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Gereja merupakan organisme yang hidup dan bukan sekedar organisasi buatan tangan manusia. Gereja harus di mulai di rumah tangga kita masing-masing dan bukan sekedar aktivitas religius belaka namun bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. Gereja harus jadi terang dan garam di luar dinding gedung gereja. Sebab gereja adalah kita
Senin, 11 Desember 2017
John Fenn,The Truth Behind Standing on the Word #1
Immanuel Evangelism: A life-changing encounter with Jesus
Immanuel Evangelism: A life-changing encounter with Jesus.
December 11, 2017
How were you trained to lead someone to Jesus? Share the Four Spiritual Laws? The Roman Road? Evangelism Explosion? Learn apologetics so you could answer all their questions?
In the short video below, Toni Daniels shares her experience of introducing a doctor in Uruguay to Jesus. This story is much more like Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9) than a purely intellectual conversation. We might call this "Immanuel Evangelism". Truly this man encountered "the God who is with us" and it powerfully changed his life. What if this became the new norm?
Click on the picture below to hear this remarkable story...
December 11, 2017
How were you trained to lead someone to Jesus? Share the Four Spiritual Laws? The Roman Road? Evangelism Explosion? Learn apologetics so you could answer all their questions?
In the short video below, Toni Daniels shares her experience of introducing a doctor in Uruguay to Jesus. This story is much more like Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9) than a purely intellectual conversation. We might call this "Immanuel Evangelism". Truly this man encountered "the God who is with us" and it powerfully changed his life. What if this became the new norm?
Click on the picture below to hear this remarkable story...

The Missing Ingredient
Minggu, 12 November 2017
John Fenn, Ed. or the Horse Jumping the Tricycle Incident of 1988- Relationships #6
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Now that we are done talking about the recent LK10 Conference (for now) and potential future LK10 Convergences (that's what I have started calling the mini-conferences that we're talking about, and I'm going to keep calling them that until someone stops me), it's time to invite you into ANOTHER experiment!
This week we're introducing you to a project that Matt and Toni Daniels are working on. As you probably remember from past conversations we've had with Toni, the Daniels' family has been involved in the training of missionaries, church planters, and house church leaders for years, and they've been South American missions (focused primarily in Uruguay) for even longer. They have their hands in a number of projects, but what they're really focused on right now is finding, empowering, and training apostolic leaders in and for Uruguay.
So instead of me saying a lot more about their work, I'm going to let them tell you some about what they're doing. First, watch this video from Matt. This video describes why they use the name "Geronimo" for apostolic leaders (those who train others in how to become vibrant families of Jesus), and what you can do to join the Daniels' search for Geronimos.

Second, print off the map of Uruguay at the end of this e-mail (let me know if you don't know how to print a picture from an e-mail and I can give you instructions or send you the file), hang it somewhere in your house (on a bathroom mirror, near your bed, or somewhere that you will notice it) and start praying 10:2b for Uruguay in all of the ways that the map says. The Daniels' and lots of other LK10 folks are already praying 10:2b using this map.
Remember at the top of this e-mail when I said that we are inviting you into another experiment? THIS is that experiment. We want to see what happens when we get as many people as possible focused on praying for vibrant families of Jesus and for apostolic Geronimos to pop up in Uruguay, as well as all of the things necessary for those to be sustainable. Check back in next week's newsletter and the Facebook group for more information.
This week we're introducing you to a project that Matt and Toni Daniels are working on. As you probably remember from past conversations we've had with Toni, the Daniels' family has been involved in the training of missionaries, church planters, and house church leaders for years, and they've been South American missions (focused primarily in Uruguay) for even longer. They have their hands in a number of projects, but what they're really focused on right now is finding, empowering, and training apostolic leaders in and for Uruguay.
So instead of me saying a lot more about their work, I'm going to let them tell you some about what they're doing. First, watch this video from Matt. This video describes why they use the name "Geronimo" for apostolic leaders (those who train others in how to become vibrant families of Jesus), and what you can do to join the Daniels' search for Geronimos.

Second, print off the map of Uruguay at the end of this e-mail (let me know if you don't know how to print a picture from an e-mail and I can give you instructions or send you the file), hang it somewhere in your house (on a bathroom mirror, near your bed, or somewhere that you will notice it) and start praying 10:2b for Uruguay in all of the ways that the map says. The Daniels' and lots of other LK10 folks are already praying 10:2b using this map.
Remember at the top of this e-mail when I said that we are inviting you into another experiment? THIS is that experiment. We want to see what happens when we get as many people as possible focused on praying for vibrant families of Jesus and for apostolic Geronimos to pop up in Uruguay, as well as all of the things necessary for those to be sustainable. Check back in next week's newsletter and the Facebook group for more information.

A Different Kind of (House Church) Conference - In With the New
You walk into the room. You've never been here before. The room is completely foreign to you. And yet somehow you feel completely comfortable here.
You look around. Out of the fifty or so people in the room, only a couple of people look familiar to you. Everyone else mills about chatting freely and comfortably, seemingly completely at ease, seemingly friends with everyone they see. And yet somehow you don't feel like an outsider.
Why? What is it about this group of people that makes you feel so comfortable, when the lack of familiarity in this situation should make you feel like running from this place to find a more familiar environment? Why does this group already feel like family?
You look around. Out of the fifty or so people in the room, only a couple of people look familiar to you. Everyone else mills about chatting freely and comfortably, seemingly completely at ease, seemingly friends with everyone they see. And yet somehow you don't feel like an outsider.
Why? What is it about this group of people that makes you feel so comfortable, when the lack of familiarity in this situation should make you feel like running from this place to find a more familiar environment? Why does this group already feel like family?

Last week we talked about what a normal Christian conference looks like. Except for content, most Christian conferences look incredibly similar to any other conference. Large, loud, full of big-name speakers and big-name bands. Calls to action but very little actual practice. A lot of listening to experts, not a lot of listening to Jesus. And the entire thing costs thousands (if not millions) of dollars to put on, and hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of planning by more experts.
This week, we're exploring why the recent LK10 conference was a different kind of conference. And part of what makes it a completely different kind of conference is that, in order to host one, you don't have to be an expert. You don't have to have a lot of money. You don't have to hire big-name speakers. You don't have to hire big-name bands. You don't have to be a master planner.
Sound extraordinary? That's because it is. Watch the video (click on the picture above) to hear John describe the main reasons it works, but here's the "cliffnotes" version.
First, it works because it isn't "come one, come all." In this conference, we aren't inviting people to come learn about LK10. We're inviting people who are already practicing church with us to deepen their practice with others who are practicing church in the same way. As John says in the video, "this is a conference for practitioners." This means that when someone is planning one of these conferences, they don't have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to get everyone on the same page, or place a lot of emphasis during the conference on helping people get caught up.
Second, it works because it doesn't have to be big. In LK10, we aren't hung up on the mega-church fallacy that "bigger is better." In LK10, family is better. Paying attention to and following Jesus is better. "Bigger is better" is another type of idolatry, and we've sent it packing along with the old way of putting on a massive show of a conference. So we will be doing another large conference next Labor Day (this year there were 50 people, maybe next year there will be 100), but it would be easy to host a similar regional conference in your living room with far fewer people. Maybe 20. Maybe 10. Maybe 5.
As you can tell, we are pretty excited about this, and we want to know if you are excited too. If the idea of hosting a regional conference excites you, please let us know. And as always, come over to the Facebook group for more conversations!
Rosten Callarman
LK10 Communications Coordinator
John Fenn, The Ways of Righteousness #1
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