Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Identifying and Developing Leaders

Identifying and Developing Leaders How do you equip and deploy the leaders you need in your new church?

Identifying and Developing Leaders

Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him . . . ~ Acts 16:3a
READING: II Timothy 1:3-14
Our speaker for the evening service was a new graduate of our EMT course (Equipping for Ministry Training). Eighteen months before, he had been petrified to speak in front of other people. Now he confidently and competently challenged us from God’s Word. He’s a future leader in our church.
How do you equip and deploy the leaders you need in your new church? Very carefully! And there are no shortcuts. You should bring godly, mature leaders with you as part of your church planting team. God may send you ready-made leaders, but growing your own takes time. I know of no “formula,” but over the years God has shown me a number of ways that help identify and develop godly leaders.
One-to-one discipleship is essential. I’ve put together three separate one-to-one training courses: the basics, a focus on our church’s values, and a more advanced study of God’s character. Working one-on-one with a man helps equip him.
I use a monthly men’s group as a “fishing pool” for leaders. The stated purpose for the group is to become godly men and to share our lives with one another. We study God’s Word, read books together and pray. It’s very casual. Some of the men show potential for future leadership, others do not, but we all grow spiritually.
We’ve developed a formal leadership course where men commit to 16 months of bi-monthly classes, with practical homework assignments. We try to equip them in one-to-one discipling, small group dynamics, evangelism, and studying and teaching God’s Word.
And of course there’s no substitute for on-the-job training. Timothy learned from Paul as he participated in evangelism, teaching, and new church organization. Leadership is both “caught” and “taught.”
Lord, Show me your plan to discover, develop and deploy godly leaders. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more

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