Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Hyderabad, India Seminar on the Blessing of Early Church Practice

Hyderabad, India Seminar on the Blessing of Early Church Practice
Monday & Tuesday, August 5-6, 2013
These practices were part of what gave the early church the dynamic and vitality that the Lord used to turn the Roman world upside down. Join us as we explore these critical topics: 

1. The Lord's Supper Celebrated as an Actual Holy Meal 
2. Participatory Worship & Expository Teaching
3. Elder Led Congregational Consensus 
4. First Century Roman Villa Sized House Churches 
5. Timeless Apostolic Traditions 

The Lord's Supper: A Holy Meal

Why did the early church celebrate the Lord's Supper as an actual Holy Meal?
What are the future-oriented, prophetic aspects of the Lord's Supper?
What role does the Lord's Supper play in persuading Jesus to return?
How does the Lord's Supper create unity within a body of believers?
What are the fellowship aspects of the Lord's Supper?
Many people have expressed that they feel this to be the most significant session of the entire workshop!

Participatory Worship

If the words "each one" were taken out of 1 Corinthians 14:23 and replaced with the words "one only," which would better describe modern worship services? 
Participatory church meetings not only are the New Testament pattern, but are expressly prescribed. Related to church meetings, Paul declared that "what I am writing to you is the Lord's command" (1Co 14:37). Obviously, what we do when we assemble is very important.
What kinds of things should go on in participatory worship? 
Who is allowed to speak? 
Who can teach? 

How many different people can address the church? 

What about the kids; Are they to be in children's church or with their parents?

What size meeting was typical in the New Testament? 

Come and find out in this eye-opening study.

Elder Led Congregational Consensus

Did Jesus really mean that "the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and that the one who rules like the one who serves" (Lk 22:26)? The children and slaves were precisely those in Roman society who had the least authority. How does this apply to elders?
In this session, we discuss the relationship that ought to exist between a church and its leaders. 
Exactly where does the power lie? 
Who has authority over whom? 
What is the role of an elder or overseer? 
How does consensus work? 
We'll argue for leadership by consensus rather than simply command. You'll be surprised at what the Scriptures do (and do not) say concerning church government.

Timeless Apostolic Traditions 

Some 2,000 years later, how are we to view the way the apostles did things? 
Is the New Testament way of doing things merely interesting history, or did God intend for it to be normative for all churches in every age? 
This session will examine the various Biblical commendations and commands to churches with respect to the "traditions" of the apostles, as found exclusively on the pages of Scripture.

What: India Seminar on the Practice of the Early Church. Sponsored by Stephen David and taught in English by Steve Atkerson, Denton Elliott and Nathaniel Caouette of NTRF.

Where: Hyderabad, India

Registration:  Please contact Stephen David to register:
NTRF holds to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith poured into the wineskin of New Testament church practice. Our favorite statement of faith is the 1st London Baptist Confession of 1646.  We also hold to the inerrancy of Scripture, new covenant theology, the doctrines of grace and complimentarian roles for men and women.  

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