Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Can't Find A Church

-Andrew Strom

If it's one thing I hear over and over from people, it is this. They
literally look everywhere they can think of in their town, and cannot
find a fellowship that seems in any way "right". Many will heap
blame on these people. But I am not one of them. What are you
supposed to do when you go right around a town and cannot find
good, sound, anointed teaching anywhere? What if you are left
with a choice of hyper-grace, prosperity, dead formalism or
anti-Charismatic "King James only"? Which one do you settle for?

For years I have been hearing this cry and it is only getting worse.
There simply seems to be a "famine" of the true word of the Lord
in many places. This is the overwhelming reason behind a lot of
the "Out-of-church" Christian phenomenon - no doubt about it.
We would love to hear your own experiences and comments on
this topic, my friends. Below is a message that somebody sent
me just this week on this very subject-

Tracy wrote:
"Hi Mr. Strom, I live in America.. Our churches (most of them are
in apostasy). My family & I always get hurt, persecuted because
of the calling on our lives and our stand for the truth... Each time
it hurts worse and worse, and we feel like we don't even fit in
anywhere. It has caused our kids, who are now grown, to not
even want to go to church. Where we live now, we are currently
looking for a place to worship and almost all churches here only
have church on Sunday Morning.. No service Sunday Night or
Wednesday night.. We need fellowship with true believers.

We have been in churches that seem like CIRCUSES (apostle
movement) where the Pastor insisted he was my "father" and
I was his "spiritual daughter" - weird.. We left and he threatened
we would not be blessed or doors would not open because we
left "his covering"! We've been at churches where the pastor was
blind and followed the flesh instead of the Spirit.. Putting demon
possessed people over prayer teams, etc.. Etc.. We have had
enough.. Been hurt because of our stand for righteousness...
To the point we are fearful of even connecting with a church ??

I know these are the last days but I am so disheartened. Will you
please pray for us? Offer any advise of wisdom you may have.
America and our churches are backslidden and it is seriously
so sad.. Where are his true people?"

ANDREW AGAIN:  As I said, it would be easy to blame the
people and call them "uncommitted" or 'church hoppers', etc.
But the simple lack of GOD in so many fellowships today seems
to be what is driving a lot of true believers away. How can they
be blamed for leaving? Does anyone have the answer? How many
others have similar tales to tell?

-PLEASE COMMENT on this topic at the website below-


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