The Floundering House Church
Has all the life gone out of your House/Simple Church? Are the numbers dwindling? Is your routine bordering on boredom?
I received two messages yesterday from people expressing concern about their shrinking House Church groups. I jotted down
a few thoughts which encouraged both parties. After doing so, I wondered how many others might be struggling in the same
way. Following are the tips that I sent them along with a LINK to a message I had broadcast a while back that was appreciated
by many.
I'm of the opinion that we Americans should be actively seeking the unsaved rather than filling our homes with "Churchians. "
When I read Felicity Dale's "Army of Ordinary People," that seems to be her message. Too often, Church people tend to create
mini-church, patterning themselves after a model which is failing miserably; the American legacy church. Too much detox is
required when we fill our House Churches (HCs) with people who were programmed buy a life in a traditional church program.
By nature, many in the HC feel we must have a living room liturgy...preaching , songs, child care, an order of service, etc. YUK!
The early church was much more into relationship than theology. How can we really expect our House Churches to succeed
by following the struggling traditional model, a statistical failure?
Another crowd-killer is that we fail to make multiplication a core value. People tend to pick a corner of the couch and stay there
passively waiting to be preached at. It's doomed to fail.
Still another killer is that we limit our "Church" activity to a prescribed time and day rather than making it a lifestyle. We may not
be able to "talk church" on the meeting day for all the kids and pets and noise in the house, BUT nothing should stop us from
having a men's breakfast, a couple's night, movies, picnics, coffee, etc. Too often, we share a couple of hours on Sunday - or
whatever our appointed Church day might be - while neglecting one another's lives; nothing different about THAT from which
we came.
Also - and this is HUGE - we tend to neglect the input of the apostolic ministry, usually because this was never part of our
denominational tradition, or we've seen it exemplified in a negative way. Those who have never experienced TRUE apostolic
ministry owe it to themselves to experience this gift of God at least once BEFORE making a decision. It's a page straight from
the Book of Acts and, trust me, it will revolutionize your group.
We've got to STOP inviting people to "House Church" and simply invite them over for dinner, a cookout...that sort of thing.
Why? Because most people we are inclined to invite already have a church and don't need another. If we are praying that Divine
Appointment prayer, asking the Father to send us that person of peace, those who accept our simple dinner invites will be thrilled
to come and will be appreciative of your prayers before they head home. If your motives are pure and you simply intend to bless -
NOT driven to build numbers - it will be a blessing to all. They MAY come back, but it's Ok if they "only" came to "get blessed."
Size doesn't matter! What matters is that the presence of Jesus is there and that He is exalted. Consider yourself FREE from the
numbers game. POOF...you're FREE!! Quality, not quantity, should be the goal.
Finally, pray about your group's purpose. What does the Father intend for it to be in the Kingdom? What is HIS purpose for your group?
Too often, we do what comes naturally. Let's do what comes SUPER-naturally. Let the Spirit lead.
Now, check out that article.
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
A servant of God
www.YourTown4Jesus. com
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