Senin, 19 Mei 2014


CO2 "virus" spreads to India
May 18, 2014
Jim and Cathy Mellon are two of my favorite people and key leaders in the LK10 Community.  For over 20 years, they have led a house church network in central Texas.  In addition, they have also had a remarkable ministry in India.  In a recent trip (Jim’s 18th to that country), they taught CO2 (Church of Two) to 200 Indian pastors and their wives.  In the video interview below, they share what the Lord did on this trip.

Jim and Cathy are two of the remarkable people you will spend time with at the LK10 Labor Day Weekend Conference.  They are already registered.  How about you?

Only 14 days left to Pre-register for the LK10 International Conference!
To see the interview with Jim and Cathy, go here:

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