-Joyce Perdue.
The most extreme man in the church today is the man is the one who
stands on God’s Word alone.
He is the “voice crying in the wilderness” of modern churchanity.
It is he who dares to ask not, ”Is this okay? Can we “get away with
it”?”, but “Is this honoring to God Almighty?”
Here is one who refuses to engage in frivolity while the world slides to hell.
Here is the man who isn’t afraid to stand before men and be laughed
at; he is afraid only of standing before God and being condemned.
He stands for truth in a time of compromise.
He constantly searches out the Word of God and demands a “thus saith
the Lord” in a time of me-centered, watered-down, cotton candy
He believes that there is one way, God’s Way, and he is willing to
give up home, income, reputation…indeed, he is willing to give up all
that he has, all that he is…in order that it may be taught.
Here is the one who knows “doing for God” must grow out of “being with
God” and not the other way around.
Here is the preacher who isn’t afraid to “step on toes” or make
someone uncomfortable when the need arises.
He is one who will preach boldly against sin in all of its manifestations.
He is a man who constantly invites his Lord to “search me…try me…see
if there is any wicked way in me”.
He is one who knows Jesus wasn’t just “meek and mild” but also the
Lion of Judah Who was zealous for God’s house and he tirelessly seeks
to follow his Master’s example.
He is the husband, the father, who leads his family to go against the
world–no matter how unpopular, how uncomfortable the position–rather
than ride the flow that leads to hell.
Here is the young man who seeks out a woman of true loveliness, one
who loves God and shows much growth in godliness, rather than one
whose beauty is only skin deep.
The most extreme man in the church is the one who unfailingly takes
God at His Word and then, believing, acts on it.
He teaches truth even when persecuted for it.
He sees the times and, understanding the dangers ahead, beseeches God
on behalf of the people who are failing Him.
Here is one who will lose sleep to “stand in the gap” for his family,
the church, the nation.
He is not afraid of censure, of unpopularity,of ridicule but only of
displeasing his Lord.
He is one who has obviously ”been with Jesus”.
He knows intimately the throne of grace and lives at the foot of it.
He knows the Cross of Christ for he makes his home in its shadow.
He loves God and thus loves the unlovely–even those who would cause
him harm for his “extreme” positions.
Here is one to whom praying is as natural as breathing.
He is known in hell and hated for his prayers aren’t prayers for
personal comfort but for God’s will to be done–and then, when the
prayers are momentarily complete, he gets up and makes himself
available to be the instrument through which God’s will can be
One who knows sleepless nights spent crying out to God that He may be
known and honored among men.
A man who has absolute faith in God that His Lord is able to do all
that He has promised.
Here is a man to whom the thought has never occurred to not “accept”
Jesus as His Lord.
One whom, knowing his own sinfulness, is humbled by the grace-filled
opportunity to serve His Lord in any and every fashion that God
bestows upon him.
A man to whom God Himself is more important than any other gift that
God could bestow.
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