Senin, 07 September 2015

"Who is your spiritual father or mother?"

"Who is your spiritual father or mother?"
September 3, 2015

Some time ago, I was meeting with a group of about 15 pastors and Christians leaders.  I ask asked them this question:  "Who was/is your spiritual father or mother?"

As we went around the group, only two could identify someone who had played that role in their lives.  And, all the rest said, "I sure wish I had had someone like that!"  

In the American church we have focused on developing discipleship programs and courses and classes and manuals. But, for Paul, discipling was radically different.  It took place in the context of a relationship of the heart.

In this week's assignment, we'll look at what this meant for Paul and what it means for us.  This is Lesson Four (September 2015), Assignment One in our Leader 101 Course.

Click on the picture below to find out more...

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