Rabu, 27 November 2013

A Religion of Fear

A Religion of Fear

by Chip Brogden

Q: “At times waves of fear wash over me… if I am still in the system, will I miss the Rapture? I am slowly going out of the system and I am praying that the system is taken out of me. I love Jesus with all my heart and only want to follow what He asks me to do.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all follow the Lord and let Him lead us, without being hindered, or distracted, or held back, or intimidated, or fearful, because of something that the Church taught us, or something the preacher said?
So here’s the fear in the question: will I miss the Rapture? That’s another example of fear. Instead of love and hope and joyful expectation for the return of Christ, Religion has produced this fear in you. It’s like a black cloud hanging over your head, turning what should be a joyful thing into a fearful thing. I don’t blame you, I blame the religious system. Fear is the fruit of that religious system...

Click here to read the rest of this answer...

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