world…”
Because … “if not them, then who???”
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