Radical Repentance
“‘The stone which the builders rejected has become
the chief cornerstone,’ and ‘A stone of stumbling
and a rock of offense.’”
1 PETER 2:7,8
The people to whom Jesus preached already had their own ideas about what
the Messiah would do, and what His Kingdom would look like.
Unfortunately those ideas were utterly wrong. So Jesus said they needed
to repent: to change their heart, to change their mind, to change their
behavior, and to get ready to experience something that went totally
against their preconceived ideas and notions.To enter the Kingdom of God and to know the King around which this Kingdom is organized requires a radical change on many levels. The way you perceive things, the way you relate to things, the way you understand things – all of it has to be changed. At the very least it must be challenged.
Source: The Irresistible Kingdom by Chip Brogden
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