Jumat, 15 November 2013

LK10: A vocabulary for connecting

Dear LK10 Family,

A key resource for understanding the kind of churches that Jesus and his disciples planted is House Church and Mission by Roger Gehring.  One of the most important things we learn in that book is that "the household (oikos) was more than a model; it was the matrix of the new congregation... a close connection exists between the family as ordained in creation and the NT house church."

In the LK10 Community, we seek to live this out by embracing the same rhythms of attention in marriages and families as we do in house church.  See below for stories and resources that describe what this looks like with the rhythm of "checking in".  Consider passing this email on to the people in your house church.  Or, even showing the videos in your meeting and talking about them.

BTW, I've condensed Gehring's book to a 15 page summary of key quotes.  If you would like a copy, shoot me an email and say "Send Gehring".

1.  "A vocabulary for connecting."  Many of you met Tom and Jackie Griesemer (Colorado) at the LK10 Labor Day Conference.  They recently taught "checking in" to 30 couples at a marriage conference they were leading.  Watch the video to see what happened.  (Click on the link, not the photo)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4bk7eHOAzE

2.  "It was a cycle of feeling stuck."   Jason and Sara Bunch are church planters in Dallas and Austin, TX.  After four years of marriage, they were at a stuck place in their communications with each other.  Watch the video to see how they got unstuck.  (Click on the link, not the photo)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJPK2TXRFsw

3.  "I need a word so I can say what I'm feeling today."  Dave Matthews and Grover explain to us why it is important to be able to name what we are feeling.  This is a great video for both children and adults!  Thanks to Desi Starr (Colorado) for sending me this video!  (Click on the link, not the photo.)

4.  Photos from the LK10 Conference  Thanks to Sean Hyatt (Colorado) for these great photos!

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Delighted to be on the journey with you!


John White
Team Leader
LK10:  A Community of Practice for House Church Leaders

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