Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

What's better than SASHET?

Hasil gambar untuk face of a leader
What's better than SASHET?
May 3, 2015

Thousands of people around the world are now regularly “checking in” with each other using SASHET.  This  acronym is a handy way to remember the six main categories of emotions:  Sad, Angry, Scared, Happy, Excited, Tender.  “Checking in” is being practiced on a regular basis in house churches and small groups, in CO2s (churches of two), by husbands and wives, by families around the dinner table, by teachers in classrooms, by nurses with patients to name some of the most important venues.

Q:  So, what's better than SASHET?


This is a page developed by Barb Lidfors (LK10 Coordinator in Germany) to help us more accurately describe our feelings.  Here's an example for the "S" in SASHET:

SAD:           (often a reaction to what didn't happen)

UNHAPPY, discouraged, crushed, dejected, depressed, despondent, grieved, heartbroken, heavy, weary, disappointed, hurt, desperate

LONELY:  alone, abandoned, detached, isolated, cut off, deserted

EXHAUSTED: beaten down, tired, weak, listless, depressed, detached, withdrawn, indifferent, apathetic, low energy, deflated

To get your copy of SASHET 2.0  (you can make copies to share with your family and your house church), click here...http://www.lk10.com/whats-better-than-sashet/

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