Rabu, 18 Juli 2012


"I am the Way." - JOHN 14:6

What is God after? What does He seek from us? What does He want?
First and foremost, He desires a people who will be conformed to
the image of His Son, that they may demonstrate the preeminence of
Christ in all things. But how does He gain such a people for
Himself? The first step is to reveal His Son to us. This is the
narrow gate. We cannot begin to walk the narrow path until we have
entered the narrow gate.

Upon entering the narrow gate He begins to change us from the
inside out so that it is Christ expressing Himself through us. "Not
I, but Christ." This is the narrow path. This narrow path we call
discipleship. It leads us somewhere. A path is not for standing
still. It has a destination. Where does the path lead? What is the
End? Christ as All in All. That is the End. All things work
together according to this supreme purpose, His Purpose.

Source: "Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden

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