Since June, several dozen people have been field testing a simple but powerful tool for spiritual growth and discipleship. At this point, our sense is that the Lord wants us to invite a larger group of people to engage in spiritual research around this tool through a 31 day experiment (The October Experiment). The tool or practice I'm referring to is called "CO2" or "Church of Two".
Please ask the Lord if He would have you join us in the Experiment.
The CO2 "tool" is revolutionary for at least two reasons. First, it establishes "rhythms of attention" instead of traditional discipleship programs. These "rhythms" are simple tools for paying attention to the heart - my own heart, the heart of one other person and God's heart. The initial results for people practicing CO2s have been very encouraging as we have seen significant personal transformation.
CO2s are also revolutionary because they form the basic building blocks for every larger expression of church. A house church made up of several of these daily pairs is immensely stronger than a group that meets just once a week. In addition, as CO2s multiply, starting new house churches can occur quite easily.
In order to facilitate a "community of practice" based around the CO2 concept, I'm starting a new blog called STORIES FROM THE REVOLUTION: Practicing CO2 for 31 Days. This is where you and I can reflect on what we are learning. (Have you seen the movie Julie/Julia?). The way you join The October Experiment is by signing up for this blog. See below for directions.
Interested in finding out more about The October Experiment?
Go to STORIES FROM THE REVOLUTION: Practicing CO2 for 31 Days: http://storiesfromtherevolution.blogspot.com/ On this site, I would encourage you to take the following steps...
Step One. Watch "An Overview of CO2 - Video"
Step Two. Read "The CO2 Flyer" (scroll down on right column). Feel free to make copies.
Step Three. Ask the Lord who he wants you to partner with for a CO2. Then, sign up in the box that says: "Your email address". (See the red letters in the right column EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS POWERED BY FEEDBLITZ.)
That's it! You can begin your CO2 at any time. On October 1st, I will begin sending a short daily report on what we are learning. You will be able to add your comments about the things you are learning.
The October Experiment is open to anyone who is interested. Consider inviting the people in your house church to join us.
Questions? Hit "reply" and I'll try to help.
Your brother,
John White
Team Leader
LK10: A Community of Practice for Church Planters
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