Selasa, 03 April 2012

Submit, Then Resist

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore
submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
JAMES 4:6,7

So many times we try to resist, but we are defeated. Why? Simply
because we attempt to resist the devil before we have first
submitted ourselves to God. There is a proper order that must be
observed without fail.

First, we must understand the principle of God resisting the proud
but giving grace to the humble. This is the foundation of
everything we do. Second, the word "therefore" signifies that those
who learn this principle will act upon it accordingly. If they
understand the truth just stated, they will submit "therefore" to
God. Third, as a result of their submitting to God, they will find
the devil flees whenever and wherever they offer him resistance.

The word "flee" means "to run away in terror." How wonderful! How
delicious to see the devil running from us in terror, instead of
the other way around!

Source: "Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden

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