Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

The Eternal Purpose

FrankViolaBlog - The Eternal Purpose

Posted: 28 May 2015 04:34 AM PDT
Ask the average Christian today, “What is God’s Ultimate Purpose?”
Most will give one of four answers:
1. To save the lost.
2. To make disciples.
3. To make the world a better place.
4. To glorify God.
According to the whole sweep of Scripture, each of these answers is incorrect.
Each answer points to an aspect of God’s Ultimate Purpose, but none of them constitutes His Ultimate Purpose.
They are all aspects of God’s Grand Mission, but none of them are the Mission.
The Bible uses a phrase to describe God’s Ultimate Purpose and Grand Mission.
It’s the phrase: The Eternal Purpose.
The Eternal Purpose goes way beyond saving lost souls, making disciples, making the world a better place, and glorying God.
Before creation and before the fall — when humans didn’t need to be saved, discipled, and the world didn’t need improvement — God had an Eternal Purpose.
Beyond creation, beyond the fall, and beyond redemption, but deep within the beating heart of God, was His Eternal  Purpose.
And He’s never let go of it. In fact, everything the Lord does is working toward His Eternal Purpose. It’s His “end game,” if you please.
God’s Eternal Purpose is the very heart of my ministry. Unfortunately, most Christians still have no idea what it is.
The Eternal Purpose is the subtext of each of my books.
And From Eternity to Here is 300-page opus unveiling the Eternal Purpose of God from Genesis to Revelation.

In 2010, I delivered a message introducing the Eternal Purpose at the Infusion Conference in DC.
I’m featuring the recording today for those of you who haven’t heard it yet.
My hope is that every serious Christian today will make discovering God’s Eternal Purpose a priority in their lives.
Next year (2016), I plan to release a new course entitled “A Deeper Journey into God’s Eternal Purpose.”
If you want to be notified as soon as it’s available, write an email to
In the meantime, spend some time with these . . .
Audios and Books on the Eternal Purpose

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