Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

"No Man Left Behind"

[New Forum Audio] "No Man Left Behind"


Brett Clemmer and Man in the Mirror hosted the track called, “No Man Left Behind” at the 2016 National Disciple Making Forum.
Download all the breakout sessions for this track for free by clicking here.

Man in the Mirror Breakout Sessions: Track 4

  • 4.1: FORUM: How Discipling Men Changes Everything
  • 4.2: Before Content and Relationships: Building a Discipleship Process
  • 4.3: Three Foundations: Leadership, Environment and Focus
  • 4.4: Beyond Men's Ministry - Reaching ALL Your Men
  • 4.5: The Momentum Cycle: Create - Capture - Sustain
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Transforming America Chapter eight. His disciples would have laughed at this

Transforming America
Chapter eight.  His disciples would have laughed at this

December 21, 2016

Last week, in Chapter Six of the book I'm writing, I shared with you the disturbing question that came to me in the late 1980s when I was on staff of a megachurch.  It caused me to see that the picture of "church" in my head after many years as a pastor was significantly different from the picture of "church" in Jesus' head. Definitely disturbing!

This week, I'm sharing with you the third insight that came to me as I reread my New Testament in search of an answer.  (BTW, I've changed the numbering of the chapters so you aren't really missing chapter seven.)  This insight also came from a single verse.  I was familiar with this verse but I had never thought about it from the perspective of the people who originally heard Jesus speak these words.  That changed everything!  In Chapter Eight I'll share this insight with you.

Go here to read Chapter Eight.  You will see why Jesus' disciples would have laughed at the way we typically understand this verse.

Then, share your comments at the bottom of the post.  I'm counting on you and your comments to help me write this book!  By the way, I haven't made a decision about the final title of this book.  I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Senin, 19 Desember 2016

No Permission Needed

No Permission Needed
“When it pleased God… to reveal His Son in me…
I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go
up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me.”
-GALATIANS 1:15-17

Paul did not seek credentials, ordination, or affiliation with a human organization. He did not wait for anyone to confirm the call on his life. He did not seek for hands to be laid on him. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ was renegade enough, but to preach the gospel to the Gentiles was a departure from the norm for the Christians at that time. It would later prove to be quite controversial and divisive. Prudence would dictate that it would be better to check with the other apostles and get their opinion and feedback before striking out in a new direction. Yet, Paul says once he obtained revelation he had no need to confer with flesh and blood.

Why? Because he was a maverick, an independent spirit, a rebel? No, it is only because the Revelation of Jesus is sufficient guidance. Flesh and blood cannot add to or take away from the Revelation.

Source: "Lord of All"  by Chip Brogden

Like this? Share your comments:

I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

The Picture of Church in My Head

Transforming America
The Picture of Church in My Head
April 29, 2014
Last week, in Chapter Three, I shared about my first 40 years in the church.  By that time in the late 1980s, I had spent tens of thousands of hours involved in church activities of all kinds.  As a result, I had a very clear picture in my head of what church was and how it worked. That's what I'll share with you in Chapter Four.  You will need to understand this, in order to appreciate what God did next.

 Go here to read Chapter Four.

Then, share your comments at the bottom of the post.  I'm counting on you and your comments to help me write this book!  By the way, I haven't made a decision about the final title of this book.  I'd love to hear your suggestions.

How to Take the Pulse of Your Small Group Ministry

How to Take the Pulse of Your Small Group Ministry

If you want to build a thriving small group ministry you need to slow down long enough to periodically take its pulse. Yes, you need to keep one eye on the preferred future and the other eye on the next milestone, but taking an accurate pulse of your small group ministry provides an important gritty reality to what otherwise can be an exercise in mere fantasy.
I love this line from Winston Churchill:
“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”
Taking the pulse of your small group ministry does several important things:
1. It ensures that you are still on the right trajectory.
2. It helps determine progress.
3. It can provide clarity about the effectiveness of strategic initiatives.
4. It helps you plan the next season or the next year.

How to take the pulse of your small group ministry:

There are four basic steps to taking the pulse of your small group ministry:

1. Determine what you will measure. Here are a few measurements and there certainly could be others:

• How many active groups do you have? Choose a measurement you are comfortable with (i.e., are currently meeting, have met four times in the last 60 days, etc.).
• How many people are actively attending your groups? Again, you choose a measurement you are comfortable with (i.e., have attended four times in the last 60 days, etc.).
• How many new groups do you have? Depending on how frequently you plan to take the pulse, this could be “new this season” or “new this year.”
• How many active coaches do you have (i.e., are they actively interacting with the leaders in their huddle)? It’s important to confirm activity. Coaches “in name only” may impress your supervisor, but it doesn’t build a thriving small group ministry.
• How many people are actively taking a turn facilitating group meetings (whether the whole group or a subgroup)?
• How many groups are serving together (pick the frequency you want, could be monthly or quarterly, etc.)?

2. Determine how you will measure:

• Create a survey (your survey could be a paper form or an electronic survey, Google forms are easy to create).
• Determine your process (i.e., will you make a first pass by email and then a follow-up pass by phone?).
• Set a completion date

3. Take the survey

4. Debrief what you learn:

• Use the 4 Helpful Lists exercise (What’s Right, What’s Wrong, What’s Missing, What’s Confused).
• Use what you learn to chart the course for the upcoming season or year.
• Determine your goals for the next season or year.
• Determine the lead measures that will help you arrive at the next milestone.
An annual or semi-annual pulse-taking exercise is a best practice you should establish. Being able to track year-over-year numbers is very beneficial. Having hard numbers at your disposal enables more accurate planning and accountability.
This article originally appeared here.

Free eBook: “To You is the Song for Small Groups”

Free eBook: “To You is the Song for Small Groups”

Free eBook

Download this Advent devotional for your small group ministry
This eBook includes:
  • Bible readings
  • Reflections
  • Small group discussion questions

Get Download Now

Resource provided by The Fellowship Community

John Fenn, Knowing Your Spirit #2

Hi all,
Roughly 50 years after Constantine legalized Christianity a man named Augustine rose in influence over the church - St. Augustine (354-430AD). The impact of his writings impact all the way to our time in 2 areas relevant for today's Thoughts'.   
Original sin and infant baptism Augustine started the the belief in 'original sin', as well as the related practice of water baptizing infants. This is how it happened:  
Augustine believed that because Adam and Eve sinned it caused death to come to their spirit man, so every person is born with a spiritually dark or 'dead' spirit. St. Augustine taught original sin could only be removed by water baptism, and without water baptism a person could not get to heaven, even infants and young children.   
Infant mortality was very high in those days, between 25% and 50% of babies died before age 1. Often a baby was not given a name until they reached 1 year of age; how uncertain was their survival. So the practice of water baptizing infants began, often just moments after their birth. And that is why some denominations baptize babies to this day - a tradition over 1500 years old.   
American hero Paul Revere is reported to have taken his newborn son, Isannah (That is the correct spelling), Sarah and Paul's 8th child, to be baptized immediately after his birth, but unfortunately neither Isannah nor Sarah survived. (Paul remarried Rachel (Walker), and they had 8 children, for a total of 16 children between Sarah and Rachel, 5 of whom died in infancy)  
Though 'original sin' and infant baptism was rejected by most Protestants for bring unscriptural, the error that babies are born 'spiritually dead' is widely held today by believers of all backgrounds in large part perhaps, because they never thought it through.   
They just say "Babies go to heaven because they never did anything wrong" while not realizing the teaching of original sin says a baby is born spiritually dead, so cannot enter heaven even though they have never sinned.   
What the Bible says Fortunately Bible does not teach original sin. It teaches we are all born as Adam and Eve were originally created, alive to God, like them able to walk and talk with Him, and also like them, having not yet chosen which 'tree' from which they will eat.   
Consider that Adam and Eve were so innocent as they walked with the Lord in the Garden that they had no idea they were naked. Incredibly smart, yet as innocent as toddlers - and that is how we can understand their spiritual condition. 
What age is a person who doesn't know nor care if they are naked? What age is a person
who naturally (often) sees angels, Jesus, and seems so sensitive to the things of God? The answer is small children - and like Adam and Eve who were created by God and so could move in His realm, so too can small children move in the things of God for they are created spiritually alive. But like us all, they too must at some point decide between good and evil, right and wrong, justice or injustice. Physical and personality traits are handed down parent to parent, but the Father alone is the creator and Father of spirits:  
"We were subject to the fathers of the flesh who corrected us (according to the flesh), shall we not also be subject to the Father of spirits, and live?" Hebrews 12:9  
"This what the Lord says, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the spirit of man within him." Zechariah 12:1  
"This is what the Lord Got says, who created the heavens and stretched them out; He that spreads forth the earth and all (the life) that comes out of it. He who gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk on it." Isaiah 42:5  
"You hide your face and they are troubled; you take away their breath and they die and return to the dust. You send forth your Spirit and they are created, and you renew the face of the earth." Psalm 104:29-30  
"The Spirit of God made me; and the breath (Spirit) of the Almighty has given me life." Job 33:4  
These are just a few scriptures that teach us God the Father created our spirit man - He is the Father of spirits.   
Think of it this way "God (Father) is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." I John 1:5  
"Do not be deceived brothers and sisters, every good and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variation nor changing of His character, and of His own will He begat us as a kind of first fruits of His creation..." James 1:16-18  
The Bible says we are created by Him, and He can only create life. He cannot create a human being with the nature of satan in his spirit. It isn't just that babies and small children have committed no sin, but also that they were created alive to God - and as such may operate in His realm and go to Him if they die prematurely.  
This is the spark of life at conception. No matter under what circumstances you were conceived, we can say what is bound or loosed on earth is bound or loosed in heaven, so that when that egg and sperm are 'loosed' to conceive on earth, the Father is loosed to impart a spirit direct from Him. That means no matter the circumstance, the Father has a plan, provision, and grace for that child.  
Consider also...and then why this is important Paul spoke of his own experience in Romans 7 when he was discussing the place of the law - which brought the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong. In Jewish culture of the day, a child would be able to recite by heart Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy by about age 5. That knowledge of the law brought the knowledge of good and evil. Paul said in Romans 7:  
"Is the law sin? No! For I would did not know lust until the law said 'Do not covet! So the law was ordained to show life, but it brought me the knowledge of sin. By means of the commandment sin found its chance to work all manner of desire and sin in me. Apart from the law, sin was dead. For I was (spiritually) alive before I knew the law, but the law came and sin came to life and I died (spiritually). Sin, taking occasion by the commandment, killed me." v7-11  
Seeing this in others, who chose the wrong 'tree' Speaking of those who see God in creation but harden themselves: "For although they knew God, they were not thankful nor glorified Him as God, so their thinking became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." Romans 1:21  
Notice - these were people alive to God and saw Him in nature, but chose not to acknowledge Him so their heart became darkened. If they had been born in original sin, they would have been born with 'dark hearts' already and Paul's book of Romans would be in error.  
Fortunately you and I and every person were born alive to God, able to walk with Him when we were young, until the knowledge of good and evil came to us, and we had to choose life or death. Most of us chose death and had to be born again - some children go right to Life. Some adults who are mentally unable to understand, remain spiritually alive to God.  
Paul mentioned people in Ephesians 4:17-20 who 'have their understanding darkened' and 'are past feeling' who had so turned from God that they can no longer feel that grievance in their spirit and conscience when they sin, and are even greedy to do the sin.

A baby's spirit is created by the Father, alive to Him, able to function in His realm and if a tragedy occurs from miscarriage to abortion to untimely death, they go to heaven and grow up to adulthood there. My point is for us to know our spirit man, to understand that the Father is the Father of spirits, has recreated the believer's spirit, and communicates with us Spirit to spirit - next week, enlightenment and the process by which He starts to dawn on us...until then, blessings,
    John Fenn
www.cwowi.org and email me at cwowi@aol.com

New CD/MP3 Series


Have you longed for greater sensitivity to the Father in your spirit 24/7 apart from just going to Him when you have a need? Have you wondered how your personality fits into His, perhaps feeling like you don’t fit anywhere in the body of Christ? The deepest level of knowing the Father in scripture is as Creator, flowing to us His creation, and that is foundational to fellowshipping with Him. This series shares how to live with Him from His Spirit to our spirit, and is also a very practical series with many real life examples (from John's own life) to help you know the difference between your spirit and His Spirit, and how to walk on a core level with the Father no matter what life throws at you. 

Just a word about our On-line Video Bible School - these classes, so far; Old Testament I & II, Righteousness and Our Authority in Christ - are a go-at-your-own-pace, no test, investment in your own faith and understanding of the Word and Lord. Once registered, your password is good for a whole year so you can take your time, but as I'm hearing from students, once they start they have a hard time stopping! Each class is about 45-55 minutes long, so they are in easy to receive segments...consider investing in a deeper study of the things of God!

The Goal of This Age

The Goal of This Age
by Chip Brogden
I came to the realization one day that I will not be perfected in this lifetime.  

My wife has known this for years, but as a perfectionist the news hit me hard.  It should have been reassuring!  That there are “ages to come” where God will continue to demonstrate His grace and kindness to all (Eph. 2:7) – particularly to those who didn’t fully grasp it in this age – is very, very good news!

That means people are a work in progress.  

What then is God’s goal for this age? If not spiritual perfection, then perhaps it is something more attainable...


I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

Missional Community in a funk?

Never one to get stuck in a hard place before too long...gotta keep trying new (or old) things. I think it was Albert Einstein that said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Authentic faith lived in a vibrant missional community can be a hard thing to find, create and maintain. There comes a time for all of us when we may need to look at jumpstarting or re-starting some of the basics. I’ll help you get started in this post and video...
Jumpstarting, Restarting or Resurrecting Your Missional Community
3 Important Rhythms and a Tool For Each

I want to suggest you go back to basics here. Think UP, IN and OUT. Jesus maintained balance and priority in his life by perfectly integrating these three relational dynamics... [click here to read more and get useful tools]

Stop the insanity!

P.S. There are some amazing tools in this post and some of them are from Missio Publishing (one of my publishers) who is having a crazy good (Not So Black) Friday sale... check the post for details.

"Starting Over is the best small group I’ve had in years!"

I recently began a Starting Over small group in my neighborhood using the Starting Over Participants Guide and it has been an amazing experience! I have people in my small group who are searching spiritually and never been in a group and I have others who have been in groups for 20 years – and it works for everyone! The topic of regrets and wanting to start over is something we all have in common. This is the best small group I’ve had in years!

Here are just a few of the benefits I’ve discovered using the Starting Over Participants Guide:
  • Great ice breakers that get people talking. 
  • Interesting Bible application and discussion.
  • Helpful video shorts by the authors (that’s Jon and me!)
  • Real people via video telling their starting over stories. 
  • Life application that makes a difference in the real world.
  • Personal reflection section to go even deeper.
If you are looking for a small group that works for people who are just beginning and those who have been around, I’d encourage you to check out the Starting Over Participants Guide based on the our new book!

Dave Ferguson

Why We Need A Theology of Discipleship

Why We Need A Theology of Discipleship

Recently I wrote about why we need a theology of discipleship. In this blog, I deal with another important question: What qualifies as a theology of discipleship in the first place?

Here’s my answer: First, it must address the relationship between discipleship and salvation. Present day evangelicalism gives little place to discipleship in its view of salvation. Our doctrines of grace tend to keep us from clearly defining what it means to be a disciple. We tend to treat the experience of conversion as something entirely separate from the process of becoming a disciple.

- Bill Hull

John Fenn, Knowing Your Spirit #3

Hi all,
In high school my friend Janny would tell me about the Lord, and then I went on dates with Barb and would tell her what Janny told me. It wasn't long before I believed and gave my life to the Lord, as I had watched many answered prayers Janny and her boyfriend (and future husband) received, and knew somehow in my heart all she had told me about the Lord was true.
But Barb and I had many, many dates over the course of a few months talking through the merits of Jesus and my new-found born again state of existence. Barb's home life was not a happy one and she never has made decisions lightly nor quickly. 
Looking back we might say 'the Lord was working on her heart' those months before she got to the point she was willing to decide for Christ. In fact, it wasn't until her lowest point in life that she called out to the Lord saying in part, "God, if you're real like John says you are, then you better show up or...." and at that point as she describes it, a warmth and peace saturated her very being like a liquid blanket of love falling directly on her - love she had never known swept over her.
Before you were born again...
That decision for Jesus we made as 16 year olds was quicker for me than her, but it was still a process for us both. The decision was arrived at only after discussion, thought, and seeing other's prayers answered. The Bible describes this process as 'enlightenment'. 
Different words are used in the New Testament to describe the process by which divine revelation is shown a person, including 'open the eyes of your understanding'*, 'enlightened', 'opened their understanding', 'spiritual wisdom', 'spiritually discerned',  to name a few. *Ephesians 1:18, Hebrews 4:4, Luke 24:45, Ephesians 1:17, Colossians 1:9, I Corinthians 2:14-16
You were first 'enlightened' in your spirit man. That process is when your mind realizes something else is happening deep in your spirit - that you realize you must do something about the question of Jesus.
Jesus said it this way: "...everyone who sees the Son, and believes on Him, will have everlasting life..." and "...everyone who has heard, and learned of the Father, comes to Me." John 6:40, 45
First we see the Son, and then we believe. First we learn of the Father even though most of the time we never realize it is the Father God dealing with us way down deep in our hearts - our spirit man - and then we come to Jesus.
When Peter exclaimed after hearing everyone's opinions about Jesus; "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!", Jesus said flesh and blood - natural means- didn't reveal that to him, but it was the Father in heaven revealing it. Did Peter realize it was the Father showing him who Jesus was? The fact Jesus had to tell him it was the Father, makes me think Peter didn't know it at the time.
Paul's prayers always involved the request for revelation, which is another word for enlightenment, as in "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened, and you would know the hope of His calling..." Ephesians 1:17-18
Know your spirit
For people who have difficulty with their prayer language, I suggest thinking back to that time of enlightenment before you knew the Lord - what stirred down inside you? Realizing your mind notices things happening down inside you, feelings, sensations, even thoughts and ideas flowing from your spirit recognized in the mind as quiet suggestions your mind 'picks up on', is key. 
We live in such a cerebral world, an emotional world, people don't think through what happens when our mind notices something down deep in our spirit. This is what I'm describing. Learn to recognize when your thoughts are picking up what your spirit is sensing - you know it already, like when you argue with the Lord about something. He isn't in your mind, but in your spirit, and you are weighing whether to go with what you feel you should do vs what your mind is telling you. Taking the step of faith to trust what you sense in your spirit is a key first step opening the door to a new way of life. 
Think of your mind as the middle point of a teeter totter with your spirit on one end and your body on the opposite end. Your mind can shift attention outward to the body and natural senses, and can look the other way down inside you to your spirit man and what it senses. Your mind can argue against either one - your body wants to go one way but your mind overrules it, or your spirit wants to go one way and your mind overrules it. Learn to agree with your spirit, end the argument, take the step of faith. Hebrews 5:14 says it is by reason of use (trial and error) that we train our senses to discern between good and evil. It doesn't just happen to you, you must live it and walk it out. 
My experience is most Christians don't know how to flow in worship (or prayer) out of their spirit. The proof is when I'm leading a meeting and I have the music stop or go into the background and I ask people just to worship - and there is silence. I spend a lot of time in meetings teaching people how to flow out of their spirits - and when they do a whole new world opens up - the Lord opens their eyes to His realm, they feel and sense things they never have before. But this is a way of life, flowing in worship, in prayer, in pure motivation of love towards others - with no other strings attached than wanting them to grow in Christ.
Practice by worshipping on your own, just you and the Lord. Do so not by putting on a cd, but just get in touch with the thankfulness down in your heart you feel, the love you feel, the appreciation you feel to the Father and Lord for saving you - then once in touch with how you really feel about your salvation, express that in words - put that love and appreciation and thankfulness into words and tell Him. That is pulling from your spirit man out your soul using your body - spirit to soul to body in the divine flow of life. 
Jesus said in John 4:24 the Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. The Greek word 'worship' is proskuneo, 'pros' means 'toward' and 'kuneo' means 'to kiss'. Literally, worship is 'give a kiss to the Father'. You can't do that with the mind wandering, singing beautiful lyrics outwardly while your mind wanders about whether you turned the light over the sink off before you left the house. Spend time on your own, get in touch with yourself deep down inside as to why you appreciate and are thankful for being saved, and then with your mind focused on forming those feelings into words, speak them out. 
Walk through your daily life being aware of your spirit man by switching your attention from the outward things happening to inside, for instance to see how what the boss says feels in your spirit, how what the co-worker says, what the neighbor says. Often there is no feeling, but when someone does say something that is from God for you, whether they are aware or not, it will cause a surge of excitement or revelation in your spirit that your mind will notice - that is your spirit. When you open your mouth to hurt another person or exalt yourself and your mind notices you feel grieved down inside - that is your spirit. Live by switching attention continually back and forth between the natural senses and your spirit man's senses...a whole new realm awaits. 
New subject next week, until then, blessings!
John Fenn
www.cwowi.org and email me at cwowi@aol.com

New CD/MP3 Series


Have you longed for greater sensitivity to the Father in your spirit 24/7 apart from just going to Him when you have a need? Have you wondered how your personality fits into His, perhaps feeling like you don’t fit anywhere in the body of Christ? The deepest level of knowing the Father in scripture is as Creator, flowing to us His creation, and that is foundational to fellowshipping with Him. This series shares how to live with Him from His Spirit to our spirit, and is also a very practical series with many real life examples (from John's own life) to help you know the difference between your spirit and His Spirit, and how to walk on a core level with the Father no matter what life throws at you. 

Just a word about our On-line Video Bible School - these classes, so far; Old Testament I & II, Righteousness and Our Authority in Christ - are a go-at-your-own-pace, no test, investment in your own faith and understanding of the Word and Lord. Once registered, your password is good for a whole year so you can take your time, but as I'm hearing from students, once they start they have a hard time stopping! Each class is about 45-55 minutes long, so they are in easy to receive segments...consider investing in a deeper study of the things of God!

Is Christ Enough? Headship

Is Christ Enough? Headship

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The Body of Christ
And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”  Ephesians 1:22-23
but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,” Eph 4:15
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.” Col. 1:17-19
For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;” Colossians 2:9-10
Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God.” Colossians 2:18-19
The headship of Christ is not something you hear or read about very often.  Why?  I believe it’s because we really don’t understand what it means.  Obviously, why would you talk or write about something that you yourself don’t understand?
The Abuses
In my experience in the institutional church the only time I heard about the “headship” of Christ was when the preacher was referring to authority structures in the church.  Usually, they would be referring to some kind of hierarchical authority structure such as the clergy/laity system.  You would be instructed to submit to your pastor or elders as unto the Lord.  These people were the ones who would “run” the church.  Sometimes there would also be some kind of trans-local authority that you would need to submit to such as traveling “apostles” or “prophets”.  And then at very rare times you may hear about the headship of Christ referring to the authority of Christ over your life as a member of his body.  That was about it.
This post is an attempt to correct some of those ideas and add to our understanding of the fullness of Christ in reference to his headship.
The Meaning of “Head” in the New Testament
First of all, we need to understand the meaning of the word “head” in the Greek language.  This is no simple task and I am definitely no Greek scholar!  There is much controversy surrounding the original meaning of the Greek word: kephale (head).  Some say that it strictly means (authority, or person in command) and others say that it means “life source“.  I believe that it means BOTH!  And I think you will clearly see that as I bring out the context in a few of the passages I cited above.  There are a few important aspects of Christ and his Church that I would like to bring out of these passages.
Life Source
but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,” Eph 4:15
Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God.” Colossians 2:18-19
These passages clearly bring out the aspect that Christ, as the Head supplies the body with his Life.  First, we see in the Ephesian passage that we (the body) are to grow up into the head (Christ).  This obviously speaks of him as our Life Source.  We grow (by his life) into him.  Secondly, in the Colossian passage we see that the entire body is supplied and held together and grows with a growth (life) that comes from God.  Therefore, we can see that this word “head” clearly means life-source by the context of these passages (and others).
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.” Col. 1:17-19
The idea of before, beginning, firstborn, and first permeates this passage.  The head comes before the body.  He is the head because he is first.  The other aspect is the idea of all things.  He is before all things; all things hold together in Him; He will come to have the first place in everything (all things).  He is the head because he is the “all things” of God!  He comes first because He is the Beginning!
He is definitely Large and in Charge!
Both Life Source and Authority
And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Eph. 1:22-23
Here we see both the authority of Christ AND the life flow (or source) of Christ.  Everything is under his feet (in subjection) which speaks of his absolute authority.  But that is to the church, his body, which is his fullness.  Christ filling all things with his fullness speak of the flow of his life source into the church.  He is definitely Lord of lords and King of kings.  Make no mistake about that.  But his authority can only be actuated by him being the Life Supply of the church.  Both work together!  We cannot have the King of kings unless we have the Vine!  We cannot have the Lord of lords unless we have the flow of Christ’s life throughout the Body.
The Most Beautiful Picture of Christ as Our Life Supply:
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, Even Aaron’s beard, Coming down upon the edge of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing–life forever.” Psalms 133:1-3
Wow! God, the Father’s life flows down (via the Spirit) from the Head (Christ) to every member of the Body (the Church).  Is this a picture of Life Source or what?
Practically Speaking
Okay, so this is all great and wonderful.  Jesus Christ is the Head of his Body, the church.  This means that he is both the Life-Source of the Body as well as the Lord (King) of his kingdom.  Both of these truths are wrapped up in the fact that he is the Head of the church.  I think that most Christians would agree with these statements.  However, here comes the clincher:
How does his headship play out practically within the life of the Body?
One thing is for sure; he does not express his headship through top-to-bottom or chain-of-command style leadership.  There is no one human person who leads or directs his church.
“But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. “It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
(Matthew 20:25-28)
What Jesus was saying here is that his church would not function the way that those in the world system function.  That is, with chain-of-command top down authority.  His kingdom would function in a totally different way.  And that way is that they would become the lowest, the least, and the servants of all.  This message from our Lord came about because the mother of the sons of Zebedee (James and John) wanted to know if her sons could be given the right hand and left hand place next to the king.  He told that she had no idea what she was asking.  This was her only concept of authority.  It’s a chain-of-command top to bottom system.  But this is not how the kingdom of God would function at all!
All of the Members Seeking the Mind of the Head
Paul said that “we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor.2:16).  Notice that he didn’t say “I have the mind of Christ”.  Having the mind of Christ is a WE thing!  We all together as the Body have the mind of Christ.  Did you know that the human brain sends a message to the whole body when it makes a decision?  Actually, its more accurate to say that the whole body has a part to play whenever the brain activates something.
In organic churches, we take the Headship of Christ very seriously.  We hold it in very high esteem by the practice of the whole body seeking the Head for his direction and decisions.  This is a very long and arduous task, believe me!  In fact, you may be asking how is this even possible?  Well, it’s actually very simple to explain but not simple to do.  The brothers and sisters in the church get together for a specific purpose of making decisions and planning.  If the church is healthy then the members of the body will have already been seeking the mind of Christ about the matters to be discussed ahead of time and will come to the gathering with a sense in their spirits of what the Lord is saying.  They will already have spent time in fellowship and prayer with the Lord about the matters to be discussed.  Sometimes these practically meetings can last a long time and sometimes not.  But they do not move ahead until the body agrees on what the Lord wants.
Is this difficult?  You bet!  Is there a battlefield happening?  Absolutely.  Why?  Because there is a whole realm of creatures who are resisting and even battling against the Lord Jesus having his full headship in his church!
For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;” (Colossians 2:9-10)
We see the church seeking the mind of Christ together in Jerusalem concerning the decision to not place any additional burdens on the new believers who were Gentiles.  And the statement is made that:
Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole church, to choose men from among them to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas–Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, leading men among the brethren,”  (Acts 15:22)
And in another place:
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials:” (Acts 15:28)
So there you have it!  Those who have itinerant ministries, the more mature saints (elders), the whole church, and the Holy Spirit all agreeing together on the mind of Christ!  That’s how decisions were made under the headship of Jesus Christ.  His mind was discovered in the midst of believers who had humbled themselves to the Lord and submitted themselves to one another (Eph. 5:21) under his direct Lordship and Headship.  Those who sought out his indwelling, eternal, uncreated, divine Life so that he would fully be expressed on the earth again!
Is this difficult?  NO!!!  It’s actually IMPOSSIBLE!!!  Only by God’s grace and in his Spirit and Life can this happen.  Will there still be problems in the church?  Absolutely!  Just read the New Testament letters!  I have come to the conclusion that problems in the churches are normal.  As long as they are the right kind of problems.  Notice with me that in the N.T. the problems are all people problems.  One guy was committing incest.  Another had problems getting along.  Some were dividing up over their favorite workers.  Some were following erroneous teachings.  But none of these problems were institutional in nature!  They were never fighting over who the next “pastor” was going to be.  There were no controversies over how much money to spend on the new building project.
But the kinds of problems an organic church will have are totally different.  One of them is laziness and atrophy.  The church may (at times) stop seeking the Lord together to find his mind for the seasons, decisions, and plans of the life of the church.  When this happens the headship of Christ is being circumvented.  Usually, those issues that need to be address won’t magically disappear and they will rear their ugly heads at the most inopportune times!
But when you have a bunch of crazy people who are simple enough to actually believe that Jesus Christ can in reality be the spiritual and practical Head over his church then all hell will break loose!
You may be asking: How in the world can this happen in reality?  I mean how can a group of believers get together and really be able to discern the mind of Christ in oneness?  How can this happen without a human leader (or group of leaders) running the show?
My answer would be to take a look at nature.  God has wonderfully built into creation this principle of corporate oneness under the headship of Christ.  Did you know that many species of animals and insects migrate to completely different areas of the world?  They all gather at the same time and at the same location!  Some travel thousands of miles and even to a different hemisphere!  How is this possible?  It’s something called “instinct“.  It’s actually built into their DNA by God himself.  Guess what?  God has also built into the spiritual DNA of his Church the instinct to gather.  Not only to gather but to express his Son and live by his Life-Source.
It’s there in your spirit, the deepest part of you.
It’s so that you will know him intimately and deeply.
It’s so that you will live by his life.
It’s so that you will live together with his people and display his kingdom!
This is our calling saints.
There is no compromise on this matter at all.

For more information on the headship of Christ:
Building Up the Body: One Man or One Another?
The Clergy/Laity Distinction: A Help or Hindrance?
Kephale (Head) by Laurie Fasullo
The Gathering Swarms