Some thoughts from Karla
Dear Friends,
For those of you who are "outside the camp"...
How many times do you catch yourself missing the things that "church" offers?
Especially this time of year, with the holidays approaching, it can be a lonely time for some who used to go to church.
Do you miss the singing, praise and worship, Women's ministry, Men's ministry, potluck dinners, preaching, tithing/giving, children's ministries, even listening to people giving "prophetic words" (just to name a few).
Ask yourself a question...
Are the "things" that I miss really ministering to the LORD or to ME?
Really look deep into yourself and ask this question.
"Church" for the most part gives you the mindset of Martha. Busy little Martha, trying to minister to others, much serving, and even fulfilling her own need to be needed; maybe even fulfilling a desire to be in charge (because she thought Mary should be doing more to help her).
How many of you can remember working your butt off in churches thinking, "Why isn't everyone else working as hard as me?"
But we see Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus, ministering to Him.
A lot of people write in and ask us what it means or looks like to minister to the Lord. I always picture Mary sitting quietly at Jesus' feet. She has no other person on her mind or any concerns other than sitting at His feet and listening, talking, sharing, and loving the Lord Jesus while He is right there in front of her.
Did she do this 24/7? No, of course not. Jesus went on with what His Father had Him to do, and Mary went on to do her daily things that needed to be done. But remember that she did take time out to sit at His feet and Jesus said this is what is needed.
So when you start to miss the things you once enjoyed so much in "church", remember where the Lord has brought you. Do not be like the children of Israel who always complained and wanted to go back to Egypt, thinking you had it better in "church".
There is a reason and a purpose for bringing you out. Let the Lord guide you in this new walk. Let Him teach you His ways - which are far better then your ways or the church's ways. And remember that the main lesson is: He will increase and I will decrease. This process is not an easy one but you have to go through it!
In Him,
Karla Brogden