An important message from the President
July 29, 2015
No, not that President! This message is from Dr. Kent Smith, the President of the LK10 Board of Directors. And, it is an important message!
In this video, Kent explains the important mission of the LK10 Community
in a country where 65 million people have given up on church. (These
folks are now called the "Dones".) And, you can play an important part in this mission. We are asking all subscribers to the LK10 Newsletter to listen to Kent's message.
Click on Kent's picture below to watch the video...
Gereja merupakan organisme yang hidup dan bukan sekedar organisasi buatan tangan manusia. Gereja harus di mulai di rumah tangga kita masing-masing dan bukan sekedar aktivitas religius belaka namun bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. Gereja harus jadi terang dan garam di luar dinding gedung gereja. Sebab gereja adalah kita
Jumat, 31 Juli 2015
How Does God Make a Worker?
How Does God Make a Worker?
Jul 2015
Posted by miltrodriguez
A short time ago, ten crazy saints got together to hold a conversation on the topic of “How Does God Make a Worker?“.
For those of you who may not know, my wife Mary and I have been learning to plant organic churches for the last 25 years or so. In the beginning we had absolutely no experience and had no idea what we were doing. But we had a vision of His purpose and a strong desire to help see that purpose be fulfilled. So, for several years we basically experimented on God’s people! We learned what worked and what didn’t work. We also learned that we desperately needed some experience in genuine body life ourselves! After all, how could we impart an experience to a group of believers that we had never experienced (in an intentional way) ourselves?
Well, very fast forward several years and we finally received that experience and training and then were sent out to plant New Testament style organic churches ourselves. It was still very difficult but we learned much along the way. Now, we are having the glorious privilege and honor of training others to do the same! These are all folks who have been in one of the churches we have planted for at least three years and been fully recommended and sent to us for training by their respective churches.
The recording you are about to hear is a session with those eight new workers. I hope that it will give you a better insight into how God calls, prepares, and sends workers into his harvest. Enjoy!
Note: By posting this we are by no means claiming to be experts in this field! I don’t believe anyone is. We are all still learning and with every church plant we learn new things. After all, our Christ is so big and so vast that we will never stop learning to experience him and know him!
John Fenn, Spiritual Dream, Part 2
Hi all,
The dream continued...
He was saying this as we closed last week....
He looked at me and said, "The church has long prostituted herself
through the centuries in different ways, but there have also always been
those who have refused to do so. These have never been malnourished,
having always fed themselves on the things of the Spirit and sought
wisdom and knowledge in Me.
As you teach the ways of the Father malnourishment becomes
self-evident to those who are malnourished, and for those not, they will
recognize the ways of the Father..."
Suddenly in a blink of an eye the Lord was standing next to me in the
midst of the trees, and now He was dressed as I've seen Him before in
most of my visitations - robed with a red sash over his left shoulder
extending down over His right hip, written with "The Word of God" in a
language at first glance is foreign, but if you look at it the letters
rearrange themselves to your eyes to be whatever language you are used
to - and even illiterate people can read it because it communicates that
revelation to the heart, not the mind.
We started walking together among the trees as we
watched the woman and her daughters, Wisdom and Knowledge, wash in the
river, fully clothed. They washed as people who had not seen clean water
in a very long time, standing nearly waist deep in it, picking up
handfuls of water and pouring it slowly over their arms, immersing
themselves, splashing their faces, relishing each washing. As they did
so their clothes became 'healed' for lack of a better term. Wherever the
water touched, that area that had been soiled and ragged, became a sort
of opaque yet somewhat translucent white in a new material - it
was amazing to watch because it was in areas the water touched only, and
it seemed she was determined to wash each area until all her clothing
was transformed into that beautiful white garment.
I also realized somehow the water, or perhaps the Life in the water, had the ability to soak into them
and lift emotional hurts and burdens, and with each splash on their
bodies another burden was eased away while imparting fresh and balanced
truth, and repeated washings in the same area lifted a bit more each
time until there was no burden left. Then the woman would wash another
area of her body, her left arm for instance, over and over again which
washed by layers it seemed, a particular burden or memory or hurt.
Then to her right arm, rinse, repeat...and then to her shoulder, and
so on as if she knew the water on each particular area would address a
particular hurt or burden or correct some error she had believed. As the
woman washed, the girls, Wisdom and Knowledge, moved closer and closer
to her, and then suddenly they sort of melted into her, so that Wisdom
and Knowledge were now part of the woman, the church as one.
And this is weird, but people coming to the river were somehow also
part of her, like she was their mother and they were connected, yet for
some it seemed like they had to get reaquainted - and her washings were
not just for her singular, but for all who were part of her - the
church. Somehow I understood this woman was also a bride to be, and was
preparing. I never saw her leave the river; She just continued to wash.
The trees represent wisdom and knowledge in balance to each person,
and the river is the Word while the breeze is the Holy Spirit. People
would come out of the water and drip dry, yet the revelation and
peace provided by the water stayed with them way down inside, and each
person was reflective and quiet as they walked out. Most everyone found a place under a tree to sit,
though some lingered, standing, absorbing - but once to 'their' tree
they sat down back against the trunk contemplating deeply personal
It seemed as they came out of the river the water didn't just
evaporate away, but rather soaked into their being instead, almost like
their bodies were drawing the water from their clothes onto their skin
and then into their skin and being...just sort of soaking it all in as
if they themselves were like sponges, once dry but now soaking in all
they could of the Lord and revelation until saturated for the time
being. And while that was happening, it was also in a sort of teamwork
drying naturally in the gentle breeze which is the Holy Spirit, who
brought a crispness and freshness the way the coolness of water
evaporating off the skin what we would say, 'braces a person' with the
quick coolness felt in contrast to the warmth of the water. That
'bracing' made them come alive, alert, quick minded as if they had
earlier been in a mental and spiritual haziness.
As the Lord and I walked among the trees I was aware
that while talking to me, the Lord was also orchestrating the memories
and revelation of each person coming out of the water as they made their
way to a tree, in a sort of re-writing of their history to see things
from His point of view. This was naturally pointed out to them in a
deeply personal and private way- each point in their lives they had
deviated from His path or had believed some error. Whatever communion
with Him by the Spirit was going on, I was never told details for each
person's life was their own and none of my business, but I could tell
the Lord was what we would call, multi-tasking, yet He was able to
devote full attention to each person somehow.
He said each person had a tree, and each tree represented their life
transformed by Him, and I asked for chapter and verse on that one. He
said, "You've read Psalm 1 for when you first knew Me you read it and
you told me you wanted to be like that, accepting the process within
that Psalm - That you would be as a strong tree planted by the rivers
and produce fruit that masses of people could be nourished from. I even
gave (Janny) a prophecy and vision to you about how your life and
marriage would be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, remember?
Each individual who desires it and will pay the price, is like that
Each tree was individual, yet part of the larger whole that made that
area the refreshing and peaceful place it was. As we walked I looked
down at the buildings and street there was such contrast with
overwhelming peace where I was among the brethren, but busy-ness and
people running around in their own strength, focused only on their lives
in the street...down on the street people were sweating and working so
hard just to get down the street as little ways in their lives.
Seeing me looking down at the street, the Lord
stopped walking so I did too, and He turned to look down at the street
and said, "Watch this." Suddenly many of the malnourished were now
turning to where they should have been all along, suddenly able to see
through the wall and even enter the area where mechanics greeted them,
and some saw and went directly for the small alley like path between the
buildings to climb the hill to us. It was like a light bulb went on, as
if they had been in a daze and suddenly awoke to what was real and what
they were looking for - it was amazing to watch for as they did,
suddenly what was important became clear to their eyes, and they made
abrupt and life-changing decisions.
And suddenly the mechanics and people joined us, emptying out the
area along the street they had been, now walking up the hill to be
welcomed by the Lord, whom they passed almost immediately to go to the
"Notice how many are coming to the river - for it is
In the river flowing from the Father's throne, in the close company and
relationship with others, you'll see more and more, as I've told you
before. Part of your call is to minister to the malnourished, to bring
them good food in a balanced diet, as well as to those already well-fed
but wanting to become more fit in Me."
As we walked He got quite serious, almost business like in His
matter-of-fact manner. He said: "Have you considered what will motivate
most of these people to come to this place to be cleansed and find
balance and peace, and then sit under their tree in wholeness? What do
you think has helped bring them to the moment of clarity in which they
suddenly understand what is important and are also willing to act on
that? Revelation? Of course; but what has caused many of them to seek
the Father for answers?"
"Remember when the Father told you in 2005 that in 10 years, this
year, you wouldn't recognize the country for what it had become? I tell
you the truth that in 2 years you won't recognize it again. What took 10
years to change this nation will be done, and much more, in 2 years
time, and this time the whole world is involved and won't be recognized
in 2 years. So what do you think is the reason all these people suddenly
have clarity about what is important to them, and to make them willing
to become serious about their walk with Me?"
And again I'm out of space for this week...stay tuned for the conclusion of the dream next
week...until then, blessings,
John Fenn and email me at
New CD/MP3 Series
Identifying and Understanding Your Energy Gifts, the 5-Fold, and How to Move in Them Part
2 completes the teaching on the energy gifts, and defines other gifts
including the 5-fold in proper context - not what you've heard before.
Going into the Old Testament which Paul quoted in his teaching on the
5-fold in Ephesians to gain cultural understanding, part 2 takes the
teaching on a person's gifts out of the auditorium and into normal
everyday life as intended. You'll have a more complete understanding of
who you are in Christ and confidence He is living through you in
everyday life, ordering your steps daily! (2 cd/MP3, $12/set or MP3 $10)
Minggu, 26 Juli 2015
Escape from Churchianity
Eight key lessons we learned from praying the 10:2b Prayer
Eight key lessons we learned from praying the 10:2b Prayer
July 26, 2015
The LK10 Vision is to see a vibrant family of Jesus within easy access to every person in every region and people group around the world. Is that your vision? Is there a region (your city? country?) or people group that is on your heart? That God has called you to? And, your heart burns to see people there come to be passionate followers of Jesus?
This prayer is, I believe, the single most effective action you can take towards that goal. In today's blog post, I want to share with you eight key lessons that we have learned from praying this one prayer for 15 years.
This video is hugely important! If you are part of the LK10 Community, please make time to watch this. Click on my picture below to get to my blog post. Then, scroll down to see the video...
July 26, 2015
The LK10 Vision is to see a vibrant family of Jesus within easy access to every person in every region and people group around the world. Is that your vision? Is there a region (your city? country?) or people group that is on your heart? That God has called you to? And, your heart burns to see people there come to be passionate followers of Jesus?
This prayer is, I believe, the single most effective action you can take towards that goal. In today's blog post, I want to share with you eight key lessons that we have learned from praying this one prayer for 15 years.
This video is hugely important! If you are part of the LK10 Community, please make time to watch this. Click on my picture below to get to my blog post. Then, scroll down to see the video...
Jumat, 24 Juli 2015
John Fenn, Spiritual Dream, Part 1
Hi all,
I had a spiritual dream with the Lord in it the other night, which is
very unusual, but it is worth sharing. I had been asking the Father
what was next, but didn't expect the dream, which was both now and the
I was a mechanic, like an auto mechanic, with a group of other
mechanics standing together in what seemed to be a paved parking lot,
just off a busy street.
The wall
As I looked out at the street I noticed a wall along the sidewalk,
but to us the wall was transparent, and to anyone on the street it
could also be transparent, but seemed to intimidate people. Some saw it
sort of hazy, to some it was solid, and to some it was clear.
Interestingly also to some it appeared from the street to be a wooden
privacy fence, to others a chain-link fence, to others glass, and to
others it seemed like a wall of mere air.
I understood that there were Christians who saw the fence in
different ways, with unbelievers seeing it in various forms of solid and
opaque, yet the opening to join us was wide and easily accessed.
Some would stop and look through the wall at us and then continue on
with their busy lives, errands, and such. With one person I could see
they were thinking about turning in, but somehow knowing their thoughts,
I knew they said to themselves, 'Later'.
The mechanics
Though I didn't know my fellow mechanics, I knew we were on the same
team. Some were however blind to me, centered on their project while
ignoring others, even when I expressed genuine interest in what they
were doing.
Some wanted to fellowship but only on a very light level, and some
would come over and ask for advice about how to fix something but never
wanted to get to know me deeper or be involved in my project. Some just
wandered around taking small parts from other mechanics, like a
wandering shop lifter, and one time a mechanic who had just had
something taken from his pile of parts looked up at me with a smile as
the thief that we both saw do it, walked away.
Like most spiritual dreams (at least for me) I didn't realize it was a
dream until our boss walked up and I realized it was Jesus and I was in
a dream. He was the Master mechanic and knew everything about what was
going on, and would join us watching cars and people pass by, a scant
few turning in now and then to talk and get help from my fellow
mechanics. It struck me that the Master Mechanic was wearing the same
blue coverall the rest of us were wearing which was somehow comforting
and humbling at the same time.
The car
Then a car slowly pulled in and rolled up to me, and as it slowed to a
stop the woman driving asked for directions to her new home, a
campground nearby. The campground was a temporary home until she went to
her permanent home she said, and somehow I knew the campground was
CWOWI and my home too, and heaven was our permanent home.
At that point for some reason I looked up and to my left, and saw a
tree covered hill behind that was maybe a block or less in distance from
the mechanic area where we were. In fact the hillside started rising
just outside the back wall/fence of the mechanic area though getting
there meant going out and around.
The campground
The trees were huge and solid and healthy and provided wonderful
shade, and there was grass and a sense of peace when I looked that
direction. It puzzled me that it could be seen from the street, and yet
was obscured because of buildings in the city, as was the path up to it
unless you looked for it.
The car was shiny red and in good shape on the outside, a 2 door
hatchback without air conditioning or anything extra at all. This was an
old car with no airbags and one of those very thin hard steering wheels
from the 1970's, a stick shift, vinyl seats and it was dirty inside.
The contrast between the appearance and the reality of what was inside
struck me profoundly, but I didn't have time to linger on those
The woman and the girls
The driver was a woman who had dirty blonde hair, and she was gaunt
and tired looking, reminding me of an addict due to her sunken eyes and
gaunt face. In the back seat were 2 girls, twins about 9 years old, who
looked exactly like their mother in every way, equally gaunt and tired
looking. As she asked directions to her new home the Master walked up
and she stopped mid-sentence, the scene frozen in place as He said:
"The girls are Wisdom and Knowledge, and they are malnourished. Their
mother represents much of the church. She (the church) cannot feed
Wisdom and Knowledge because she herself is malnourished and has been
wandering around to this place and that, feeding herself on little more
than junk food to the point she has become malnourished, exhausted,
road-weary, and has come to the end of herself. The three are actually
one; that is why they are identical to each other."
He continued: "Now, only now, is she willing to lay aside all that
seems good on the outside but is rotten on the inside, to search for a
home in which to settle. In days past she has passed by here many times
as she chased the spectacular, thinking that was supernatural, but was
slowly becoming malnourished. Now, only now, is she willing to settle
down to begin consuming what she was supposed to all along."
"I want you to go with them, and escort them to the campground though
it is within walking distance, as you know." And as He ended His
sentence the scene 'unfroze' and woman seamlessly continued her
sentence, unaware the plans heaven had made for her as she talked and
asked directions. I thought to myself how ironic the Master was standing
right there next to me yet she didn't see Him.
I told her I would go with her and take her to the campground, and
she slid over and let me drive. I didn't fit at all, my knees were
scrunched up and the headroom wasn't enough, symbolic I realized that I
don't fit in the traditional auditorium nor fad elements of Christianity
but was charged with helping her transition out of it.
We drove out across traffic, turned left for about 1/2 block, and
drove up the alley between 2 buildings - the buildings represented
structures built by man and religion that actually kept people from
experiencing God.
At the campground
The campground was up a hill though the little car made it with
determination and purpose. We could look down towards where we had been,
and the Master Mechanic looked up at us and smiled. I remember seeing
the woman and children looking at Him and smiling, their smiles saying
they were at last home and at peace, and eager to become healthy.
The campground was full of mature trees, grass, and was cool and
refreshing. The girls saw a running river so pure and clean on the back
side of the hill that was impossible to see from the street as the hill
and trees blocked seeing it. They got excited and wanted to immediately
jump in and get cleaned up, and they left the car immediately to run to
the river.
Their mom wanted to get cleaned up in the river too, but first she
said to me, "Thank you so much for bringing me here. I have nothing to
thank you with but myself, and you can have me if you want." I was
horrified and quickly got out of the car, telling her that what I have I
share freely, just sharing what the Master Mechanic had taught me.
She seemed embarrassed by her proposition, and got out and walked
slowly to the river, sheepishly glancing at me one more time as she
walked. As she did so I realized that was just part of the world still
hanging on her and she knew no better, and because we were still in the
car when she said that, it was a type of the church somehow (and
thankful she got out).
Just then I turned and looked down the hill towards the Master
Mechanic who had watched and listened to it all, and was looking up at
us with a smile.
He looked at me and said, "The church has long prostituted herself
through the centuries in different ways, but there have also always been
those who have refused to do so. These have never been malnourished,
having always fed themselves on the things of the Spirit and sought
wisdom and knowledge in Me..."
Sorry to cut Him off mid-sentence - out of room.
Dream continued next week, including the
prophetic part...until then, blessings,
John Fenn and email me at
New CD/MP3 Series
Identifying and Understanding Your Energy Gifts, the 5-Fold, and How to Move in Them Part
2 completes the teaching on the energy gifts, and defines other gifts
including the 5-fold in proper context - not what you've heard before.
Going into the Old Testament which Paul quoted in his teaching on the
5-fold in Ephesians to gain cultural understanding, part 2 takes the
teaching on a person's gifts out of the auditorium and into normal
everyday life as intended. You'll have a more complete understanding of
who you are in Christ and confidence He is living through you in
everyday life, ordering your steps daily! (2 cd/MP3, $12/set or MP3 $10)
Rick Warren: My Small Group Pulled Me Through
“I wouldn’t be standing here today talking to you if it wasn’t for my small group.”
10 Ideas for a Great First Small Group
10 Ideas for a Great First Small Group
Practical tips from Mark Howell on how to keep your first-timers coming back for more.
2. Plenty of food goes a long way in making your first meeting a relaxed time together. But…make it easy for everyone to bring something. You might be tempted to supply it all, but don’t. Asking each person to bring something to the first meeting helps ensure turnout.
3. Encourage everyone to come a little early and plan on “grabbing a bite together.” There isn’t a one-size-fits-all prescription, but allow at least 30 minutes hangout and eat together time (i.e., if you’re meeting begins at 7:00 p.m., plan on hanging out until 7:30 p.m.).
4. It’s a good idea to have an icebreaker or two in your pocket for the hangout time. While it definitely helps to have a plate with food on it and a cup with something to drink in it, it’s still a little unnerving for many to have first conversations. Here are a few “while we’re eating questions”: Where did you grow up? If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Why?
5. Give everyone a 5-minute warning that “we’re about to move into the living room and get started.” When you get settled, let everyone know that “we’re just going to use tonight as a way of getting to know each other a little better.”
6. This is a great time to ask a few “get-to-know-me” questions.
- Would you describe yourself as more of an extrovert or an introvert? Give an example.
- Would you describe yourself as a structured, “just settle it” kind of person? Or more of a play it by ear type?
- Are you a hugger? Or a non-hugger?
- What motivated you to sign up for this group?
- What are you most hopeful you’ll gain as a result of being in the group?
- What are you most afraid of (in terms of the group)?
9. Distribute copies of the study you will begin at your next meeting. Collect any payment that your group members have ready. Ask any who were unprepared to bring payment next time (Important: If there is anyone in your group that cannot afford to pay, have a way to help.)
10. Pray to close the meeting. Make it really simple. Ask, “Is there anything we can be praying about for you personally? There may be times when we pray for those who aren’t part of the group, but today, let’s keep prayer requests focused on just group members.” Write down any prayer requests. Close with a very simple prayer.
Mark Howell serves as
Pastor of Communities at Canyon Ridge Christian Church in Las Vegas, NV.
He founded, offering consulting and coaching
services to help churches across North America launch, build and sustain
healthy small group ministries. He spent four years on the consulting
staff at Lifetogether and often contributes to ministry periodicals such
as the Pastor's Ministry Toolbox and
More from Mark Howell or visit Mark at
Gospel-Centered Community or Christian Social Club?
Gospel-Centered Community or Christian Social Club?
In the midst of
something you and others enjoy, there is the potential that your group
could be missing the most important aspect of community life—the gospel!
Life in a small group community can be a fun, challenging, growing,
difficult, and learning experience. These words provide a glimpse into
the reason we keep showing up to our friend’s house on Sunday evenings,
week-after-week, month-after-month, and possibly year-after-year. We
desire to do life together with other believers.
Consistently gathering together with others who are experiencing
life at the same harried pace you are offers us comfort, a moment to
catch our breath and realize that we’re not crazy, and a place we can be
known and accepted.
This is good! Yet the descriptive words that I tossed out a moment
ago may be clear indicators that your small group experience is really,
really good. Yet in the midst of something you and others enjoy, there
is the potential that your group could be missing the most important
aspect of community life—the gospel!
I’ve recently been reading through the Book of Acts, and it’s
caused me to wrestle with the question: What’s at the heart of a small
group? I’ve come to realize that most small groups fit into one of two
categories: either you’re in a gospel-centered community or you’re
participating in a Christian social club.
I’m sure that may seem a bit harsh at first, but the reality is
that whenever believers gather together for a season of time, we
gravitate to one side of the fence or the other. We either drift toward
fun-loving fellowship or to gospel-centered intensity.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a great group of
Christ-following friends. However, hanging out with Christian friends
alone is not enough to produce consistent, fruit-bearing, spiritual
Here’s what I mean:
- Your group is either seeking God’s truth together in the Bible, or it’s not.
- Your group is either seeking to allow the person of Jesus to be at the center of your meeting, or it’s not.
- Your group is either engaging with the work of Jesus on the cross to transform your hearts and minds, or it’s not
- Your group is either inviting the Holy Spirit to work in your lives, or it’s not.
This is not some legalistic plea to make your group more religious.
Instead it is submitting everything you are, everything you do, and
everything you face—to the feet of Jesus.
A gospel-centered small group community is centered on what the
name might suggest; the intentional practice of placing the gospel at
the center of every small group gathering. It really is about Jesus in
your friendships, in your decision making, in your parenting, in the
stewardship of your talents and treasures, in your pursuit of biblical
truth—in everything! Jesus and His transforming work are brought to bear
on all of life—the good, the bad, even the seemingly indifferent.
Does this describe your typical small group meeting? Or do chips
and salsa, fantasy football teams, and creative ideas from Pinterest
take precedent? Is the gospel of Jesus Christ the reason you meet? Is it
what fuels the week ahead? Or are social interaction, casual
conversation, and friendship at the true heart of your small group?
Lest you think this some anti-friendship, anti-laughter, or
anti-fun post, rather it is a challenge to consider what is truly at the
center of your small group?
Ultimately, we all desire and need genuine friendships and fun-loving interaction—but we need the gospel more!
Rob Bentz, is a pastor at
Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, CO and the author of The
Unfinished Church: God’s Broken and Redeemed Work-In-Progress a recent
release by Crossway. More from Rob Bentz or visit Rob at
Kamis, 23 Juli 2015
‘Persevere Under Persecution’ is helping to equip Iran’s growing house church movement
‘Persevere Under Persecution’ is helping to equip Iran’s growing house church movement
By Dan Wooding, Founder of the ASSIST News Service
IRAN (ANS – July 23, 2015)
-- A new series on SAT-7’s Farsi language TV channel is helping Iran’s
growing house churches “develop techniques of endurance,” equipping them
to persevere under persecution.
Presented by Rev. Albert Aslan
and Rev. Edward Hovsepian, two well-known Iranian-born pastors, God and
the Persecuted brings encouragement from Scripture and church history to
strengthen Iran’s Christian House Churches.
Mansour Khajehpour, Executive
Director of SAT-7 PARS, explains why: “If you accept Jesus Christ in
Iran, you keep this between you and your wife or husband. Around you,
there are spies who will betray you, so it has to stay in your heart.
People constantly lose their jobs, are disowned by their communities and
family members, kicked out of schools and work places, beaten on the
streets. I have the joy and honor of saying I personally experienced
most of those.”
“When anyone applies for work,
the first line on the job application asks for your religion,” he adds,
“You either have the choice of lying, which is not advised by the Bible,
or saying the truth and having no job.”
According to SAT-7, some 83
Christian men and women are currently known to be imprisoned in Iran
because of their faith. When they are released from prison, there will
be no work, and they cannot easily meet with other believers who might
themselves fear being arrested if they are seen associating with them.
Each episode begins with a
short look at one aspect of modern-day persecution, followed by an
examination of similar suffering in the first three centuries of the
Church – itself a network of rapidly growing house churches.
All of this, Khajehpour
explains, is seen in the light of teaching in the First Letter of Peter:
“So we show there has been pain and suffering but then there is the
reality of Church growth.” He says, “The series will focus on the key
reality that despite 2,000 years of persecution, like what is happening
in Iran, there are 2,000 years of church growth.”
all, the goal is to come alongside Iranian believers and help them
respond biblically to adversity and learn to draw on God’s grace and
strength. But Khajehpour hopes that God and the Persecuted will also
raise awareness about persecution in Iran and ‘call Farsi-speaking
Christians outside the region to remember the suffering Church and stand
with them through continuous prayer.”
Khajehpour closes: “Everyday as
a staff, the SAT-7 PARS team gathers together and prays for our
viewers. We want to have a message of reassurance that will give them
the peace of Christ and say ‘You are not forgotten. You are part of the
bigger Body of Christ and the rest of the Body will advocate for you, we
will pray for you, we will care for you, we will stand by you.’”
About SAT-7:
In 1995, Dr. Terence Ascott,
along with Middle Eastern Christian leaders and around twenty partner
organizations working in the region, launched SAT-7: The first Arabic
language Christian satellite television channel. The channel was a
pioneer in many areas, breaking ground for other ministries to follow.
In the years since its launch, SAT-7 has grown from a two-hour a week
broadcast, to a network of five 24-hour channels:
SAT-7 ARABIC (Arabic Christian
programming for every age group), SAT-7 KIDS (the first and currently
the only Arabic Christian channel for children), SAT-7 PLUS (The best
Arabic programming from the other channels, broadcast to a different
audience, over a different satellite), SAT-7 PARS (a 24-hour channel in
Farsi/Persian, with some programming in Dari for Afghanistan) and SAT-7
TÃœRK (Christian programming for 100 million Turkish-speakers in the
In a region characterized by
high illiteracy rates, media censorship, and limited incomes, anyone
with a satellite dish can turn on SAT-7 and hear the Word of God in his
or her language. Our viewers can join a global fellowship of Christians
within the privacy of their own homes -- a significant concern for those
who live in violence-stricken or oppressive environments. Audience
Relations Specialists are available throughout the region to counsel and
pray with viewers.
Photo captions: 1) A scene from
the new program. 2) Mushrooming satellite dishes are springing up all
over the Middle East. 3) Dan Wooding hosting his “His Channel Live” TV
For more information, please go to
the writer: Dan Wooding, 74, is an award-winning author, broadcaster
and journalist who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents,
and is now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he
has been married for 52 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Peter,
and six grandchildren who all live in the UK. He is the author of some
45 books and has radio and TV programs based in Orange County,
** You may republish this and any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (
Resources for your family
A way for your family to have a great conversation, and meet with God in a powerful way (without getting a babysitter!)
July 16, 2015
Hannah and Erik Kallio are LK10 Coordinators who live in Minnesota. They teach people our two "rhythms of attention" by leading Church 101 groups. In addition, Hannah has a special mission of "equipping family members to listen to God and to each other".
To help families, Hannah has designed a series of Faith Quests. "Every Quest is a recipe for fun, God-centered outdoor family time. Each has a different theme (Like rocks, stars, water, and wind). Each one includes activities that help you experience Biblical truth with your fives senses. They work for a wide range of ages, and you can spend as much or a s little time as you want on each Quest."
To find out more and to download a free Quest, click on the picture below...
July 16, 2015
Hannah and Erik Kallio are LK10 Coordinators who live in Minnesota. They teach people our two "rhythms of attention" by leading Church 101 groups. In addition, Hannah has a special mission of "equipping family members to listen to God and to each other".
To help families, Hannah has designed a series of Faith Quests. "Every Quest is a recipe for fun, God-centered outdoor family time. Each has a different theme (Like rocks, stars, water, and wind). Each one includes activities that help you experience Biblical truth with your fives senses. They work for a wide range of ages, and you can spend as much or a s little time as you want on each Quest."
To find out more and to download a free Quest, click on the picture below...
John Fenn, Why God is involved in...#2
Hi all,
week I shared how a category of sin at its core has to do with the
purposeful and withfull knowledge, rejection of God and all that is His
natural order. The
US Constitution states rights are given by our Creator and government's
job is to defend and define those rights. But some reject
that, believing government gives rights and can define them. Therein
lies the spiritual battle.
On a practical level
The rejection of God produces anger. Revelation 12:12 says Satan, the ultimate rejecter of God, has 'great wrath' he is spreading to the nations, and we are subsequently told in 11:18 'the nations are angry', so from here on out we will see anger being a part of society as we've never seen before.
we now see auditorium churches being forced to decide where they fit
socially, disciples will begin more and more gathering among themselves
in homes - the Father had told me earlier in June "The world is about to
change again" but I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Christians, sin, righteousness
we saw last week, there is a class of sin that at its root rejects God
even at the most basic level, His creation, with the result of God
turning a person over to experience the opposite of nature because
that's what they insist on. But
then there are Christians, people who say they are born again and love
God, yet embrace sin and a lifestyle included in this class of sin.
Where do they stand spiritually?
are 2 principles; First that we are to judge the fruit of a person's
life, not their heart. And the second is the concept it is possible to
be righteous in most areas of your life and unrighteous in another area.
the church at Ephesus as seen in Revelation 2:1-4, the Lord commends
them in verses 2-3 and then says in v4: "But I have this one charge to
make against you..." He
says similar things to the other churches, following the pattern of
commending them and then bringing up 1 or 2 things they are lacking.
people think a person is 100% righteous or 100% unrighteous, but
clearly that is not the case as seen above, and there would be no
mention of having our wedding garments without spot or wrinkle on them*.
The wedding garment is clean, but there may be a spot on it. *Ephesians 5:27
I Corinthians 3:1-15 Paul says some believers had envy, strife, and
divisions among them, revealing they were acting like mere (un-born
again) people. He said that was wood, hay, and stubble that would be
burned away, yet the rest would remain and they would be saved, just as
having passed through fire. The gold, silver, and precious stones of
spiritual reward would remain untouched by the fire of judgement.
if anyone reading this has been a child or knows a child, you know the
'perfect child' still has flaws - yet you don't kick them out of the
family. And if you work or have worked for a living you know there are
employees great in some areas and lacking in others, yet they aren't
fired. And remember the works of the flesh and fruit of the spirit
(fruit of the born again human spirit) of Galatians 5:19-25 is written
to Christians with the exhortation that if we walk in the Spirit we
won't fulfill those lusts of the flesh.
we've all been in a place where we love God and are walking with Him as
best we know, yet He is dealing with us about a certain thing in our
heart or life - we are righteous except in this area He is shining His
searchlight on that He wants us to deal with. So
settle it no person enters heaven 100% having arrived - we will stand
before Christ and some things will be burned away, and some will stand -
meaning we live life that way too, ever growing towards Him but not
are to judge the fruit of a person's life, not their heart. In Jesus'
famous exhortation on false believers in Matthew 7:1-23 He starts in v1
saying we aren't to judge lest we be judged. That is talking about a
person's heart, for in verses 15-20 He talks about judging false
believers by the fruit of their lives. He said grapes aren't gathered
from thorn bushes, so know that false believers will say one thing but
live another way.
continues saying to a group of people who called Him 'Lord, Lord', who
claimed to have prophesied and cast out demons in His name, "I never
knew you: Depart from me you who practice lawlessness."
isn't about believers when He said "Not all who come to me saying,
'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven" - as He said, 'I never
knew you'. Never means never - these people were never born again, and
in fact He is providing a glimpse at their judgement as He sums up His
teaching on false believers.
What is the solution?
a person is truly a believer, I John 3:2-3 says "Beloved, NOW are we
the sons of God, but it doesn't yet appear what we will be, for when He
appears we know we will be like Him for we will see Him as He is.
Everyone who has this hope in themselves purifies themselves..."
- he is talking about believers who hold close and dear the fact (#1)
they are a child of God, and they are eagerly looking forward to seeing
Jesus (#2) - so the result is (#3) their life is one of constant
you see believers whose lives are not constant growth while holding the
hope of seeing Him in glory, then you look at the fruit of their lives -
aware it isn't up to us to judge their heart - but judge the lifestyle.
What if....?
What if you hear of a Christian who says they just want to be accepted for who they are and love God with the rest of us?
kingdom works by revelation, starting with the foundation of seeing
nature and knowing there is a Creator, and going from there, the highest
revelation is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, as
revealed to Peter in Matthew 16:16-18. Jesus called Peter a petros, a
small throwable stone, but said upon the rock, the mountain, of
revelation that He is the Christ, He would build His church.
prayers of Ephesians 1:17-23, 3:14-19, and Colossians 1:9-12 were all
asking the Father to give them 'the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in
the knowledge of Him, that the eyes of your understanding would be
enlightened...', 'spiritual wisdom', and to be 'strengthened in your
inner man by His Spirit' so they could know the love that is beyond
knowing in the natural - it is all about receiving personal revelation.
whole kingdom works by revelation, so for those in sin we ask the
Father give them revelation and that He would draw them close.
Gather with those
who hold the truths of I John 1:1-3 close to their hearts, as they are
also purifying themselves as they look for His glorious appearance.
Separate from those who love the world and don't hold these things close
to their hearts - even if you have to meet at home, with family, or
with just 1 other person on this same spiritual page. Start a family
based, home based church in your home...consider it.
I have a quote from a Roman official from around the 2nd century
writing to another official about the new wave of persecution against
Christians. He said something to the effect of, "It's good to see the
temples full again now that we've started this new effort against
Christians." Are you ready to go underground?
Next week my spiritual dream. Until then, blessings,
John Fenn and email me at
New CD/MP3 Series
Identifying and Understanding Your Energy Gifts, the 5-Fold, and How to Move in Them Part
2 completes the teaching on the energy gifts, and defines other gifts
including the 5-fold in proper context - not what you've heard before.
Going into the Old Testament which Paul quoted in his teaching on the
5-fold in Ephesians to gain cultural understanding, part 2 takes the
teaching on a person's gifts out of the auditorium and into normal
everyday life as intended. You'll have a more complete understanding of
who you are in Christ and confidence He is living through you in
everyday life, ordering your steps daily! (2 cd/MP3, $12/set or MP3 $10)
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