Exhausting Your Strength
“In my prosperity I said, ‘I shall never be moved.’”
PSALM 30:6
It should be obvious that God will not give us grace while we are still
proud. Why? Because He will allow no flesh to glory in His presence.
When we cease doing what we cannot do then He begins to do what we
cannot. The problem is that we still think we can do so many things. We
must learn sooner, rather than later, that “apart from Me you can do
nothing” (John 15:5). Nothing!
But it is human nature to try and do it ourselves. This human nature is
the flesh. It prevents us from entering into Grace. God cannot save
someone who is still trying to save themselves. Similarly, God cannot do
what we are still trying to do. He will wait – weeks, months, or years –
until we have exhausted our strength. When our strength is completely
gone and we finally go to Him in weakness, He becomes our Strength and
we find Grace is there to do the impossible. Then we know it was not us,
but the Lord. All praise goes to Him, and we retain nothing for
Source: Embrace the Cross by Chip Brogden
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