Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Tema's Story

Tema's Story.  "Church was a one way street."  Tema became a follower of Jesus 15 years ago and began attending a large traditional church.  She did everything she knew to make friends there and to grow in her faith.  But, relationships were difficult in a large church and all of the communication was a "one way street".  As a result she was lonely and there was little spiritual growth.  Tema knew "something was missing" but didn't know what it was.  How many thousands (millions) of church goers feel just like Tema.  A year ago, Tema became part of a house church and everything changed.

 Here's her story...

 Tema's Story.  "Church was a one way street." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Mk78AGoa0

Tema attends 2012 LK10 Conference. "I felt the power of Jesus there." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjpDmqgOVuY

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