Complete in Him
“You are complete in Him.”
The truth is that you are no more complete in Him today than you were
when you first received Him, however long ago that may have been. And
you will never be any more complete in Him than you are right now. You
are complete in Him – of course, in yourself, you are far from complete,
but that is not the issue. “In me” I am growing, learning, struggling,
and maturing. But the issue is not “me.” The issue is, “not I, but
With less of me, there is more of Him. That is why we say that true
spiritual growth is not more knowledge or increase of years. It is
simply more of Christ and less of me. This is only the decreasing of
Self which makes way for the increasing of Christ (John 3:30).
Eventually we will view every weakness of ours as an opportunity to see
Christ revealed as Strength. Every momentary “lack” is an opportunity to
see Christ as Infinite Supply. For this is the Will and Purpose of God:
that Christ may
be All in All.
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