Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009



Bacaan Firman Tuhan: Mrk 16:15-18, Mat 28:18-20, Kis 1:8

Perintah Tuhan merupakan barometer rohani orang percaya:
• Pergi ke seluruh dunia (market place)
• Beritakan Injil, percaya dan dibaptis.
• Memuridkan dan mengajarkan mereka semua yang Kristus ajar.
• Menerima kuasa Roh Kudus
• Mengutus orang percaya kembali melakukan hal yang sama.

Ini merupakan tanda-tanda setiap orang percaya tanpa kecuali (1 Ptr 2:9)

Apakah sekarang orang percaya masih mengemban tugas ini? TIDAK

Sebab telah terjadi “kecelakaan gereja”, saat terjadi pemisahan antara kaum awam (bodoh) dengan kaum rohaniwan (imam professional). Pemisahan ini terjadi untuk mencegah perkembangan bidat pada awalnya. Lalu Kaisar Constantine, menetapkan rohaniwan sebagai pemimpin “gereja”. Kurang lebih 16 abad hal ini telah berlangsung dan Iblis mencuri keimamatan yang rajani dari gereja Tuhan.

Ada bagian Alkitab yang terlupakan oleh banyak orang, yaitu saat Tuhan Yesus mati di atas kayu salib (Mat 27:50-51), tirai ruang maha kudus terbelah dari atas ke bawah. Ini merupakan tanda bahwa apa yang dikerjakan di atas kayu salib telah lunas. Dan kini kita semua dijadikan imam olehNya tanpa memerlukan “imam professional” lagi.

Apa yang menjadi kehendak Tuhan?
Ia mau supaya umatNya kembali menjadi Imam dan Raja di muka bumi. Agar terang dan garam dapat dilihat dan dirasakan oleh dunia maka kita perlu menjadi saksi bagi Kristus.

Apa yang perlu kita sadari?
1. Kita adalah ciptaan baru (2 Kor 5:15,17, Gal 2:19,20)
2. Kita adalah anak-anak Tuhan (Yoh 1:12), anak-anak Tuhan mengikuti kehendak BAPA (Rm 8:14-17)
3. Tuhan beserta kita sampai dengan akhir (Mat 28:20b)
4. Tuhan memberikan otoritas (Mat 28:18)

Apa yang perlu kita lakukan?
1. membuang pola pikir dan pola hidup yang “lama” (2 Kor 10:3-5, 1 Yoh 2:15-17, Gal 5:16-21, 24-26, Kol 3:5-9, Why 21:8)
2. Mengenakan atau memasukkan pola pikir dan pola hidup ilahi (1 Kor 13:1-7, Gal 5:22-23, Flp 4:8-9, 1 Yoh 2:5-6, 1 Ptr 1:14-16, Mat 5:48)
3. izinkan Roh Kudus memimpin hidup kita (Rm 8:14, Yoh 14:15-17, 1 Yoh 5:2-5)

Saat hubungan kita benar dengan Tuhan maka kita menjadi “orang percaya” yang normal di hadapan Tuhan.

Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Empower Others

Chapter 8: Empower Others

From "The Simple/House Church Revolution" Book.


We have discovered how easy it can be for every believer to be involved in the process of reaching, discipling, and gathering. These are not roles given to certain special ministers, but every person in Christ’s body gets to be involved. The role of leadership, then, becomes about empowering people in these processes.

The Kingdom of God is not a Top-Down Hierarchy

Our old paradigms of “leadership” will not do because they come from top-down, hierarchical organizations. This type of structure is not new. It has similarities to all man-made structures such as the military, governments, and community organizations. The basic premise is that someone is over some, who are over others, so that decisions can be made and passed down in an efficient and productive manner. This is, in fact, a necessary form of leadership for most organizations to have in order to survive. It allows for order so that each person knows his or her part to play.

However, this understanding of leadership does not serve the true nature of God’s kingdom. We know this because Jesus stated clearly that this type of leadership, associated with normal organizations, is simply not acceptable. He said it would not do.

Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you (emphasis added). Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:25-27 NIV

Jesus is doing more than challenging those who would use their authority abusively; he is describing the typical type of leadership that is used in human organizations where one person, by necessity, exercises authority over another. He says without reservation: “Not so with you.” This is not the type of leadership that will serve the purposes that God has for his people.


Because God’s kingdom is not a top-down, hierarchical organization. It is, instead, a living system. It is an organic network. It is a movement that is alive and led by God’s own Spirit. Jesus was not just dismissing authoritarian leadership; he was making it clear that typical, human-made structures and organizations will not serve God’s purposes. Our understanding of structures and leadership must shift entirely.

The Kingdom of God is a Living, Decentralized Network

Perhaps the best way to describe the alternative to top-down hierarchical organizations is the term “decentralized network.” This is a system that cannot be controlled because it takes on a life of its own. It describes living, organic systems as well as networks that informally and naturally grow and reproduce. Perhaps the best example of such a system is the internet itself. Who is in charge of the internet? Who is the president? Who are the board members? None of these questions fit because it is not a top-down hierarchy. It lacks centralized leadership. It is beyond the control of any one authority because it reproduces itself, grows, and functions like a living system. Yet, it has become the largest communication system in the world.

When Jesus said that we must not exercise authority the way that rulers and governments do, he was saying that, likewise, his kingdom was not to be put under the control of any human-structured organization. It is to be a living system, a decentralized network that could reproduce and grow at will. It is to take on a life of its own with every part involved in growing and reproducing. He was saying that this type of living system requires a completely different type of leadership.

What Type of Leadership Supports a Living, Decentralized System?

Jesus goes on to describe the type of leadership that would support his kingdom: servants who give up themselves to empower others. He is acknowledging that his kingdom, a growing, full-of-life organism, can only be supported by leadership that does not exercise top-down control in any way—by people who willingly give their lives to lift up others, to give authority to others, and to encourage others to grow and reproduce. This type of leadership is in the very DNA of successful, decentralized networks. It allows for the continual lifting up of the next, who lifts up the next, who lifts up the next. It facilitates unlimited, dynamic reproduction.

Shifting from hierarchical leadership to a serving and empowering type of leadership involves real change:
• From my control to trusting the Spirit’s control
• From displaying one's own gifts to revering the gifts of others
• From guiding to making room for the Spirit to guide
• From vision-leading to awakening the visions of others
• From priest to a company of priests
• From trying to be God's mouthpiece to helping others hear from God
• From titles and positions to servants of no repute
• From promoting my own ministry to promoting the ministries of others

Mike Steele describes the heart of leadership this way: "A weeping father crying out for his sons to overtake him."

Letting Go of Control is the Heart of the Matter

Hierarchical organizations, by their nature, require control mechanisms. This is the primary hindrance to God’s church in the world today. By letting go of our human control, and letting go of organizational systems that require this type of control, the body of Christ is released to move into its full potential as a living, reproducing movement.

As Henri Nouwen says:

The way of a Christian leader is not the way of upward mobility in which the world has invested so much, but the way of downward mobility ending on the cross... It is not a leadership of power and control, but a leadership of powerlessness and humility in which the suffering servant of God, Jesus Christ, is made manifest.

As we let go of control-type leadership and top-down organizations, we become ready to use leadership gifts in a way that serves and empowers the body of Christ to reach her full potential. Positions are not needed for this. Titles that lift one above another are not necessary. Leaders simply function, in servant-fashion, using their gifts to help others grow into fruitfulness.

A leader is one because he or she reaches, disciples, and gathers others. In this sense, all become leaders to some extent. Some may have a special ability (i.e. apostolic, pastoral, or evantelistic) to reach and gather many disciples. This leader is still in a serving capacity, lifting others. He or she does not need to be in charge of or “over” a ministry. Rather, this person simply functions by building up the body of Christ and reproducing his or her own ministry in others. Everything is given away: spiritual authority, recognition, encouragement, opportunities to minister and serve. This leader empowers others so well that his or her own ministry goes virtually unrecognized.

When properly understood, we can see that God’s purpose is to release a multitude of no-name, gifted leadership that will never be recognized yet who function in concert with God’s purposes to serve and empower others.

Does Letting Go of Control Mean Out of Control?

Somehow, we have lost confidence in God’s ability to lead and guide his church. There is an important role for empowering- servants (leaders) to play: reach out, disciple, gather, and then turn around and empower others to do the same. This is the lifestyle that God has called each of us to. We need empowering servants who flow in every level of giftedness described in Scripture. But we do not need organizational-style leadership, along with titles, status, or human control, for this to take place. The greatest church movements in history have been, seemingly, the most out-of-control. That is exactly where God is able to be the one in control.

Leaders who empower others, to empower others, who empower still others is the essential component needed to see the kingdom of God flourish and reproduce itself throughout the earth. Amazingly, God can lead all of his people as we do nothing more than lay down our lives for him and each other. As we let go of our human controls, Christ is able to be fully manifest through his people.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009



Apakah gereja?:
Sebuah gedung suci atau tempat kudus?
SEbuah denominasi?
Atau apa?

Kita telah menghidupi “system gereja” atau agama selama 16 abad (Kis 6:13-15, 7:44-50)

What is church? (1 Kor 6:19-20) US. Gereja dalam Perjanjian Baru dapat digambarkan seperti ini = emerging church, church in homes, liquid church, organic church.

Gereja seharusnya memiliki fleksibilitas tinggi (Mat 11:29-30)
Nubuat Yesus tentang Bait Allah (Mat 24:1-2)
Apa yang terjadi, Roma dipimpin oleh Titus pada tahun 70 M menyerang Yerusalem dan menghancurkan bait Allah.
INGAT: Saat Yesus mati di atas kayu salib apa yang terjadi dalam bait Allah? (Mat 27:51)
Semenjak kematian Kristus dan kebangkitanNya, Tuhan bertahta di hati kita, setiap orang percaya.
Tuhan menghendaki kita sebagai gerejanya menjadi church in action (1 Ptr 2:5, 9-10)
Tuhan menghendaki kita kembali pada rancangan aslinya bagi kita, yaitu kita sebagai imam dan raja di muka bumi. Adanya jabatan Imam diakibatkan bangsa Israel yang enggan untuk datang pada Tuhan secara langsung, sedang jabatan Raja disebabkan keengganan bangsa ini menjadikan Tuhan sebagai Raja mereka, mereka ingin memiliki raja seperti bangsa lainnya yang ada di sekitar mereka.
Dunia tidak akan pernah “terguncang” oleh monument atau denominasi gereja. Dunia terguncang ketika gereja bertindak/church in action. Siapakah church in action itu? KITA.

Holy Ground atau tanah kudus, adalah tempat “biasa” saja/umum, yang menjadi kudus diakibatkan oleh kehadiran Tuhan (Mat 17:2-6, perhatikan ayat 4). Tuhan tidak tinggal di gedung gereja atau sebuah rumah tetapi Ia tinggal di hati setiap orang percaya (mat 18:20)

Apa yang hendak kita capai dalam bergereja?
Menjadi agamawi? (Religion Kills)
Terjebak dalam ritual-ritual agamawi?
Melakukan apa yang orang lain/gereja lain kerjakan?

INGAT: Yesus tidak datang membawa religion/agama tetapi memulihkan relation/hubungan antara kita dengan BAPA (Kel 19:5-9)
Sayangnya manusia lebih suka “religion/agamawi” (Kel 20:18-21, perhatikan ayat 19)

Sekarang apa yang akan kita lakukan mnghidupi religion atau relation dengan Tuhan?

Gereja yang hidup memiliki relationship dengan Tuhan, sedang religion mematikan hubungan sebab bersandar pada hukum.
Anak dan Bapa dalam sebuah keluarga berhubungan berdasarkan relation atau hubungan kekeluargaan. Namun hubungan Hamba dan Tuan berbeda, mereka berhubungan sesuai dengan aturan perjanjian kerja.

Gereja yang hidup bertumbuh di dalam Kristus, melalui pembelajaran dalam kehidupan (pemuridan yang berlangsung seumur hidup) dan pengaplikasian Firman Tuhan dalam kehidupan, hidup dalam sebuah komunitas atau keluarga rohani dimana penatua-penatua menjadi orangtua rohani.
Gereja yang hidup adalah seperti sebuah keluarga yang sehat atau normal dimana mereka bereproduksi menjadi sebuah keluarga besar tanpa semangat “menara babel”. Gereja seharusnya menggambarkan keragaman dalam sebuah keluarga, seperti perihal gender, usia, bentuk tubuh, starta pendidikan, penghasilan dll. Kita sebagai keluarga akan menerima apapun perbedaan yang ada. Sedang “spirit menara babel” adalah denominasi/ denomination yang juga berarti satuan pecahan atau denom juga berarti the name, memiliki nama. Spirit menara babel adalah keseragaman dan bukan keragaman. Kej 11:3-4 sangat bertentangan dengan Amanat Agung Tuhan dalam Mat 28:19-20) dan pesan Tuhan melalui Rasul Paulus dalam 1 Kor 12)

Komunitas Gereja seperti Apa yang Tuhan kehendaki? (Kis 2:41-47)
Saat seseorang bertobat dan menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Raja dalam segala aspek hidupnya maka ia langsung dibaptis. Tidak ada altar call, yang baru diperkenalkan pada kita pada sekitar abad 18.
Semua bertekun dalam pengajaran Para Rasul, yang didasari dari Khotbah Yesus di bukit (Mat 5-7) dan diteguhkan di dalam Mat 28:20. inilah yang disebut sebagai Gospel of the Kingdom, Injil Kerajaan.

Praktek gereja mula-mula:
Ada fellowship dan makan bersama (perjamuan makan). Dalam budaya Yahudi bila anda makan semeja berarti anda dianggap “satu keluarga”, satu paham, sehati. Di atas meja makan “ayah” mengajarkan Taurat pada anggota keluarganya.
Berdoa bersama.
Adanya mujizat dan tanda-tanda.
Share and care one another.
Tekun dan sehati.
Makan = perjamuan, dimana kita membereskan masalah satu dengan yang lain sebelum “makan bersama”/kita mengenalnya “perjamuan kudus” , ini dilakukan setiap hari.
Gembira dan tulus hati.
Worship/penyembahan as a lifestyle bukan hanya “menyanyi lagu rohani.
Jumlah yang diselamatkan bertambah.

Gereja ditugaskan untuk menjadikan semua bangsa murid (Mat 28:18-20)

Doa Yesus pada saat sebelum kematianNya adalah bagi para muridNya, ini menunjukkan bahwa murid-murid merupakan prioritasNya. Ini merupakan “laporan terakhir pelayananNya di muka bumi” pada BAPA. (Yoh 17:9-10, 14-19, 20-23)

Gereja yang hidup adalah gereja yang memuridkan. INGAT: pemuridan tidak sama dengan kelas SOM/ bahkan kuliah theologia.

Teladan hidup

Jadi siapakah gereja? Church is us in Christ


Church is every day life

Sikap terhadap yang masih percaya kekristenan sebagai agama/religion (Rm 14:1-6,8)

Suara Tuhan dan gaya hidup Tuhan harus terdengar, terlihat dan dirasakan dampaknya oleh dunia.

Church must be a community shaker, a city shaker, a nation shaker, shakers of the nations.