Kamis, 23 April 2015

Can Cimmunity be Virtual?

Our big experiment:  Can community be virtual?
April 20, 2015

We know that meaningful community results when people connect on a heart level.  (“Checking in” using SASHET is one practical way to do this.)  We know this works when we are face to face with each other (as in a house church gathering or at a conference).  But, can meaningful community develop when we are only connecting virtually as in a Google hangout (similar to Skype)? 

We've been experimenting with these hangouts for 18 months and I want to share with you what we've learned.  And, if you are leading or planning to lead a small group (house church, etc.), I want to share with you how this may greatly benefit your life and ministry.


Come over to our blog to learn more... http://www.lk10.com/our-big-experiment-can-community-be-virtual/

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