Senin, 16 Mei 2016

10:2b answer in Nashville. "Wow! That was easy!"

10:2b answer in Nashville.  "Wow!  That was easy!"
May 16, 2016

The LK10 Community is a "community of practice" for small group (house church, etc.) leaders and church planters.  An important part of this Community is telling stories about what we are learning.  And what we are seeing the Lord do.  Here's an encouraging story from Toni Daniels, who is the LK10 Coordinator for Uruguay.

The Power of Praying Luke 10:2b
These last few years of ministry I have decided to let God do the heavy lifting, and my job really has become a joy!  Here is an example of how easy it has become.
Just two weeks ago, in addition to coaching leaders in Uruguay, I sensed Papa God leading us to multiply our little house church here in Nashville and begin a network of house churches here where we have been planted.  I know, I know, crazy, right? We realize that church planting is in our blood, it is who we are, and it is the way we live our faith, in homes, at schools, and in our work places.  And, honestly, while we appreciate, love, and support the local churches around us, Matt and I have been made to reach those who will never enter a church building.
So, where did I begin?  I began with Luke 10:2b, "Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."  I committed to sense Jesus' heart for Nashville and pray that He would somehow send out "laborers into His harvest."
Just two days later, I was contacted by a lady out of the blue. She had found my name on the Immanuel Approach network website and was looking for someone who practices Immanuel Prayer.  She had also just bought my book, Back to Joy and was sensing that, maybe, I had something she needed. It turns out that a few years back, she actually led a small group on listening to God, and my parents were part of that group!
So, I called her to listen and see what God was up to. As we talked about trauma recovery and the role of joy-filled community, this long-time church member and leader realized that what she needed most right now in her life was joy-filled community.  The idea of a group of people committed to sharing their emotional lives with each other and listening to Jesus together and following Him on mission was like water to her thirsty soul!
As we quieted ourselves and listened to Papa on this, we were amazed at what we each individually heard.
She shared first. "I sensed the words, 'Your life is never going to be the same again.' I also heard, 'I will draw people like moths to a fire.'"
I was surprised to say the least.  That was very similar to what I had sensed!
I had sensed a black canvas stretched as far as the eye can see. Then there was a little flame where my house was, and a little flame where her house was.  My new friend lives almost an hour away from where I live directly across Nashville to the north. 
Then, as I asked Jesus what that meant, I heard, "I am calling out all of those who listen to my voice and sense my presence." And as He spoke, flames began to light up all over the black canvas until there were too many to count!  My chest expanded and tears came to my eyes.
We felt as if we were on Holy Ground! We decided to begin the four week Church 101 course through LK10 Communities. On Friday, we will have our first meeting via skype because we are so far away from each other.  The amazing piece to this is that a few others are going to join us as well, my parents included!!!
Wow!  That was easy!  I prayed, and the Lord of the Harvest sent me someone who is well prepared to start a house church in their home!  I love my job indeed!!!!
(I also just finished up a Church 101 course with a church leader in Asuncion, Paraguay, and two church planters in Spain! Absolutely amazing!)
What Kind of Laborer Do We Pray For?
Those of us trained with LK10 Communities are devoted to praying Luke 10:2b daily for our region.  We take Jesus' command to "beseech" or "pray earnestly" very seriously. In fact, it is our primary job as the "sent ones".  But, what kind of workers or laborers are we praying for?
First, we are praying for a "house of peace", or a family that is completely ready to start a house church.  I think of Cornelius's household, how the apostles were not even "trying" to evangelize this family, but God had prepared them and led Peter directly to them.  Perhaps Peter had even been praying Luke 10:2b when the vision happened! What we do know is that both had been listening to Papa God, and God, Himself orchestrated their meeting.
It truly is the Lord of the harvest who sends His workers into the harvest.  It is not my job to search for, beg, or coerce people to join the labor force! Whew! Thank God!
The second type of "worker" we are earnestly seeking God to send out are apostolic church planters, men or women who are called and gifted by God to plant multiple churches. Paul's conversion comes to mind, and I laugh at God's amazing plan.  The disciples would NEVER have said, "Hey, it would be a great strategy to witness to Saul and try to convert him. He would make a great church planter."  
Instead, I think they were scared to death of him and would never in a million years think that He would follow Christ.  But God had other plans. And, as Ananias was listening to Jesus (possibly even praying Luke 10:2b?) God sent him to Saul.  Amazing!
So, I am praying a lot these days, and listening to Jesus, trusting Him that it is His harvest, that He has not abandoned it, and that He is thrusting out workers into this harvest.  My job is to listen and follow Him to the people He has already prepared, or just answer the phone when they call!  That is not burdensome, and it is a joy!
What Is the Harvest?
So many people think that God's harvest are souls of people getting saved.  But we with Comunitas International (formerly Christian Associates) believe that the "harvest" is God's Kingdom characteristics in the world around us.  It is Jesus' seeking and saving all that was lost in our world: wholeness, peace, mental health, emotional health, unity, etc. Mankind lost all of this and much more at the fall.  God is on mission seeking and saving ALL that was lost, within us, around us, between us. People getting saved are the workers being sent out, not the harvest itself!
When we walk into our world filled with joy, peace, shalom, love, etc., we have the power to find, and draw out those characteristics in the people and lives around us.  We call it forth.  We join Jesus on Him mission.  We are "harvesting" God's kingdom every time we live from the identity we have received from our Father, every time we let God deeply enjoy us and then live out of that fullness.  His Kingdom is, in fact, all around us, the harvest is full.  it is our job to help the world see it by naming it, calling it forth and feeding our souls with it!                             
                                 *  *  *
Is God inviting you to step into praying Luke 10:2b?  If not, don't feel bad.  It took me two years before I sensed my soul was ready to step into this great adventure.  But if you are ready, what are you going to do next?
Feel free to contact LK10 communities, or myself if you would like to go through the Church 101 four week training.
Filled with Awe in our Amazing God

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