Gods Recipe For Organic Church
by Terry Somerville www.totalchange.org
Eating organic food has become a big industry in recent years. For a while the word "organic" was used to trick the public into paying more with getting the real thing. Now there are government guidelines in labeling "organic' food.
In the last few years there's been much talk about returning to the "organic" church. But what does that mean? Many regular churches are using this term to attract members. Now (somewhat tongue in cheek) I'd like to suggest some guidelines to using the term "organic church".
Guidlines To organic Labels in The Church
The Organic Church Is Not Genetically Modified - It Has Pure DNA
For centuries church life has been planned and preprogrammed down to tiniest detail. The church's DNA has been modified in the petrie dish of institutionalism. Such manipulation of the core life of Jesus' gathered people is unnatural and "inorganic". In spite of occasionally creating monstrous plants, this modified DNA has resulted in chronic immaturity with little fruit bearing.
To be organic the church must have the unmodified DNA of Jesus controlling her life. Each plant growing according to the divine code within. Only then is the church truly organic. Unfortunately, most of her gardeners are trained in church genetics and refuse to take a "hands off" approach. To be labeled "organic" the life of Jesus must be allowed to freely flourish in His body.
The Organic Church Does Not Use Pesticides - It Has Natural Resistance
In the modern church, out of control plants ( young believers) and disruptive pests (sinners) are controlled by a herbicidal response and poisonous attitude. "Unsubmissive" or "You are not welcome here". No More! What may seem to be "a garden springing up in disorder" in fact allows God's life and natural immunities to start to work! Discernment, healing gifts, evangelism, encouragement, and many other gifts all wait dormant. When these gifts operate, believers will love the unlovely, resist sin, cast out devils, and save souls. Organic church life is a natural pesticide. In the organic church we embrace Christian life, weeds, pests, and all. To be labled 'organic" the church allows God's love to flow to problem people. It covers a multitude of sins.
The Organic Church Does Not Use Chemical Fertilizers - It Grows In The Compost of Life Recently, the futility of "seeker friendly" fertilizers has been noticed by church gardeners around the world. The "church growth" garden was all the rage but it produced an addiction to fertilizer, not to Jesus. These chemicals gave a spurt of enthusiasm but soon drained the plants of real life! This "hydroponic church life" is not organic, not genuine. We need real soil! Theres nothing like being dumped in manure grow Gods life! Away with the artificial church! To be labled organic, the church must grow in the compost of daily living.
The organic Church Has No Artificial Color or Flavor - It Is All (super) Natural!
In spite of the claims of spectacular signs and wonders, intensely dramatic prophecies and promises of the "greatest anointing", it seems that the plants in God's garden have not been doing well at all! But what do we expect? The recent spate of "heavenly" flavors tasted intensely artificial! Cheap imitations of the real thing, being sold by hucksters! ("Come and get it!") NO! It's time for God's people to get out of the supermarket and visit God's road side stand! Go organic! The organic church produces the best naturally ripened fruit and it tastes like nothing else on earth! Ditch the fake stuff and get into God's organic garden!
The Organic Church Has Free Range Believers - No Chicken Coop!
The church as we have known it, has been like a farming conglomerate. Every chicken owned and controlled! Sure you know the manager, but his job is to keep you in the coop! .... Force fed on a timer under artificial lighting! Lay that tithe! The real organic church has free range believers. Freely gathering together, but part of the larger flock. Eat naturally, sharing with each other, growing under the sun! Free to stretch and fly! (God's chickens can fly) To labled organic means believers are free to be part of God's entire garden and not bound. They are bound only by the law of love!
The Organic Church Has Biodiversity - It is Not A MonoCulture
Todays church farm is a monoculture. All may NOT contribute their ministry. All plants are expected to be the same. Sit there and grow! No variety allowed. If something different springs up in a church it is soon cut down. It is "unsubmissive".
In the organic church every plant is unique and contributes to the farm. It is encouraged. Each one contributes their unique gift as Jesus works through them. We are the 'planting of the Lord" and produce His abundance. This makes for stronger roots, rapid growth, greater strength, disease resistance and healthier variety of fruit! To be labled "organic church" every member participates, bringing their particluar flavor. Building each other up.
The organic Church Is Environmentally Sustainable
The modern church garden is coming to an end. It has exhausted the gardeners, stripped the soil, created chemical-resistant pests, become over run with weeds, and produces tasteless fruit. It is not sustainable. The world is not buying from this garden any more.
The organic church garden is coming into its own. It can grow in todays environment. It can adapt to a changing world. It thrives in crisis. It is simple. It is portable. It needs no budget or building or program. It is full of God's life. It is real and produces great tasting fruit. It just needs organic believers.
It is God's Organic Garden
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