Gereja merupakan organisme yang hidup dan bukan sekedar organisasi buatan tangan manusia. Gereja harus di mulai di rumah tangga kita masing-masing dan bukan sekedar aktivitas religius belaka namun bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. Gereja harus jadi terang dan garam di luar dinding gedung gereja. Sebab gereja adalah kita
Senin, 28 April 2008
Markus 10:42-45
Tetapi Yesus memanggil mereka lalu berkata: "Kamu tahu, bahwa mereka yang disebut pemerintah bangsa-bangsa memerintah rakyatnya dengan tangan besi, dan pembesar-pembesarnya menjalankan kuasanya dengan keras atas mereka.
Tidaklah demikian di antara kamu. Barangsiapa ingin menjadi besar di antara kamu, hendaklah ia menjadi pelayanmu,
dan barangsiapa ingin menjadi yang terkemuka di antara kamu, hendaklah ia menjadi hamba untuk semuanya.
Karena Anak Manusia juga datang bukan untuk dilayani, melainkan untuk melayani dan untuk memberikan nyawa-Nya menjadi tebusan bagi banyak orang."
Leadership is not laddership but servanthood
Dalam ayat-ayat di atas Tuhan Yesus secara langsung mempertentangkan dua model kepemimpinan. Kelihatannya memang kedua model kepemimpinan ini sangat berbeda dan tidak mungkin bertemu dalam keadaan apapun karena arah dan tujuannya berbeda. Menggabungkan keduanya dalam suatu sistim adalah suatu kecelakaan.
Konteks ayat-ayat di atas adalah sebuah kejadian ketika Yohanes dan Yakobus meminta Yesus agar mereka dapat duduk dalam kehormatan dan kemuliaan bersama Kristus. Dalam banyak hal sikap dari kedua murid Yesus ini secara efektif menyimpulkan sikap menguasai yang ada dalam kepemimpinan yang ternyata dalam setiap generasi. Yesus berkata bahwa “pemimpin bangsa-bangsa” (Pemimpin penguasa) secara natural mencari sebuah tingkat (rangking) di atas yang lain. Merupakan sifat manusia untuk mencari jalan pintas untuk berada di puncak, posisi yang paling menyenangkan ego tanpa memperdulikan harga yang orang lain bayar.
Yang menarik di sini Yesus tidaklah melarang murid-muridnya untuk menjadi “besar”, tapi Yesus secara dramatis me-redefinisi arti dari “kebesaran” dan menunjukkan arah yang sama sekali berlawanan dengan apa yang biasa dipahami oleh murid-muridnya.
Secara tegas Yesus menunjukkan bahwa kalau murid-muridNya ingin menjadi pemimpin maka mereka harus mengambil jalan pengorbanan, penderitaan, dan pelayanan.
Barangsiapa ingin menjadi besar di antara kamu, hendaklah ia menjadi pelayanmu,
dan barangsiapa ingin menjadi yang terkemuka di antara kamu, hendaklah ia menjadi hamba untuk semuanya. (ayat 43,44).
Ayat-ayat yang kita baca di atas memang memberikan kepada kita sebuah pilihan dalam jalan kepemimpinan. Pilihan ini memberikan dua arah yang berbeda yang akan menghasilkan dua akibat yang berbeda. Jalan yang eprtama akan menuntun pada kuasa, wibawa, dan kendali. Sedangkan jalan yang lain –jalan yang mengikuti jejak kaki Tuhan Yesus- adalah sebuah jalan kerendahan dan menaruh orang lain lebih dahulu. Dengan kata lain Yesus membuat sebuah terobosan tajam pada masalah kepemimpinan yang sebenarnya. PerkataanNya menyerang motif dan nilai-nilai yang kita miliki.
Jadi sekarang kita ditarik untuk mempertimbangkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang tidak kelihatan; yakni bagaimana kita bergerak dalam hubungannya dengan kehidupan orang lain. Setiap kita memiliki model mentalitas kepemimpinan, dan model itu menyatakan bagaimana kita menjalankan kepemimpinan kita.
Model kepemimpinan yang didasarkan pada posisi kekuasaan akan menghalangi tujuan untuk memberdayakan dan melepaskan orang lain untuk sebuah pelayanan. Sebaliknya model kepemimpinan yang didasarkan pada kehambaan akan menolong untuk melengkapi, memberdayakan dan membebaskan orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan Tuhan dalam diri mereka.
Kehidupan ini didasarkan pada ketiga kata ini ; nilai, asumsi dan prinsip. Sebagai contoh kalau saya membaca sebuah buku dengan begitu nikmat karena saya memiliki sebuah nilai bahwa membaca memperluas wawasan dan mempertajam pemikiran, dan ketika saya mengambil sebuah buku untuk dibaca saya mempunyai asumsi bahwa buku yang saya baca akan memberikan informasi yang cukup menantang untuk memperluas wawasan berpikir saya, sedangkan prinsip utama dalam hal membaca adalah bahwa cara kita bertindak atau bersikap sangat ditentukan atau dibatasi oleh paradigma kita yang dibentuk informasi-informasi yang kita terima dalam pikiran kita.
Demikian juga model kepemimpinan yang merupakan dasar kita bergerak berakar pada nilai-nilai, asumsi-asumsi dan prinsip-prinsip tertentu. Hal-hal tersebut memang tidak kelihatan tapi menentukan keyakinan yang menguasai/ memerintah apa yang kita lakukan dan bagaimana kita berhubungan dengan orang lain.
Itulah sebabnya melihat lebih dari sekedar permukaan aktivitas dan pengalaman kepemimpinan adalah hal yang sangat penting. Karena pusat keyakinan kita tentang kepemimpinan akan menentukan apakah dalam kehidupan kita model kepemimpinan penguasa atau kehambaan yang akan menang.
Kita harus mengerti bahwa kepemimpinan model penguasapun dapat memberikan kepada kita sejumlah nilai yang baik
Kita akan melihat nilai-nilai, asumsi dan juga prinsip yang mendasari kedua model kepemimpinan ini.
Kalau kita melihat nilai-nilai dasar dari model kepemimpinan penguasa dalam gereja; maka kita akan melihat paling tidak ada empat nilai pendorong yang tetap bertahan dalam beberapa dekade terakhir ini;
Nilai ini beranggapan kesamaan dan keseragaman dapat dicapai. Ide dasar dari nilai ini adaalh kalau semua orang dalam pelayanan melakukan semuanya dengan cara sama, dan dengan kebiasaan yang sama, sebagai suatu akibat segalanya akan bergerak maju.
Melakukan segalanya dengan cara yang sama menjadi persyaratan untuk sukses. Inilah asumsinya: Jika formula dan kegiatan pelayanan dihasilkan kembali secara akurat dari tempat yang satu ke tempat yang lain, dalam setiap kehidupan, dari tahun ke tahun, maka keberhasilan akan menjadi akibatnya.
Nilai dari pragmatis sangat sederhana yakni bahwa buat apa mengerjakan sesuatu yang tidak menghasilkan sesuatu, artinya pusat perhatian kita ada pada hasil dan bukan pada proses. Asumsinya sangat jelas : If it works, it must be right (Apa yang berhasil sudah pasti benar). Ketika bagaimana menjadi pertanyaan pusat maka Alkitab menjadi otoritas sekunder dan apa yang berhasil menjadi nilai primer.
Nilainya adalah harga diri diukur oleh kemampuan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu. Kita akan menghargai gembala gereja yang besar lebih dari gembala gereja kecil. Asumsinya adalah bahwa orang yang menghasilkan sesuatu pasti benar dan jumlah akan memutuskan segalanya.
Nilainya adalah harus ada ada seorang yang memegang kendali; seorang yang memberikan tanggungjawab agar ketertiban tercipta. Hampir menjadi keyakinan agama manapun bahwa kendali harus datang dari atas dan dari luar diri kita untuk kita dapat beroperasi dalam cara yang menyenangkan. Sentralisasi berasumsi bahwa seorang pemimpin berbicara bagi Tuhan dan bahwa umat ada di situ untuk mendukung visi pemimpin sampai tercapai. Yang terjadi adalah pemimpin menjadi pribadi yang kudus dari Tuhan dan itu berarti bahwa gagal mengikuti kehendak mereka adalah pemberontakan terhadap Tuhan sendiri.
Keempat nilai yang mendorong sistim kepemimpinan penguasa ini seringkali menuntun pada tingkahlaku kepemimpinan yang penuh pelecehan dan menyimpang.
Tuhan memanggil kita pada sebuah model kepemimpinan yang sama sekali berbeda. Dengan cara yang radikal Yesus, dengan teladan dan perkataan, menetapkan kehambaan sebagai cara pengikutNya memimpin orang lain. Yesus secara gamblang menolak semua model sekuler dalam kepemimpinan dan menggantikannya dengan kehambaan.
Matius 23:10,12; 2Korintus 1:24; 2Korintus 4:5; 1Petrus 5:3.
Ada tiga nilai dalam kepemimpinan kehambaan yang perlu kita ketahui:
1.Beragam ekspresi kepemimpinan
Standaridisasi menekan kebebasan dan menghilangkan motivasi orang – secara khusus mereka yang kreatif. Kepemimpinan kehambaan mengijinkan kebebasan untuk bervariasi dalam metode, gaya, bentuk, dan visi karena keberagaman dihargai dalam Tubuh Kristus.
2.Memberdayakan dan bukan meniru cara
Meniru cara yang sama akan memperlakukan semua orang percaya dengan cara sama dan mengharapkan mereka menjadi dan bertindak sama dengan kita yang mendahului mereka.
3.Berpusat pada Firman Tuhan dari pada pragmatis
Pengambilan keputusan didasarkan atas kebenaran dan prinsip, bukan kenyamanan dan pemikiran pragmatis. Pelayanan seharusnya ditujukan pada yang membutuhkan dan bukan untuk mengejar pelayanan atau pilihan tempat yang lebih baik
Dua model kepemimpinan yang di atas dapat terlihat dalam organisasi gereja ataupun sekuler secara nyata. Sekalipun nampak dalam manifestasi yang berbeda tapi dapat dikategorikan dalam dua model di atas. Misalnya ada 3 tipe Kepemimpinan yang terlihat jelas dalam organisasi gereja.:
Self appointted Leadership
Kepemimpinan yang ditetapkan oleh diri sendiri (Ambisi)
Men’s appointed Leadership
Kepemimpinan yang ditetapkan oleh Manusia (pendidikan/suksesi dari orang tua)
God’s appointed Leadership
Kepemimpinan yang ditetapkan oleh Tuhan (Proses Tuhan dalam karakter & karunia )
Kita semua mau menjadi pemimpin yang ditetapkan oleh Tuhan.
Di hadapan Tuhan seorang pemimpin adalah seorang pelayan.
Ciri seorang pelayan : (Fil.2:1-11)
Turun ke bawah : Aspek kerendahan hati dan kelemahlembutan
Kerja keras untuk meyenangkan Tuannya
Pengorbanan untuk orang yang dilayaninya
Kasih menjadi motivasi utama. Semua yang di atas harus dimotivasi oleh kasih kalau tidak semua akan sia-sia.
Standard Tuhan mengenai kepemimpinan sangat berbeda dengan standard manusia (dunia).
Standard dunia : memerintah dengan kekerasan dan menjalankan kuasa atas orang yang dipimpin
Standard Tuhan : Menyatakan kebenaran lewat kehidupan yang melayani.
Kepemimpinan menurut standard Tuhan sangat menuntut karakter lebih dari sekedar sebuah jabatan, di mana fungsi karunia yang dijalankan menurut Roh Kristus yang manis dan lembut.
Kehidupan seorang pemimpin (karakternya) sangat menentukan fungsinya dihadapan Tuhan.
4 Ciri kehidupan pemimpin :
Memiliki hubungan yang intim dengan Tuhan lewat doa.
Beriman hanya kepada Tuhan.
Terkenal baik dalam hubungan dengan orang lain.
Penuh Roh Kudus.
Hubungan kita dengan orang lain akan menyatakan hubungan kita dengan Tuhan
A good follower can be a good leader
Tuhan tidak menghendaki umatNya berjalan tanpa pemimpin. Untuk itu Tuhan menghendaki kita ada di bawah kepemimpinan orang yang Tuhan tempatkan di atas kita untuk menangkap roh kepemimpinan yang Tuhan ingin taruh dalam roh kita melalui pemimpin-pemimpin yang diurapi oleh Tuhan.
Menangkap roh kepemimpinan lewat proses
Proses diatas semuanya membutuhkan waktu, commitment dan kesediaan untuk membagi kehidupan.
Yohanes 15:1-8
1."Akulah pokok anggur yang benar dan Bapa-Kulah pengusahanya.
2.Setiap ranting pada-Ku yang tidak berbuah, dipotong-Nya dan setiap ranting yang berbuah, dibersihkan-Nya, supaya ia lebih banyak berbuah.
3.Kamu memang sudah bersih karena firman yang telah Kukatakan kepadamu.
4.Tinggallah di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam kamu. Sama seperti ranting tidak dapat berbuah dari dirinya sendiri, kalau ia tidak tinggal pada pokok anggur, demikian juga kamu tidak berbuah, jikalau kamu tidak tinggal di dalam Aku.
5.Akulah pokok anggur dan kamulah ranting-rantingnya. Barangsiapa tinggal di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam dia, ia berbuah banyak, sebab di luar Aku kamu tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa.
6.Barangsiapa tidak tinggal di dalam Aku, ia dibuang ke luar seperti ranting dan menjadi kering, kemudian dikumpulkan orang dan dicampakkan ke dalam api lalu dibakar.
7.Jikalau kamu tinggal di dalam Aku dan firman-Ku tinggal di dalam kamu, mintalah apa saja yang kamu kehendaki, dan kamu akan menerimanya.
8.Dalam hal inilah Bapa-Ku dipermuliakan, yaitu jika kamu berbuah banyak dan dengan demikian kamu adalah murid-murid-Ku."
Kehidupan kita dalam hubungannya dengan Kristus digambarkan dengan begitu akurat oleh Tuhan Yesus dalam pasal pembacaan ini. Dalam pernyataan Yesus ini kita melihat bahwa kekristenan yang berbuah merupakan akibat langsung dari hubungan yang intim dengan Yesus. Yesus berkata bahwa Dia adalah pohonnya sedangkan kita orang percaya adalah rantingnya (cabang). Sebuah hubungan yang tidak dapat disubstitusikan dengan yang lain. Ranting tidak bisa langsung mendapatkan makanan dari akar. Dari pembacaan ini kita dapat menarik beberapa hal penting mengenai berbuah.
1. Bapa menghendaki (mencari dan mengharapkan) buah yang maksimal dari hidup kita. Melibatkan memotong dan membersihkan dalam proses mendapatkan buah.
2. Berbuah adalah akibat hubungan intim dengan pokok anggur (Yesus)..
3. Kita cuma punya dua pilihan Berbuah atau dibuang. Berbuah atau binasa
4. Kehidupan yang berbuah adalah kehidupan yang mempermuliakan Bapa.
Mengapa berbuah sangat penting bagi kehidupan kekristenan kita, karena jika tidak ada buah maka kehidupan pasti punah. Kita harus mengerti bahwa di dalam kita telah diinvestasikan kehidupan Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang pasti akan bertumbuh. Sampai kemudian menghasilkan buah.
Kebanyakan orang kristen tidak dapat memahami arti dari tinggal di dalam Yesus atau memiliki hubungan intim dengan Yesus akan menghasilkan buah. Mereka selalu mengharapkan buah yang instant (seketika).
Hidup yang berbuah adalah suatu proses yang sangat alami dari pengalaman rohani kita.
Dalam pembahasan ini kita akan melihat beberapa proses yang alamiah dari kehidupan yang berbuah. Arti dari alamiah adalah suatu proses terjadi dengan sendirinya bukan direkayasa atau direncanakan. Tetapi sebuah akibat natural dari sebuah proses seperti yang dikatakan dalam Yohanes 15:4.
1. Berbuah sebagai akibat Pertumbuhan.
Kadangkala kita tidak menyadari bahwa masalah berbuah seperti yang Tuhan Yesus katakan adalah hasil natural dari pengalaman kehidupan supernatural yang memakan waktu. Markus 4:26-29 dalam terjemahan sehari-hari
4:26 Yesus menyambung pembicaraan-Nya lagi, "Bila Allah memerintah sebagai Raja, keadaannya dapat diumpamakan seperti seorang yang menabur benih di ladangnya.
4:27 Malam hari ia tidur; siang hari ia bangun. Dan sementara itu benih-benih itu terus bertumbuh dan menjadi besar. Tetapi bagaimana caranya benih-benih itu tumbuh dan menjadi besar, orang itu tidak tahu.
4:28 Tanah itulah yang dengan sendirinya mengeluarkan hasil: mula-mula tangkainya, kemudian bulirnya, lalu buahnya.
4:29 Dan kalau gandum itu sudah masak, orang itu pun mulailah menyabit karena sudah waktunya untuk menuai."
Ayat ini secara gamblang menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa hal berbuah adalah akibat dari pertumbuhan. Tapi dengan jelas ayat ini juga memberikan kepada kita prinsip rohani dari pertumbuhan itu sendiri,
Pertumbuhan dimulai dengan menjadikan Yesus sebagai Raja. Suatu keputusan untuk menaklukkan diri kepada kehendak Tuhan Yesus Kristus.
Kenapa kita tidak menghasilkan buah karena kita selalu gagal dalam menjadikan Yesus sebagai penguasa tunggal dalam kehidupan kita
Kemudian lihat bagaimana dikatakan dalam ayat yang ke 28; “bumi dengan sendirinya mengeluarkan buah”.
Dapat dikatakan proses terjadi dengan sendirinya tergantung pada tanahnya apakah tanah itu subur atau tidak. Mark 4:8,20
4:8 Dan sebagian jatuh di tanah yang baik, ia tumbuh dengan suburnya dan berbuah, hasilnya ada yang tiga puluh kali lipat, ada yang enam puluh kali lipat, ada yang seratus kali lipat."
4:20 Dan akhirnya yang ditaburkan di tanah yang baik, ialah orang yang mendengar dan menyambut firman itu lalu berbuah, ada yang tiga puluh kali lipat, ada yang enam puluh kali lipat, dan ada yang seratus kali lipat."
Pertumbuhan sangat membutuhkan tanah yang subur yang adalah ketaatan kita pada Firman Tuhan. Ketaatan pada Firman Tuhan adalah atmosfir pertumbuhan.
Yang terakhir dari pertumbuhan adalah bahwa kehidupan kita sebagai pohon yang bertumbuh harus memiliki kondisi yang baik. Maz. 92:13-16
92:13 Orang benar akan bertunas seperti pohon korma, akan tumbuh subur seperti pohon aras di Libanon;
92:14 mereka yang ditanam di bait TUHAN akan bertunas di pelataran Allah kita.
92:15 Pada masa tua pun mereka masih berbuah, menjadi gemuk dan segar,
92:16 untuk memberitakan, bahwa TUHAN itu benar, bahwa Ia gunung batuku dan tidak ada kecurangan pada-Nya.
Di sinilah kita melihat di mana tertanamnya sebuah pohon akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhannya. Tertanam berbicara komitment; sebuah kehidupan yang terikat janji, suatu bentuk kesetiaan kepada kehendak Tuhan dalam kehidupan kita. Dalam ayat di atas disebut bahwa pohon tersebut tertanam di bait Allah. Punya pengertian tertanam dalam hadirat Tuhan.
Pertumbuhan adalah sebuah kehidupan yang terikat terus menerus dalam hubungannya dengan sumber kehidupan.
Kehidupan yang bersumber dari kasih karunia Tuhan dan bukan karena kita sanggup. Para rasul berdosa supaya kita bertumbuh dalam kasih karunia.
Kesimpulan berbuah sebagai akibat pertumbuhan; 1 Kor 13:11
13:11 Ketika aku kanak-kanak, aku berkata-kata seperti kanak-kanak, aku merasa seperti kanak-kanak, aku berpikir seperti kanak-kanak. Sekarang sesudah aku menjadi dewasa, aku meninggalkan sifat kanak-kanak itu.
Kalau kita betumbuh menjadi dewasa kita akan produktif dalam menghasilkan buah.
2. Berbuah sebagai akibat kematian
Yohanes 12:23-26
12:23 Tetapi Yesus menjawab mereka, kata-Nya: "Telah tiba saatnya Anak Manusia dimuliakan.
12:24 Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya jikalau biji gandum tidak jatuh ke dalam tanah dan mati, ia tetap satu biji saja; tetapi jika ia mati, ia akan menghasilkan banyak buah.
12:25 Barangsiapa mencintai nyawanya, ia akan kehilangan nyawanya, tetapi barangsiapa tidak mencintai nyawanya di dunia ini, ia akan memeliharanya untuk hidup yang kekal.
12:26 Barangsiapa melayani Aku, ia harus mengikut Aku dan di mana Aku berada, di situpun pelayan-Ku akan berada. Barangsiapa melayani Aku, ia akan dihormati Bapa.
Semua orang yang mempelajari makhluk hidup yang adalah ciptaan Tuhan akhirnya akan menemukan sesuatu yang disebut oleh para ilmuwan sebagai “potensi alamiah” (potensi biotik). Ahli ekologi mendefinisikannya sebagai “kapasitas yang melekat dalam suatu organisme atau species untuk bereproduksi dan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup”.
Konsep ini sama sekali tidak dikenal dalam dunia teknologi. Mesin tidak bisa melahirkan mesin. (beri contoh antara mesin pembuat kopi, dengan biji atau pohon kopi= mesin pembuat kopi dapat menghasilkan kopi untuk diminum, tetapi pohon kopi berbuah bukan saja biji kopi tapi pohon kopi yang lain).
Tapi mengapa harus mati sebagai jalan untuk berbuah?
Sewaktu berurusan dengan proses alam, potensi yang melekat ini (potensi biotik) perlu memiliki kendali yang bebas. Perbedaan antara potensi alamiah dan pertumbuhan yang terbukti (baik di laboratorium ataupun di lapangan) disebut tenaga penghambat lingkungan.
Walaupun jelas bahwa pertumbuhan tidak dapat “dibuat” atau dipaksakan, sangat penting untuk meminimalkan tenaga penghambat dari lingkungan bagi terciptanya kondisi yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan.
Inilah yang Tuhan Yesus maksudkan dengan perkataanNya
Yohanes 12:24 Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya jikalau biji gandum tidak jatuh ke dalam tanah dan mati, ia tetap satu biji saja; tetapi jika ia mati, ia akan menghasilkan banyak buah.
Ini mungkin adalah prinsip yang paling alami dan sekaligus penuh dengan keajaiban.
Ayat di atas adalah ucapan Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang memiliki nilai kebenaran kekal.
Di sini berbuah dalam arti yang lebih lebih luas. Kata yang lebih tepat seperti yang kita kenal sekarang adalah prinsip pelipatgandaan..
Pengertian kematian di sini adalah kematian bagi diri sendiri dan hidup bagi Tuhan Yesus. Yang dalam pengertian praktis adalah kehidupan yang diinvestasikan dalam kehidupan orang lain. Di mana kita tidak mementingkan diri kita tapi menyerahkan hidup kita untuk orang lain Bukankah ini adalah roh Yesus Kristus. Inilah prinsip yang dibawa oleh salib Yesus Kristus. Yohanes 12:32-33
12:32 dan Aku, apabila Aku ditinggikan dari bumi, Aku akan menarik semua orang datang kepada-Ku."
12:33 Ini dikatakan-Nya untuk menyatakan bagaimana caranya Ia akan mati.
Perkara berbuah selalu berkaitan dengan kematian dan kehidupan, tidak pernah terjadi dengan metode atau sistem tetapi kuncinya adalah kehidupan itu sendiri. Tanpa kehidupan, sistem tersebut tidak ada gunanya. Tetapi, apabila ada kehidupan, metode dan sistem itu dapat menjadi sangat efektif. Bagian yang menakjubkan dari proses pertumbuhan alamiah adalah bahwa di dalam proses ini teradapat beberapa mekanisme yang dapat membantu kehidupan berkembang dan bertumbuh dengan pesat. Meskipun demikian, masalah terpenting bagi setiap orang kristen adalah mengupayakan adanya kehidupan yang diperlukan untuk terjadinya pertumbuhan.
Kematian yang menghasilkan buah di sini berhubungan secara spesifik dengan pola hidup kita. Disini kita melihat bahwa kematian terhadap “tenaga penghambat lingkungan” akan menghasilkan buah.
Kematian bagi kedagingan (kehidupan lama atau kehidupan dosa) adalah masuknya dalam kehidupan yang dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus yang membawa kita pada kehidupan yang menghasilkan buah Roh Kudus. Efesus 5:19-23
Kematian bagi Hukum Taurat (cara-cara legalistik Agama) adalah kehidupan bagi Tuhan di mana bukan kita lagi yang hidup tapi Yesus yang hidup dalam kita. Sehingga rupa Kritus (kasih karunia dan kebenaran) menjadi nyata atas kita. Galatia 2:19-20.
Kematian bagi dunia adalah kehidupan yang diperbaharui terus menerus sampai segambar dengan Tuhan Yesus. Kolose 3:5-10 ; 1 Yohanes 2:15-17
Proses pertumbuhan alamiah adalah pertumbuhan yang terikat oleh waktu dan mengandung penghentian pertumbuhan dalam dirinya sendiri. Organisme bersangkutan tidak bertumbuh tanpa akhir tetapi bereproduksi ; suatu bentuk pertumbuhan yang melampaui individualitasnya sendiri.
Semua makhluk hidup ciptaan Tuhan dicirikan dengan kemampuan menghasilkan buah dan tujuannya sekali lagi tidaklah hal yang lain tapi menghasilkan sifat yang sejenis dengan kata lain species yang sama.
Pelipatgandaan adalah proses reproduksi yang sama sifatnya di mana kita akan mengetahui bahwa buah sejati dari pohon pisang bukanlah pisang itu sendiri tetapi pohon pisang yang lain. Buah sejati dari seorang penginjil bukanlah jiwa baru tapi penginjil yang baru. Buah sejati dari seorang gembala bukanlah seekor domba (anggota jemaat) tapi justru gembala yang lain.
3. Berbuah karena kasih karunia
Lukas 13:6-9
13:6. Lalu Yesus mengatakan perumpamaan ini: "Seorang mempunyai pohon ara yang tumbuh di kebun anggurnya, dan ia datang untuk mencari buah pada pohon itu, tetapi ia tidak menemukannya.
13:7 Lalu ia berkata kepada pengurus kebun anggur itu: Sudah tiga tahun aku datang mencari buah pada pohon ara ini dan aku tidak menemukannya. Tebanglah pohon ini! Untuk apa ia hidup di tanah ini dengan percuma!
13:8 Jawab orang itu: Tuan, biarkanlah dia tumbuh tahun ini lagi, aku akan mencangkul tanah sekelilingnya dan memberi pupuk kepadanya,
13:9 mungkin tahun depan ia berbuah; jika tidak, tebanglah dia!"
Dalam perumpamaan di atas kita menjumpai bahwa sekali lagi bahwa Bapa menghendaki buah. Satu hal yang perlu kita ketahui dari buah adalah bahwa buah itu kelihatan secara jasmani. Itulah sebabnya kita dapat mengenal seorang berkualitas atau tidak dari buahnya (Mat 7:15-20 baca) . Buah yang kelihatan itu bisa berupa perkataan, perasaan atau pikiran, sikap mental, tindakan, tingkah laku ataupun reaksi-rekasi kita terhadapa masalah yang datang dalam kehidupan kita. Itulah sebabnya kita menemukan bahwa Yesus satu kali melihat sebuah pohon yang rindang tapi tidak berbuah reaksi Yesus adlah mengutuki pohon ara itu. Dalam Markus 11:12-14
11:12. Keesokan harinya sesudah Yesus dan kedua belas murid-Nya meninggalkan Betania, Yesus merasa lapar.
11:13 Dan dari jauh Ia melihat pohon ara yang sudah berdaun. Ia mendekatinya untuk melihat kalau-kalau Ia mendapat apa-apa pada pohon itu. Tetapi waktu Ia tiba di situ, Ia tidak mendapat apa-apa selain daun-daun saja, sebab memang bukan musim buah ara.
11:14 Maka kata-Nya kepada pohon itu: "Jangan lagi seorangpun makan buahmu selama-lamanya!" Dan murid-murid-Nyapun mendengarnya.
Perumpamaan dalam Lukas menunjukkan keadaan kehidupan orang kristen yang mandul (tidak berbuah). Kelihatannya penyebab utamanya adalah tumbuh dalam tanah yang salah (dasar yang salah). Kita sudah lihat dalam poin 1 bahwa pertumbuhan sangat ditentukan oleh faktor tanah, dan faktor pohon itu sendiri. Kehidupan yang tidak berbuah adalah kehidupan yang percuma.
Kehidupan yang berbuah selalu terikat waktu dan Tuhan pun selalu mengerti mengenai waktu tersebut. Untuk kehidupan yang tidak berbuah Tuhan tetap memberikan kasih karunia berupa;
Kesempatan untuk berbuah. Sebagai orang kristen yang tidak berbuah kita perlu sekali menangkap kesempatan untuk menghasilkan buah. Ingatlah hukum alam ini bahwa buah selalu muncul pada musimnya. Dan musim itu disebut musim perubahan. Dan buah yang kita hasilkan seharusnya merupakan tanda kita masuk dalam musim perubahan.
Pengkhotbah 3:1-11
3:1. Untuk segala sesuatu ada masanya, untuk apapun di bawah langit ada waktunya.
3:2 Ada waktu untuk lahir, ada waktu untuk meninggal, ada waktu untuk menanam, ada waktu untuk mencabut yang ditanam;
3:3 ada waktu untuk membunuh, ada waktu untuk menyembuhkan; ada waktu untuk merombak, ada waktu untuk membangun;
3:4 ada waktu untuk menangis, ada waktu untuk tertawa; ada waktu untuk meratap; ada waktu untuk menari;
3:5 ada waktu untuk membuang batu, ada waktu untuk mengumpulkan batu; ada waktu untuk memeluk, ada waktu untuk menahan diri dari memeluk;
3:6 ada waktu untuk mencari, ada waktu untuk membiarkan rugi; ada waktu untuk menyimpan, ada waktu untuk membuang;
3:7 ada waktu untuk merobek, ada waktu untuk menjahit; ada waktu untuk berdiam diri, ada waktu untuk berbicara;
3:8 ada waktu untuk mengasihi, ada waktu untuk membenci; ada waktu untuk perang, ada waktu untuk damai.
3:9 Apakah untung pekerja dari yang dikerjakannya dengan berjerih payah?
3:10 Aku telah melihat pekerjaan yang diberikan Allah kepada anak-anak manusia untuk melelahkan dirinya.
3:11. Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya, bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka. Tetapi manusia tidak dapat menyelami pekerjaan yang dilakukan Allah dari awal sampai akhir.
3:12 Aku tahu bahwa untuk mereka tak ada yang lebih baik dari pada bersuka-suka dan menikmati kesenangan dalam hidup mereka.
3:13 Dan bahwa setiap orang dapat makan, minum dan menikmati kesenangan dalam segala jerih payahnya, itu juga adalah pemberian Allah.
3:14 Aku tahu bahwa segala sesuatu yang dilakukan Allah akan tetap ada untuk selamanya; itu tak dapat ditambah dan tak dapat dikurangi; Allah berbuat demikian, supaya manusia takut akan Dia.
3:15 Yang sekarang ada dulu sudah ada, dan yang akan ada sudah lama ada; dan Allah mencari yang sudah lalu.
Kita mengetahui bahwa kunci dari ayat-ayat kontroversial di atas adalah supaya kita memahami bahwa musim apapun yang kita lewati atas kehendak Tuhan itu indah pada waktunya dan yang paling penting supaya Tuhan menaruhkan hal-hal yang kekal dalam kita sebagai buahnya. Apakah hal yang kekal itu? Tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah sifat-sifat Tuhan sendiri. (Kisah naik mobil hujan-hujan untuk buah kerendahan hati). Kita perlu mengenali kesempatan untuk berbuah. Kesempatan untuk berbuah adalah kasih karunia.
Proses-proses Vertilisasi, Pemberian pupuk Ini yang dimaksud dengan diberi pupuk supaya bisa berbuah. Ini biasanya sebuah situasi yang tidak enak sebuah pengalaman lembah yang akan menghasilkan kerendahan hati Sehingga berhenti dari melakukan kehendak sendiri dan mulai melakukan kehendak Tuhan.
Pemberian pupuk ini berarti diberi sampah (bhs Inggris menyebutnya DUNK). Arti rohani dari pemberian pupuk adalah tantangan, oposisi atau hal-hal yang datang dalam bentuk krisis. Di sinilah kita dituntut bukan melawan oposisi dengan tenaga kita. Justru kita dapat menggunakan kekuatan oposisi untuk keuntungan dan kemajuan kita. Kita dapat menggunakan prinsip olahraga berselancar dan bukan bertinju. Kalau dalam bertinju kita mengumpulkan tenaga untuk menghantam oposisi kita dan setelah melepaskan pukulan pada oposisi kita biasanya tenaga kita terkuras, tetapi kalau berselancar kita justru menggunakan tenaga ombak atau gelombang untuk meluncur diatasnya. Itu punya pengertian bahwa kita harus menggunakan krisis secara kreatif untuk dapat berselancar di atasnya yang hasilnya adalah kemajuan kita.
4. Berbuah Karena Menabur.
Ada satu hukum yang tidak akan pernah berhenti berlaku dalam kehidupan ini selama bumi masih ada dan hukum itu adalah hukum menabur dan menuai. Sebab Tuhan berfirman:
Kejadian 8:22 Selama bumi masih ada, takkan berhenti-henti musim menabur dan menuai, dingin dan panas, kemarau dan hujan, siang dan malam."
Kita hanya menuai apa yang kita tabur. Artinya kita hanya menuai yang sejenis dengan yang kita tabur. Saudara tidak mungkin menuai anggur kalau saudara menabur durian misalnya.
Sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh mengenai tabur tuai ini saya sebaiknya akan membuat perbedaan yang jelas mengenai hukum tabur tuai ini dibandingkan dengan hukum karma yang diyakini oleh penganut agama Hindu. Dalam Buku “The World Religion” Bruce J. Nicholls menyatakan hal ini:
Karma adalah “tindakan” atau “perbuatan” yang merupakan suatu penafsiran dari hukum alamiah tentang sebab akibat di mana setiap tindakan adalah akibat dari suatu sebab dan pada saatnya akan merupakan sebab dari suatu akibat.
Sesuai dengan hukum karma seseorang bisa saja lahir kembali sebagai dewa, anggota dari kasta yang tinggi atau rendah bahkan menjadi binatang, sesuai dengan setiap pikiran, perkataan atau perbuatannya. Setiap orang untuk itu selalu membawa masalalunya, bahkan mereka adalah masalalu mereka.
Hukum ini adalah prinsip dari reaksi moral yang berlaku baik untuk hal yang baik ataupun jahat. Seperti yang ditabur orang itu yang dituainya. Perbuatan jahat menuai penderitaan dan keterikatan bagi keberadaan manusia sedangkan perbuatan baik menuntun pada kemerdekaan dari keterikatannya. Seperti hukum ini tidak dapat dihindarkan dalam alam ini begitu pula hukum ini pasti dalam alam rohani[1].
Sedangkan dalam Firman Tuhan ada suatu keadaan yang mengubah kehidupan manusia yaitu pertobatan. Kalau dalam hukum karma keadaan manusia ditentukan oleh manusia itu sendiri (ciri dari agama) maka dalam Firman Tuhan ada yang disebut dengan intervensi Tuhan dalam menolong manusia keluar dari masalah dosa dalam kehidupan mereka. Hukum tabur tuai dalam Alkitab adalah hukum yang menyatakan keadilan Allah tapi bukan berarti dalam keadilanNya Tuhan tidak lagi berbelaskasihan. Di sinilah kasih karunia akan sangat berarti.
Sekarang mari kita lihat bagaimana kita berbuah karena menabur;
Apa yang kita tabur ?
Kita perlu memperhatikan apa yang kita tabur. Gal 6:7-10
6:7 Jangan sesat! Allah tidak membiarkan diri-Nya dipermainkan. Karena apa yang ditabur orang, itu juga yang akan dituainya.
6:8 Sebab barangsiapa menabur dalam dagingnya, ia akan menuai kebinasaan dari dagingnya, tetapi barangsiapa menabur dalam Roh, ia akan menuai hidup yang kekal dari Roh itu.
6:9 Janganlah kita jemu-jemu berbuat baik, karena apabila sudah datang waktunya, kita akan menuai, jika kita tidak menjadi lemah.
6:10 Karena itu, selama masih ada kesempatan bagi kita, marilah kita berbuat baik kepada semua orang, tetapi terutama kepada kawan-kawan kita seiman.
Arti menabur di sini adalah pikiran, perkataan dan tindakan yang kita hasilkan dalam kehidupan. Ada pernyataan yang berkata menabur pikiran menuai tindakan, menabur tindakan menuai kebiasaan, menabur kebiasaan menuai karakter dan menabur karakter menuai dalam kekekalan.
Dalam ayat yang kita baca kita harus perhatikan baik-baik kata ini: jangan sesat! Allah tidak membiarkan diriNya dipermainkan. Punya pengertian kita semua manusia menabur di hadapan Tuhan. Untuk itu bersikaplah benar.
Dalam ayat di atas kita harus menabur dalam Roh, punya pengertian bahwa perkataan, pikiran dan perbuatan kita seharusnya lahir dari kehidupan yang dipimpin atau dikuasai oleh Roh demikian juga sebaliknya dengan kehidupan kedagingan.
Di sinilah kita perlu sekali untuk membuat keputusan dalam kasih karunia Tuhan untuk setiap saat dikuasai oleh Roh Kudus.
Bagaimana Kita menabur?
Dengan menunjukkan sikap mental yang baik kepada sesama kita, secara khusus saudara-saudara seiman.
Berbuat baik kepada sesama yang didasari oleh cinta kepada Tuhan dan cinta pada sesama.
2 Kor 9:6-15
9:6. Camkanlah ini: Orang yang menabur sedikit, akan menuai sedikit juga, dan orang yang menabur banyak, akan menuai banyak juga.
9:7 Hendaklah masing-masing memberikan menurut kerelaan hatinya, jangan dengan sedih hati atau karena paksaan, sebab Allah mengasihi orang yang memberi dengan sukacita.
9:8 Dan Allah sanggup melimpahkan segala kasih karunia kepada kamu, supaya kamu senantiasa berkecukupan di dalam segala sesuatu dan malah berkelebihan di dalam pelbagai kebajikan.
9:9 Seperti ada tertulis: "Ia membagi-bagikan, Ia memberikan kepada orang miskin, kebenaran-Nya tetap untuk selamanya."
9:10 Ia yang menyediakan benih bagi penabur, dan roti untuk dimakan, Ia juga yang akan menyediakan benih bagi kamu dan melipatgandakannya dan menumbuhkan buah-buah kebenaranmu;
9:11 kamu akan diperkaya dalam segala macam kemurahan hati, yang membangkitkan syukur kepada Allah oleh karena kami.
9:12 Sebab pelayanan kasih yang berisi pemberian ini bukan hanya mencukupkan keperluan-keperluan orang-orang kudus, tetapi juga melimpahkan ucapan syukur kepada Allah.
9:13 Dan oleh sebab kamu telah tahan uji dalam pelayanan itu, mereka memuliakan Allah karena ketaatan kamu dalam pengakuan akan Injil Kristus dan karena kemurahan hatimu dalam membagikan segala sesuatu dengan mereka dan dengan semua orang,
9:14 sedangkan di dalam doa mereka, mereka juga merindukan kamu oleh karena kasih karunia Allah yang melimpah di atas kamu.
9:15 Syukur kepada Allah karena karunia-Nya yang tak terkatakan itu!
Kita harus menabur banyak.
Kita harus menabur dengan rela.
Kita harus tahan uji dalam menabur.
Buah dari menabur seperti yang Tuhan kehendaki
Berlimpah dalam Kasih Karunia
Berkecukupan dalam segala sesuatu
Berkelebihan dalam pelbagai kebajikan
Diperkaya dalam segala macam kemurahan hati
Hi all,
The Lord's interaction with the lame man in John 5: 1-16 illustrates how the Lord brings breakthrough into our lives in all areas, not just the healing listed there, so I'd like to share about it.
I'm talking about breaking through hopelessness and frustration and into a fulfillment of what's on our heart. You know the frustration - where everything you do seems not to be blessed (and even thwarted), and you wonder if the path you have been on which you thought was God has been self-deception, or just for a season, or sin and error - you really don't know for sure.
Such was the case of the man who had been lame 38 years. The situation was that an angel came at various times to stir the waters, and then the first person down into the water would get healed. The man desperately wanted to get down to the pool, but he had no one to help him, so someone beat him to the fulfillment of his dream and goal every time. Sound familiar?
This man was hoping that God would arrange the timing of his life so that several things would come together all at once. He was hoping a mixture of faith and the right circumstances brought about by God partnering with him would bring his answer. In his case that the pool would be stirred and at the same time someone would come along to help him down into the water before anyone else, and then he would be healed.
Verse 6 says "When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he said to him, Do you want to be made whole?"
This healing, and the larger principle taught here, has to do with the mercy and grace of our Lord and not this man's faith.
(1) That is the first thing to remember, to look to the Lord and his mercy and grace to help in time of need. In the final analysis it will still be his grace, not our efforts that bring about our answer. He sees you there and knows you've been a long time in that condition, and he offers help. Once Jesus shows up, it doesn't matter how long you've been in that condition.
The question
Jesus asked, "Do you want to be made whole? It sounds like a stupid question to a man who hasn't walked in 38 years doesn't it? And that's the situation in our lives too; of course I want to be made whole in whatever area - healed, prospered, fulfilled dream, business, etc. If the answer is obvious, why did Jesus ask it, and why does he ask it of us today?
(2) This is the 2nd thing to understand, Jesus asked the question to focus the man's attention back to his desire. The man could have answered Jesus sarcasticly: "Why do you think I'm here?" Instead, he humbly answered it as best as he knew. We stumble over the humility and child-like faith required of our answer.
In the midst of our "lameness" in a situation, especially if we have been in that condition some time or are exhausted from our efforts, the Lord will cause us to focus on that desire once again. We must respond to his voice in humility, going back to square one, to refocus our attention on him, laying aside all the distractions around us. Verse 3 tells us there were "a great multitude of lame, blind, and maimed people waiting for the waters to stir". Jesus asked this man to focus on him and answer the question, thus once again clearly defining it in his mind.
We tend to get lost in the stress of what's happening to us, so we complain, stating the problem to the Lord rather than our desire. Jesus helped the man focus on the essential goal, stripping away the distractions around him just to look into the face of Jesus. Focus on the Lord, not the problems.
The answer
The answer this man gave reveals his limited thinking. He has only one way he thinks God will come through for him: "Sir, I have no man, when the water is stirred up, to put me into the pool; but while I am coming another steps down before me." He wanted healed, but he only saw the answer through the information he had already. Everything in life had told him the order of events was that an angel would come, then some stranger would help him into the pool, then he'd be healed. He could not think outside of his life experience and education to consider the answer might be through a way he had never thought.
Thwarted efforts
This man tried to bring about his healing as best as he understood he could, but was thwarted by others - someone else always seemed to get the blessing first.
It's like a business person just on the edge of closing a deal, then someone else gets it. It's like someone's prayers for a family member almost get answered, then something happens to cause it to not happen. The man had been dealing with this frustration 38 years, and at some point earlier perhaps even wondered if the Lord really wanted to heal him, yet his desire to be healed remained.
Your way or his way?
(3) So this is the 3rd point: This man could only see his fulfillment coming by a way he could think of. We must lay aside our thoughts about how we think such and such would play out and consider that the Lord may have a way outside our life and educational experience. Lay out for the Lord how you thought it would happen, but then go back to the start and just answer the question, stating the desire of your heart.
As we do #2, focus on Jesus and the basic question of "Do you want to be made whole?", we must let every pre-conceived idea fall to the wayside to be consumed with Jesus standing before us, asking us to break it down to that one question - do you want wholeness?
Years ago when we were in the midst of turmoil in every area of our lives, the Father asked me one day: "Where have you always felt the most fulfilled?" That question stripped away all the confusion in my mind as I focused on that one element down through the years that caused fulfillment, and in the end, I realized it was helping the discipleship process with people who were serious about growth. As I looked at my life experiences and saw that gift function within many different types of structures (church and business) over the years, I regained peace that the Father would move us into a place of fulfillment once again. (And he did).
The gifts God gave you when he created you can function within any number of business or church structures; often it's a matter of discovering which structure the Father has next for you to function in.
His question about fulfillment to me was the same as "Do you want to be made whole?" to this lame man. It caused all the confusion and frustration to fall away and allowed me to focus on the Lord only.
Without further discussion Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your bed and walk", and immediately the text says the man was made whole, and then once whole, took up his bed and walked.
Healed first, then walk...
Above, I've brought out 3 points: The answer is based on the Lord's grace, focus on the Lord and the essential question, and humbly consider the answer will come outside your efforts, life experience and education.
These elements brought the man to the point Jesus could command healing. Jesus didn't even tell him ahead of time his healing would come in a way different than the man had imagined, he just healed him.
...or trying to walk before being healed?
He could not "rise" until he was healed, and I think many people are trying to take up their bed and walk, whatever "their bed" happens to be - work, business, ministry, family issue - before being "healed". One of the most important things this man did was acknowledge that he had no answers, that what he had done before didn't work. This humility and admission of his own failure allowed the Lord to respond to his heart.
The frustration is that we are willing to learn whatever lesson the Lord wants us to learn, if he would just tell us what it is! But when we prune a tree we don't tell it why we are doing it, we as humans can see the big picture and the more fruit coming after the tree heals and puts out new shoots, but at the time we just prune it. In the same way, the Father doesn't always tell us why we are being pruned. Jesus said wisdom is justified by her children, which means the offspring or result of a decision made in wisdom is seen on down the road to successive generations of decisions and outcomes. We must be willing to be healed first before we try to take up our bed and walk.
Goes against the grain
Of course Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath, which made people around him angry to the point they plotted to kill him (v16). Understand that the way the Lord brings about the healing of your situation will not only come outside of the way you've been thinking, but it will confound and even anger some people. This is because they too have ideas about your life and the direction they think it should go (or not go), and when you start moving at the Lord's direction, they will be angry with you.
New walk
If you consider this man had been at least 38 years in that condition, his muscles would have to be built up and exercised as he walked. So it is with us. On the other side of God's grace, it's old muscles that haven't been used in this way before that need exercising. It may be a new direction, new structure within which your gifts will flow, it may hurt a bit as those muscles come up to speed - but it is God's provision for you.
Some will rejoice with us, some will be upset, but for us it will be a matter of using muscles that haven't been used in a long time, or perhaps never in that way, but WE must walk it out.
In typical fashion, Jesus quickly moved on so that the man didn't even know who it was who had healed him. That's like the Lord today, coming to us to heal our situation, then fading into the background as we walk out what he did for us.
But in verse 14 Jesus finds the man and warns him; "Look, you've been made whole; sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you." In other words as it applies to my topic today, learn from what made you lame and don't ever go back there. Learn from your mistake and never come that way again.
Whatever situation we are facing, we are in it because of decisions we've made. We must acknowledge that and then learn from those decisions, yet still walk it out. Even if we look back and can say with a clear conscience that what we did we did unto the Lord, we must learn where we got off and never repeat it.
Full circle
The first of the 3 things I mentioned had to do with realizing the 'healing' of our situation would be a matter of God's grace and not our efforts, though we must cooperate with the Lord certainly, and this is where we end.
When Jesus was questioned by the religious leaders about why he healed the man on the Sabbath, Jesus said "Truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but whatever he sees the Father do, for whatever he does, so does the Son likewise." (v19)
Jesus healed the man because he saw the Father wanting to heal the man. It was the Father who first saw the long time condition and directed Jesus to grant him that mercy and grace to help. Our efforts therefore should really be focused on intimacy with the Father. Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come boldly to him to receive mercy and grace to help in time of need; Seek the Father, he is the Answer to all.
Some thoughts this week,
John Fenn
Skype: JFennTulsa
Kamis, 24 April 2008
Ini adalah salah satu faktor yang angat serius dan penting dalam kehidupan kita. Statistik dari majalah TIME & US Newspaper menunjukkan bahwa :" Dad is Destiny"
38% anak di Western World hidup tapa ayah biologis (th 99 , th 1960 hanya 17,5%)
Lebih dari 50% anak menghabiskan separuh hidup mereka tanpa ayah.
Tanpa Bapa berhubungan erat dg mimpi buruk masyarakat seperti anak remaja yang membawa pistol, gadis remaja dengan bayi.
46% keluarga dgn anak yang dipimpin oleh seorang ibu saja hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan dibandingkan keluarga yang lengkap (ayah ibu) hanya 8%.
43% dari org yang ada dipenjara dinyatakan hidup dan bertumbuh dalam keluarga yang tanpa ayah.
Tanpa ayah dapat dipastikan sebagai penyebab untuk aktifitas kriminal dalam kehidupan anak muda.
Pakar sosiologi sekarang telah menghubungkan ketiadaan ayah dengan : drop out, jobless, kecanduan obat, bunuh diri, ataupun target dari pelecehan seksual.
Hanya 51% yang hidup dalam keluarga yang lengkap.
Di Indonesia menurut Media Indonesia (Sabtu 13 Oktober 2001) mengutip Ginekolog dan Konsultan seks dr. Boyke Nugraha SpOG mengatakan: "sekitar 2,5 juta wanita Indonesia setiap tahun melakukan aborsi. Mayoritas pelaku; wanita remaja yang belum menikah."
Pentingnya memiliki Bapa
Kehormatan teringgi yang Tuhan taruh dalam kehidupan seorang pria adalah menjadi ayah. Karena Tuhan memilih titel, sebutan, panggilan untuk diriNya sebagai Bapa.
Kebapaan adalah pekerjaan yang terutama bagi para pria. Tidak ada yang lebih lengkap bagi seorang pria untuk mencapai kepenuhan kecuali menjadi ayah. Itu bukan berarti hanya memiliki anak jasmani.
Ayah adalah kunci untuk dosa dan juga kunci solusi dari dosa. Konsep kebapaan telah merupakan penyebab manusia jatuh dalam dosa dan juga konsep pembapaan yang akan menjadi penyelamatan manusia. Kuasa dari pembapaan telah menjadi bukti dalam konsep Tuhan yang tertulis dalam ALkitab.
Dosa adalah akibat dari manusia menyatakan independen dari Bapa mereka. Dosa adalah masalah tanpa ayah. Manusia dalam dosa menderita ketiadaan ayah. Itulah masalah utama kita.
Tuhan sendiri melihat pembapaan sebagai jalan keluar bagi masalah dosa ini.
Maleaki 4:5,6
Kunci untuk keluarga, masyarakat, gereja, kota, bangsa adalah roh kebapaan.
Kata bapa berasal dari bahasa Ibrani Abbah, ini sebenarnya adalah sebutan (title) dan arti dari kata ni adalah sumber atau pemelihara.
Untuk menjadi abbah saudara harus menghasilkan sesuatu dan memeliharanya.
Bahasa Yunani dari bapa adalah Pater yang berarti sumber dan pemelihara atau yang mendukung.
Kata bapa disebut juga sebagai fondasi dari semuanya.
Tanggungjawab Seorang Bapa. Kej. 2:15
Prinsip yang dahsyat adalah Tuhan selalu menyelesaikan pekerjaanNya sebelum Dia memulainya. Yes 46:10,11
Waktu Tuhan menjadikan Adam, sebenarnya Tuhan telah selesai menjadikan semua umat manusia.
Hal yang pertama Tuhan lakukan adalah menempatkan Adam dalam Taman Eden (presence of moment or spot), punya arti tempat atau moment dimana hadirat Tuhan menyentuh bumi; itu artinya, apa yang manusia butuhkan pertama adalah hadirat Tuhan dan bukan perempuan atau laki-laki. Kemudian Tuhan memberikan tugas pertama kepada Adam untuk bekerja (menghasilkan/produktif) . Itu memberikan pengertian bahwa sebelum pria diberikan wanita dia harus bekerja dulu. Kemudian Tuhan meminta Adam untuk memelihara atau melindungi semua yang dipercayakan kepadanya. Setelah itu Tuhan menugaskan Adam untuk mengolah (cultivate) yang punya pengertian mengeluarkan yang terbaik dari dalamnya, menyebabkan berkembang. Kemudian Tuhan mempercayakan pada manusia FirmanNya.
Untuk hal-hal di atas inilah Tuhan mau seorang bapa bertanggungjawab. Setelah itu baru Tuhan berkata dalam ayat 18; Tidak baik manusia seorang diri. pengertian sendiri adalah all in one (semua dalam satu) makanya Tuhan membuat penolong yang sepadan supaya manusia menghasilkan yang sejenis, artinya berasal dari sumber yang sama. .
Sonship (Keputraan)
Yohanes 10:29,30; 8:
Menghasilkan yang sejenis inilah yang disebut putra (son). Arti dari putra bukanlah laki-laki tapi keturunan (offspring). Sama seperti Bapa demikian juga putra tidak pernah menunjuk pada gender tapi pada title (sebutan), lebih kepada fungsi dan bukan pada jabatan. Sonship adalah identitas kita, yang berarti bahwa kita berasal dari sumber (Bapa) yanag kudus. Itulah dna kita. Saudara tidak berusaha untuk menjadi kudus, saya tidak berdoa untuk mejadi kudus, tidak bergumul untuk menjadi kudus, tidak memakai krah baju terbalik untuk menjadi kudus, tapi saya kudus karena sumber (Bapa) saya kudus.
Rasul = Apostolos = The sent one = yang diutus.
Yang dibahas di sini adalah rasul-rasul yang masuk dalam kategori lima jawatan
Rasul-rasul bukanlah:
Merintis banyak jemaat
Menulis banyak buku
Senior dalam pelayanan
Pemimpin tim pelayanan
Travel dan punya pelayanan Internasional
Prominent dan popular
Ternyata bahwa nilai-nilai yang menjadi standard dalam gereja masa kini tidaklah secara akurat Alkitabiah
Rasul adalah
Seorang yang dipanggil oleh kehendak Allah. 1 Korintus 1:1, Galatia 1:1
Seorang yang ditetapkan oleh perintah Allah. 1 Timotius 1:1
Bergerak dalam Anugerah Kerasulan. Efesus 3:2,8
Hal yang terpenting dari pelayanan Kerasulan adalah Anugrah Kerasulan yang mereka bawa dalam gereja Tuhan. Sehingga mereka dapat membawa dimensi kerasulan bagi hidup orang kudus
Kasih Karunia: Sumber-sumber ilahi atau Karakteristik Ilahi yang Tuhan mau impartasikan bagi gerejaNya.
A.Meletakkan dasar gereja.
Pelayanan ini melibatkan dua hal:
Menghancurkan dasar yang lama
Membangun dasar Ker. Allah yang baru
Menetapkan Struktur kepemimpinan rohani dalam gereja yang dirintis.
Pelayanan ini sangat konfrontatif yang mengubah paradigma. KPR 19:1-11;
Ahli bangunan yang cakap meletakkan dasar. 1Korintus 3:10
B.Roh Pioner yang sangat tajam dalam pengembangan dan perluasan Kerajaan Bapa. Roma 15:20
C.Menyingkapkan pada Gereja Kekayaan Kristus yang tak terduga yang menuntun pada dimensi baru dalam Kristus. Efesus 3:2,8
D.Selalu melihat gambar besar dari sebuah pergerakan ataupun selalu berpikir jaringan & Kemitraan. KPR 20
1 Korintus 15:9-11
Karena aku adalah yang paling hina dari semua rasul, bahkan tidak layak disebut rasul, sebab aku telah menganiaya Jemaat Allah.
Tetapi karena kasih karunia Allah aku adalah sebagaimana aku ada sekarang, dan kasih karunia yang dianugerahkan-Nya kepadaku tidak sia-sia. Sebaliknya, aku telah bekerja lebih keras dari pada mereka semua; tetapi bukannya aku, melainkan kasih karunia Allah yang menyertai aku.
Sebab itu, baik aku, maupun mereka, demikianlah kami mengajar dan demikianlah kamu menjadi percaya.
Paulus berkata bahwa fungsi kerasulannya sangat ditentukan kasihkarunia yang bekerja di dalam dirinya dan melalui dirinya.
Dimensi inilah yang di bawa oleh para rasul yang kemudian diimpartasikan kepada orang kudus, supaya orang kudus menerima anugerah kerasulan itu agar dapat berfungsi seperti para rasul berfungsi dalam keseharian mereka.
Matius 10:1-5
Dipanggil (menjadi murid)
Diperlengkapi (diberi kuasa)
Observasi dari Kis 13:1-4
Pelayanan Tubuh : berdasarkan jemaat, Kis 13:1
Karunia Rohani : Nabi-nabi & pengajar ay.1
Disiplin Rohani : Penyembahan, ibadah dan berpuasa. Ay.2
Dinamika Rohani : Mendengar suara Tuhan; karunia bekerja, ay. 2
Disiplin Rohani : Berdoa dan puasa lebih lagi, ay.3
Pelayanan Tubuh : Kesatuan mengkhususkan (dan menemukan) dengan penumpangan tangan, ay 3
Berdasarkan jemaat : Tapi bukan terikat pada gereja lokal(dilepaskan) ay.3
Otoritas Rohani : Di utus oleh Roh Kudus, ay. 4
Paulus dan Barnabas tadinya tidak dikenal sebagai Rasul tapi setelah melewati proses penetapan dan pengkhususan dan pengutusan maka pada KPR 13:43 untuk pertama kalinya mereka disebut sebagai rasul
Kuasa untuk membangun struktur rohani dalam kehidupan manusia.
Ketepatan dalam pewahyuan Ilahi supaya orang kudus dapat mengerti tujuan-tujuan Tuhan.
Kekuatan pembapaan
Kenyataan dari pemerintahan Tuhan dalam GerejaNya
Kuasa terobosan perintisan jemaat dalam GerejaNya.
Tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam pertempuran rohani
Tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam kuasa dan karakter Yesus Kristus
Tingkat kepekaan yang lebih tinggi dalam alam rohani.
Para rasul dan penatua selalu membahas konflik gereja. KPR 15
Rasul dengan rasul mereka merebut kota. KPR 13-14
Rasul dan nabi menggoncangkan bangsa-bangsa, shakes the foundation and set the captives free. KPR 16
Definisi Istilah
Euaggelizo : Kata ini berarti "berkhotbah, menyatakan atau mengumandangkan kabar baik".
Kata ini memberitahukan kepada kita tentang pelayanan penginjilan.
Euaggelion : Kata ini berarti "Injil atau Kabar Baik". Kata ini memberitahukan kepada kita tentang berita dari penginjil.
Euaggelistes : Kata ini berarti "seorang pengkhotbah atau utusan kabar baik". Kata ini menunjuk pada orang yang menyampaikan Injil.
Yang bukan Penginjil
Orang yang banyak berkhotbah
Orang yang banyak bersaksi
Yang melakukan mujizat-mujizat
Memenangkan banyak jiwa
Melayani berkeliling dari kota ke kota
Memimpin kebaktian-kebaktian yang besar (KKR?)
Seorang Penginjil adalah:
Seorang yang menerima kasih karunia Penginjilan untuk diimpartasikan bagi orang percaya.
Memiliki beban yang secara tetap tertuju pada orang berdosa.
Belaskasihan yang besar terhadap orang berdosa dan yang jauh dari Tuhan
Pemberitaan Injil yang sederhana tapi diikuti oleh tanda-tanda heran dan mujizat
Yang Terpenting
Memberdayakan orang percaya dengan kasih karunia yang Tuhan berikan supaya orang percaya melakukan tugas penginjilan supaya Injil kerajaan Tuhan menerobos kesemua lini kehidupan.
Dengan demikian pandangan tentang every believer evangelism menjadi kenyataan
Orientasi ke dalam
memperlengkapi orang percaya
Orientasi ke luar
Melakukan tugas penginjilan dalam penjangkauan orang berdosa di tempat di mana mereka berada.
Definisi Istilah
Euaggelizo : Kata ini berarti "berkhotbah, menyatakan atau mengumandangkan kabar baik".
Kata ini memberitahukan kepada kita tentang pelayanan penginjilan.
Euaggelion : Kata ini berarti "Injil atau Kabar Baik". Kata ini memberitahukan kepada kita tentang berita dari penginjil.
Euaggelistes : Kata ini berarti "seorang pengkhotbah atau utusan kabar baik". Kata ini menunjuk pada orang yang menyampaikan Injil.
Yang bukan Penginjil
Orang yang banyak berkhotbah
Orang yang banyak bersaksi
Yang melakukan mujizat-mujizat
Memenangkan banyak jiwa
Melayani berkeliling dari kota ke kota
Memimpin kebaktian-kebaktian yang besar (KKR?)
Seorang Penginjil adalah:
Seorang yang menerima kasih karunia Penginjilan untuk diimpartasikan bagi orang percaya.
Memiliki beban yang secara tetap tertuju pada orang berdosa.
Belaskasihan yang besar terhadap orang berdosa dan yang jauh dari Tuhan
Pemberitaan Injil yang sederhana tapi diikuti oleh tanda-tanda heran dan mujizat
Yang Terpenting
Memberdayakan orang percaya dengan kasih karunia yang Tuhan berikan supaya orang percaya melakukan tugas penginjilan supaya Injil kerajaan Tuhan menerobos kesemua lini kehidupan.
Dengan demikian pandangan tentang every believer evangelism menjadi kenyataan
Orientasi ke dalam
memperlengkapi orang percaya
Orientasi ke luar
Melakukan tugas penginjilan dalam penjangkauan orang berdosa di tempat di mana mereka berada.
Arti dari pada kata ‘Guru’ = ‘didasko’ = Master, instructur,
Kata Yunani utama yang digunakan berhubungan dengan pelayanan mengajar adalah didasko. Akar kata ini berarti "mengajar" atau "memberi petunjuk". Ini adalah proses menjelaskan atau menerangkan sesuatu. Melalui proses ini, pengetahuan atau pengajaran diberikan dan ditanamkan kepada orang lain.
Seorang pengajar haruslah tidak pernah berhenti belajar (Roma 2:21).
Kehidupam pengajar adalah seorang yang belajar dan mempersiapkan diri secara terus menerus. Ada pelajaran-pelajaran harian yang harus dipelajari dalam sekolah Roh Kudus (1 Korintus 2:13).
Seorang pengajar harus memahami Firman Allah (Markus 12:24).
Firman Allah adalah dasar pelayanannya. Ia tidak dapat mengajar apa yang tidak diketahuinya -- atau belum diterapkan dalam hidupnya.
Ia harus mampu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sulit (Matius 22:16-46).
Ia harus mampu menerapkan kebenaran Alkitab dalam situasi kehidupan (Markus 9:14-29).
Ia harus mampu memantapkan dan meneguhkan orang yang baru percaya dalam Firman Allah (Ibrani 5:12).
Seorang pengajar harus mampu mengajar melalui teladan (Yohanes 13:13-14).
Jika seorang pengajar tidak melakukan apa yang ia ajarkan, ia tidak lebih baik dari orang-orang Farisi (Matius 23:1-3). Yesus selalu melakukan apa yang Dia khotbahkan -- Dia melakukan apa yang Dia ajarkan kepada orang lain (Kisah 1:1). Berita terbesar yang kita berikan bersumber dari siapa diri kita -- bukan apa yang kita katakan!
Seorang pengajar harus mengajar dengan jelas dan tepat (2 Timotius 2:15).
Seorang guru harus dengan jelas menyampaikan arti dan maksud sesungguhnya dari Firman Allah. Karunia ini mengandung tanggung jawab untuk mengajar orang lain dengan tepat.
Seorang pengajar berusaha untuk membawa orang lain pada tingkat pengertiannya (Matius 10:24-25).
Paulus mengajarkan semua kebenaran Allah yang ia ketahui kepada mereka yang memikul tanggung jawab. Ia tidak menahan sedikitpun, semua itu untuk kebaikan mereka (Kisah 20:20,27).
Upah terbesar seorang pengajar adalah melihat hidup manusia diubahkan oleh Firman Allah (Ulangan 4:5,14 ; 31:12-13).
Firman Allah mengerjakan mujizat besar saat diajarkan, diterima dan ditaati.
Seorang pengajar harus didukung oleh mereka yang ia layani (Galatia 6:6).
Seorang pengajar harus bisa bekerja full-time pada pelayanannya. Ini memerlukan doa, studi, persiapan dan pengajaran Firman Allah. Pengajaran adalah pekerjaan berat. Dan seorang pekerja layak mendapatkan upahnya. Jika seorang pengajar tidak didukung oleh umat Allah, seluruh gereja akan menderita sekali.
Mempersiapkan dan mengajar memang penting, tapi satu hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah bagaimana kita mengajar. Disini ada beberapa pertolongan:
Kreatif - Gunakan ilustrasi, humor, drama, diskusi.
Relevan - Hubungkan kebenaran Firman Allah dengan apa yang sedang terjadi dengan kehidupan. Gunakan hubungan yang mereka ketahui.
Otoritas - Lihat contoh Yesus - mengajar dengan otoritas. Orang kudus mencari seseorang yang mengatakan apa yang harus mereka lakukan.
Berkata dengan berani, jangan takut pada mereka.
Antusias - Alkitab mengajarkan untuk terus bersemangat dalam Roh.
Transparan - Jadi diri saudara yang real, asli, sungguh-sungguh dan jujur ketika berhubungan dengan kaum muda.
Balance - Seimbang. Ada dua pendekatan bagaimana kita seimbang dalam mempersiapkan pengajaran bagi kaum muda.
Belajar Alkitab itu sendiri dan aplikasi prinsip-prinsip dalam kehidupan
Pusatkan perhatian pada masalah tertentu dalam kehidupan kemudian selidiki Firman Tuhan untuk jawaban yang Alkitabiah
Mengajar dengan taktis
1. Pilih satu topik yang relevan untuk diajarkan.
2. Pelajari dan selidiki dengan seksama.
3. Tambahkan ilustrasi (contoh-contoh) yang relevan dan up to date dari berbagai sumber.
4. Buat kerangka materi dan selalu berhubungan dengan langkah-langkah praktis yang butuh tindakan.
5. Pilih judul yang kontemporer dan relevan.
6. Susun gambaran atau perumpamaan untuk memperluas berita yang akan disampaikan:
7. Mengajar dengan kreatif dan penuh gairah, lakukan sesuatu yang lain.
Arti dari pada kata ‘Guru’ = ‘didasko’ = Master, instructur,
Kata Yunani utama yang digunakan berhubungan dengan pelayanan mengajar adalah didasko. Akar kata ini berarti "mengajar" atau "memberi petunjuk". Ini adalah proses menjelaskan atau menerangkan sesuatu. Melalui proses ini, pengetahuan atau pengajaran diberikan dan ditanamkan kepada orang lain.
Seorang pengajar haruslah tidak pernah berhenti belajar (Roma 2:21).
Kehidupam pengajar adalah seorang yang belajar dan mempersiapkan diri secara terus menerus. Ada pelajaran-pelajaran harian yang harus dipelajari dalam sekolah Roh Kudus (1 Korintus 2:13).
Seorang pengajar harus memahami Firman Allah (Markus 12:24).
Firman Allah adalah dasar pelayanannya. Ia tidak dapat mengajar apa yang tidak diketahuinya -- atau belum diterapkan dalam hidupnya.
Ia harus mampu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sulit (Matius 22:16-46).
Ia harus mampu menerapkan kebenaran Alkitab dalam situasi kehidupan (Markus 9:14-29).
Ia harus mampu memantapkan dan meneguhkan orang yang baru percaya dalam Firman Allah (Ibrani 5:12).
Seorang pengajar harus mampu mengajar melalui teladan (Yohanes 13:13-14).
Jika seorang pengajar tidak melakukan apa yang ia ajarkan, ia tidak lebih baik dari orang-orang Farisi (Matius 23:1-3). Yesus selalu melakukan apa yang Dia khotbahkan -- Dia melakukan apa yang Dia ajarkan kepada orang lain (Kisah 1:1). Berita terbesar yang kita berikan bersumber dari siapa diri kita -- bukan apa yang kita katakan!
Seorang pengajar harus mengajar dengan jelas dan tepat (2 Timotius 2:15).
Seorang guru harus dengan jelas menyampaikan arti dan maksud sesungguhnya dari Firman Allah. Karunia ini mengandung tanggung jawab untuk mengajar orang lain dengan tepat.
Seorang pengajar berusaha untuk membawa orang lain pada tingkat pengertiannya (Matius 10:24-25).
Paulus mengajarkan semua kebenaran Allah yang ia ketahui kepada mereka yang memikul tanggung jawab. Ia tidak menahan sedikitpun, semua itu untuk kebaikan mereka (Kisah 20:20,27).
Upah terbesar seorang pengajar adalah melihat hidup manusia diubahkan oleh Firman Allah (Ulangan 4:5,14 ; 31:12-13).
Firman Allah mengerjakan mujizat besar saat diajarkan, diterima dan ditaati.
Seorang pengajar harus didukung oleh mereka yang ia layani (Galatia 6:6).
Seorang pengajar harus bisa bekerja full-time pada pelayanannya. Ini memerlukan doa, studi, persiapan dan pengajaran Firman Allah. Pengajaran adalah pekerjaan berat. Dan seorang pekerja layak mendapatkan upahnya. Jika seorang pengajar tidak didukung oleh umat Allah, seluruh gereja akan menderita sekali.
Mempersiapkan dan mengajar memang penting, tapi satu hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah bagaimana kita mengajar. Disini ada beberapa pertolongan:
Kreatif - Gunakan ilustrasi, humor, drama, diskusi.
Relevan - Hubungkan kebenaran Firman Allah dengan apa yang sedang terjadi dengan kehidupan. Gunakan hubungan yang mereka ketahui.
Otoritas - Lihat contoh Yesus - mengajar dengan otoritas. Orang kudus mencari seseorang yang mengatakan apa yang harus mereka lakukan.
Berkata dengan berani, jangan takut pada mereka.
Antusias - Alkitab mengajarkan untuk terus bersemangat dalam Roh.
Transparan - Jadi diri saudara yang real, asli, sungguh-sungguh dan jujur ketika berhubungan dengan kaum muda.
Balance - Seimbang. Ada dua pendekatan bagaimana kita seimbang dalam mempersiapkan pengajaran bagi kaum muda.
Belajar Alkitab itu sendiri dan aplikasi prinsip-prinsip dalam kehidupan
Pusatkan perhatian pada masalah tertentu dalam kehidupan kemudian selidiki Firman Tuhan untuk jawaban yang Alkitabiah
Mengajar dengan taktis
1. Pilih satu topik yang relevan untuk diajarkan.
2. Pelajari dan selidiki dengan seksama.
3. Tambahkan ilustrasi (contoh-contoh) yang relevan dan up to date dari berbagai sumber.
4. Buat kerangka materi dan selalu berhubungan dengan langkah-langkah praktis yang butuh tindakan.
5. Pilih judul yang kontemporer dan relevan.
6. Susun gambaran atau perumpamaan untuk memperluas berita yang akan disampaikan:
7. Mengajar dengan kreatif dan penuh gairah, lakukan sesuatu yang lain.
Membapaki, memperlengkapi dan melatih umat untuk menggembalakan kota mereka
Gembala yang akan di bahas di sini adalah gembala dalam konteks lima jawatan dan bukan dalam konteks seperti yang kita mengerti sekarang.
Gembala : POIMEN
Gembala bukanlah:
Seorang yang berkhotbah tiap hari minggu
Seorang yang memegang posisi tertinggi dalam jemaat.
Seorang yang cakap dalam administrasi gereja
Seorang yang gemar mengunjungi dan mendoakan orang
Seorang yang memimpin proyek pembangunan gedung gereja.
GEMBALA adalah
Seorang yang menerima kasih karunia Tuhan untuk memperlengkapi orang-orang kudus.
Sebagai Bapak yang memperlengkapi dengan kekuatan hubungan.
Sebagai pelayanan yang melayani dengan kasih dan perhatian
Istilah gembala pada masa kini sering hanya menunjuk pada kepemimpinan puncak pada sebuah organisasi gereja lokal yang berlaku seperti seorang manajer dan bukan sebagai bapak dengan fungsi sebagai seorang "equipper" atau "yang melengkapi orang percaya supaya orang percaya berfungsi dalam pelayanan penggembalaan".
Pelayanan penggembalaan mencakup dua tanggung jawab penting yaitu :
1. Fungsi
Gembala bertanggungjawab mengenali fungsi dan karunia orang percaya kemudian melepaskan mereka dalam pelayanan dalam rangka menggenapi prinsip "keimamatan orang percaya".
2. Pertumbuhan
Gembala juga bertanggung jawab baik atas pertumbuhan individu maupun pertumbuhan korporat orang percaya dalam intern komunitas.
Pertumbuhan itu sendiri paling tidak dicapai melalui tugas penggembalaan "bosko" atau "memberi makan" dan "poimaino" atau "merawat".
Hal-hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan dalam menggembalakan komunitas kepada pertumbuhan adalah:
pemberdayaan kepemimpinan dan orang percaya dengan disentuh oleh pelayanan 5 jawatan.
mengenali karunia setiap orang percaya kemudian melepaskannya dalam pekerjaan pelayanan (the work of ministry) sesuai panggilan dan karunianya.
mengupayakan dan menjaga dinamika rohani supaya komunitas memiliki atmosfir kerohanian yang haus, penuh antusias dan inspirational.
membangun dan menjaga nilai-nilai bersama yang menguatkan hubungan-hubungan, misal : nilai-nilai kasih persaudaraan dan kehambaan yang merupakan 2 pilar nilai utama dalam hubungan-hubungan diantara orang percaya.
memobilisasi orang percaya bagi visi dan tugas-tugas misi
Dalam gereja Perjanjian Baru pelaksana fungsi penggembalaan dalam komunitas adalah penatua KPR.14:21-23; 20:17,28; 1Pet.5:1-4
Sedangkan jabatan gembala adalah struktur pendukung yang memperlengkapi orang-orang kudus. Efesus 4:11
Profil gembala
Seseorang yang mencintai dan menciptakan atmosfir kekeluargaan. Bagi dia persekutuan adalah hal yang sangat penting. Itulah yang menyebabkan dia sangat tertarik kepada keadaan rohani domba-domba.
Gembala cenderung tertarik untuk setiap detail keadaan dombanya sehingga cenderung kehilangan gambaran besarnya.
Gembala berfokus pada hubungannya dengan Allah dan memenangkan hubungan-hubungan dengan sesama serta menolong yang lain untuk berfungsi dalam hubungan-hubungan tersebut.
Biasanya dia suka mengkonseling orang-orang, mendengarkan dengan baik, berempati kepada orang-orang yang terluka serta bersama orang-orang ketika mereka ada dalam masalah.
Hati seorang gembala adalah menolong orang lain.
Rabu, 23 April 2008
Evangelists Planting Churches
We have already seen that many of the churches in the first century were planted by men referred to as ‘apostles.’ Apostles like Paul and Barnabas preached the Gospel and spent a period of time teaching each church started through their ministry. They returned to these churches, strengthened them, and appointed elders. As we follow Paul’s ministry in Acts and the epistles, we see that he would return to churches he planted, and also send brethren to comfort and strengthen them.
The Greek word for evangelist is euaggelistes. A closely related Greek word, euaggelizo, refers to preaching the Gospel. This verb is used in reference to the preaching of John the Baptist, Christ, Philip the evangelist, apostles, and regular scattered believers.
The plural of the word evangelist occurs once in Ephesians 4:11. The singular evangelist occurs twice in the singular in the New Testament. One is in reference to Timothy, and the other is in reference to Philip.
Acts 21:8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him.
II Timothy 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Let us consider the difference between the roles of apostles and evangelists in the scriptures. Timothy is told to ‘do the work of an evangelist,’ but I Thessalonians 1:1 and 2:6 indicate that Timothy was also an apostle of Christ.
Apostles like Paul, Barnabas, Silas, and Timothy preached the Gospel, taught new converts, appointed elders, and returned to churches to strengthen them.
Philip the evangelist had a little different ministry from these apostles from what little we can see in the book of Acts. Philip evangelized Samaria, and left the ‘follow-up’ to apostles from Jerusalem. He may have left Samaria soon after evangelizing them. After baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch, God quickly transported Philip to another place. Philip’s ministry, at least in the cases reported in scripture, seems to have involved rapid evangelism and rapid departure, as opposed to the ministry of Paul who often spent a lot of time teaching new disciples.
Philip was one of the seven men chosen to care for the feeding of widows, as recorded in Acts 6:1-6. The apostles had laid hands on Philip in connection with the work of feeding widows-traditionally considered to be a ministry of the deaconate. There is no indication that the apostles laid hands on Philip to be an evangelist. Philip’s exploits in Samaria are recorded in Acts 8. After the stoning of Stephen, persecution broke out, scattering the saints from Jerusalem. Saul of Tarsus went around dragging Christians to prison.
There is no indication that the apostles or the church in Jerusalem sent Philip to Samaria. He may have just gone down there as the rest of the saints were being scattered throughout Judea and Samaria due to persecution.
Acts 8:5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.
As was probably natural for Philip, when he arrived in Samaria, he preached Christ. Philip was an evangelist, after all, and preaching Christ was probably very natural for him, because it was his gift.
There is no mention of another brother going with Philip to preach in Samaria. It is possible that Philip preached alone. This is very different from the examples we see in the ministry of other apostles. Jesus sent the Twelve and the seventy out in groups of two. Peter and John followed Philip to Samaria-two apostles traveling together. Paul and Barnabas went out together (along with Mark.) Later, Paul went out with Silas and Barnabas went out with Mark. We see apostles traveling in groups of two when they evangelized. Philip may have gone down to Samaria alone.
Something we need to note about Philip’s ministry of evangelism is that he did not merely go to believers who already believed in Christ, and evangelize them. Rather, he preached to people who did not believe the Gospel, who may have never heard it, and evangelized them.
Acts 8:6-7
6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.
7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.
As with the apostles, miracles accompanied Philip’s preaching of the Gospel. The result of these miracles was that the people listened carefully to what Philip had to say.
Acts 8:14-17
14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:
15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:
16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
Here we see a difference between Philip and Paul’s ministry. In Acts19:5-6, we see that after Paul baptized some brethren, he laid hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came on them. In the case of Philip the evangelist, this type of ministry was left to others.
Apparently, Philip left this kind of ‘follow-up’ ministry to the apostles, who were leaders of the church in Jerusalem.
Application to Indonesia
Not every church planter will have the same gifts or grace. One could view Philip here as a church planter, but his ministry in Samaria was different from that of Paul or Barnabas. Philip may not have had the same grace to disciple and teach new believers as Paul, Barnabas, or other apostles.
We must realize that some church planters have grace to evangelize and move on. Others have the grace to evangelize, and to continue discipling others.
Philip was able to turn to leaders of his own church-apostles. Evangelists may want to ask for help from their own local churches, or another nearby church. Such a church can send gifted brethren to come help new believers won by the evangelist. Other evangelists may turn to apostles who are church planters with grace to disciple new believers.
© Paul L. Hudson, Jr. 2002
We have already seen that many of the churches in the first century were planted by men referred to as ‘apostles.’ Apostles like Paul and Barnabas preached the Gospel and spent a period of time teaching each church started through their ministry. They returned to these churches, strengthened them, and appointed elders. As we follow Paul’s ministry in Acts and the epistles, we see that he would return to churches he planted, and also send brethren to comfort and strengthen them.
The Greek word for evangelist is euaggelistes. A closely related Greek word, euaggelizo, refers to preaching the Gospel. This verb is used in reference to the preaching of John the Baptist, Christ, Philip the evangelist, apostles, and regular scattered believers.
The plural of the word evangelist occurs once in Ephesians 4:11. The singular evangelist occurs twice in the singular in the New Testament. One is in reference to Timothy, and the other is in reference to Philip.
Acts 21:8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him.
II Timothy 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Let us consider the difference between the roles of apostles and evangelists in the scriptures. Timothy is told to ‘do the work of an evangelist,’ but I Thessalonians 1:1 and 2:6 indicate that Timothy was also an apostle of Christ.
Apostles like Paul, Barnabas, Silas, and Timothy preached the Gospel, taught new converts, appointed elders, and returned to churches to strengthen them.
Philip the evangelist had a little different ministry from these apostles from what little we can see in the book of Acts. Philip evangelized Samaria, and left the ‘follow-up’ to apostles from Jerusalem. He may have left Samaria soon after evangelizing them. After baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch, God quickly transported Philip to another place. Philip’s ministry, at least in the cases reported in scripture, seems to have involved rapid evangelism and rapid departure, as opposed to the ministry of Paul who often spent a lot of time teaching new disciples.
Philip was one of the seven men chosen to care for the feeding of widows, as recorded in Acts 6:1-6. The apostles had laid hands on Philip in connection with the work of feeding widows-traditionally considered to be a ministry of the deaconate. There is no indication that the apostles laid hands on Philip to be an evangelist. Philip’s exploits in Samaria are recorded in Acts 8. After the stoning of Stephen, persecution broke out, scattering the saints from Jerusalem. Saul of Tarsus went around dragging Christians to prison.
There is no indication that the apostles or the church in Jerusalem sent Philip to Samaria. He may have just gone down there as the rest of the saints were being scattered throughout Judea and Samaria due to persecution.
Acts 8:5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.
As was probably natural for Philip, when he arrived in Samaria, he preached Christ. Philip was an evangelist, after all, and preaching Christ was probably very natural for him, because it was his gift.
There is no mention of another brother going with Philip to preach in Samaria. It is possible that Philip preached alone. This is very different from the examples we see in the ministry of other apostles. Jesus sent the Twelve and the seventy out in groups of two. Peter and John followed Philip to Samaria-two apostles traveling together. Paul and Barnabas went out together (along with Mark.) Later, Paul went out with Silas and Barnabas went out with Mark. We see apostles traveling in groups of two when they evangelized. Philip may have gone down to Samaria alone.
Something we need to note about Philip’s ministry of evangelism is that he did not merely go to believers who already believed in Christ, and evangelize them. Rather, he preached to people who did not believe the Gospel, who may have never heard it, and evangelized them.
Acts 8:6-7
6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.
7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.
As with the apostles, miracles accompanied Philip’s preaching of the Gospel. The result of these miracles was that the people listened carefully to what Philip had to say.
Acts 8:14-17
14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:
15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:
16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
Here we see a difference between Philip and Paul’s ministry. In Acts19:5-6, we see that after Paul baptized some brethren, he laid hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came on them. In the case of Philip the evangelist, this type of ministry was left to others.
Apparently, Philip left this kind of ‘follow-up’ ministry to the apostles, who were leaders of the church in Jerusalem.
Application to Indonesia
Not every church planter will have the same gifts or grace. One could view Philip here as a church planter, but his ministry in Samaria was different from that of Paul or Barnabas. Philip may not have had the same grace to disciple and teach new believers as Paul, Barnabas, or other apostles.
We must realize that some church planters have grace to evangelize and move on. Others have the grace to evangelize, and to continue discipling others.
Philip was able to turn to leaders of his own church-apostles. Evangelists may want to ask for help from their own local churches, or another nearby church. Such a church can send gifted brethren to come help new believers won by the evangelist. Other evangelists may turn to apostles who are church planters with grace to disciple new believers.
© Paul L. Hudson, Jr. 2002
Sending Brethren
Sending gifted brethren existing churches to strengthen them is beneficial to churches that already have elders, but this practice must have played a very key role in stabilizing new church plants in the first century.
Apostles Sending Brethren
In many cases, we see that an apostle would send one of his co-workers back to an existing church to help strengthen it. We often read of Timothy and Titus being sent to strengthen existing churches. These men traveled with Paul, helping in the work of preaching, teaching, and planting churches. Paul even indicates that Timothy and Silas were ‘apostles of Christ’ along with himself. But there were other, less-famous men that Paul sent to strengthen churches as well.
Paul sent Tychicus and Onesimus to Colosae to comfort the church there. He sent Tychicus to Ephesus to send word of how he was doing and to comfort the hearts of the Ephesians.
The short epistle of II John deals with the issue of receiving brethren. These brethren may have been sent by John or by a local church that John was associated with.
Churches Sending Brethren
In addition to apostles sending brethren back and forth, churches also sent brethren to other churches to strengthen them.
The first church we read about in the book of Acts was in Jerusalem. The church in Jerusalem numbered in the thousands. At the beginning of Acts 8, we read that the Jerusalem church was scattered throughout Judea and Samaria during a time of great persecution. Acts 11:19-21 shows us that some of these brethren went as far as Antioch. In Antioch, something rather new began to happen. Instead of evangelizing Jews only, the believers in Antioch also preached Christ to the Greeks. Many repented and believed.
This church, with a huge number of new converts, was probably in need of help. The Jerusalem church responded to this need by sending Barnabas.
Acts 11:22-26
22 Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.
23 Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.
24 For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul:
26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
There is no indication that Barnabas was ordained as an elder or deacon of the church in Jerusalem before he was sent out. It is also important to notice that neither Saul nor Barnabas stayed in Antioch permanently as ‘full-time pastor.’ Instead, we see that they taught the church in Antioch for a whole year. Later, these two would be sent by the Spirit on a mission often referred to as the First Missionary Journey.
We also see that the Jerusalem church was generous with its ‘human resources.’ The Jerusalem saints could have decided that they did not want to get rid of a fine man like Barnabas. Instead, they were generous. They wanted to help their brethren in Antioch.
During the time Barnabas and Saul were in Antioch, the church there also received ministry from prophets visiting from Jerusalem.
Acts 11:27-28
27 And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch.
28 And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.
Whether Agabus and the other prophets were sent with commendation from the church in Jerusalem, we do not know. But we do see here the importance of brethren circulating between churches in different cities in order to strengthen them.
Acts 15 tells of the apostles and elders in Jerusalem sending other brethren to strengthen the church in Antioch.
Acts 15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:
32 And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.
33 And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles.
Here again we see that the Jerusalem church sent prophets to help strengthen the saints in Antioch. They were able to let go of ‘chosen men’ from among their own company. The Jerusalem church may have lost some of their own valuable people for a time, but they were concerned with the other churches. Jerusalem’s generosity was a great blessing to the Gentiles. Silas and Barnabas, both men that the Jerusalem church sent to help the Antioch church, later became a great blessing to many Gentiles. They both ministered with Paul, spreading the Gospel throughout new territories.
It is interesting to note that Silas and Judas were sent to Antioch with a written recommendation from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. The letter also pointed out that the Jerusalem church had not sent the false teachers. Those teaching Gentile circumcision earlier had come from Jerusalem. It may have wrongly appeared to some in Antioch that these men had the endorsement of the Jerusalem church. In the case of Silas and Judas, the apostles and elders wrote a letter, which clarified that these men did indeed have the churches endorsement, unlike the Gentile circumcision teachers who had gone up earlier.
Letters of Commendation
Other believers besides Paul and Silas were sent with letters of commendation. Consider the case of Apollos.
Acts 18:24-28
24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
25 This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John.
26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
27 And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace:
28 For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.
Apollos presents an interesting case. Though Apollos had a partial knowledge of Jesus before he met Priscilla and Aquila, he had a thorough knowledge of the scriptures. After being more carefully instructed, Apollos was a powerful minister in the church. There is no indication that Apollos was ordained with the laying on of hands in this passage, but the believers in Ephesus apparently recognized his gifts. While the passage does not say that the church decided to send Apollos, they certainly were willing to write a letter of commendation for Apollos to the brethren in Achaia, so that Apollos would be well received. Apollos is an excellent example of a brother being sent to edify a new church. Paul speaks well of Apollos ‘watering’ ministry in Corinth in I Corinthians 4. Gifted visiting brethren can be useful in the word that has been planted by church planters in new churches.
Unlike Apollos, who probably had that letter of commendation with him when he went from Ephesus to the church in Corinth, Paul wrote that he did not need a letter of commendation to the Corinthians.
II Corinthians 3:1-2
1 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?
2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
Paul didn’t need letters to the Corinthians. They already knew him. He had brought the Gospel there. Paul’s reference to letters of commendation indicate that sending such letters was a common practice. Paul agreed to send money to Jerusalem by whomever the Corinthians would commend by their letters. Paul even includes commendations in some of his epistles, such as his instructions to the Romans to receive a sister named Phoebe, servant of the church in Cenchrea.
Some churches today do send letters with members in good standing when they transfer to other churches. Some may see ordination papers as a type of letter of commendation. Both are a little different from what we see in scripture. Sending a letter with a godly member who plans to move to another city may well be a good practice, but many of the letters sent with brethren in scripture were written to endorse their ministries. Ordination papers are a bit different from the letters of commendation in scripture as well. Some get ordination papers through following a set of academic guidelines or other requirements of a denomination. It is possible for someone to be ordained without having a close relationship with those doing the ordination. The letters in commendation in scripture endorse the character of the brethren with whom they are sent. Letters of ordination can last a lifetime. The letters of commendation in scripture were written as needs arose. When a person was to be sent to another church, a letter of commendation was written. Paul wrote many commendations for Timothy. He didn’t just write one letter for Timothy to use for a lifetime. A lifetime letter of commendation can be dangerous because a preacher of the Gospel can fall into sin or error. In a couple of epistles, Paul sends greetings from a brother named Demas, but in another, he informs his readers that Demas had left him, having loved this present world. Offering current letters of commendation is a wiser practice than one-time ordination papers.
An obvious difference between the letters of commendation in the scriptures and letters of ordination is that ordination papers are often associated with local overseership ministry. There is no indication that local overseers needed ordination papers in the Bible. Why would they? The churches in which they were ordained would already know them. Some of the brethren sent between churches that we see in the New Testament probably had never been ordained by the laying on of hands like elders. There is no indication that prophets needed such ordination, or that Apollos had been ordained. These men had gifts from God. The churches they were a part of recognized these gifts, and sent them on.
Letters of commendation could be sent from the disciples, as in the case of Apollos, by apostles and elders, as in the case of Judas and Silas, or from a single apostle like Paul. No letter of commendation in scripture was ever originated by a denominational headquarters in response to completing a course of academic study.
The Need for Sending Brethren in Modern Church Planting Efforts
Many strategies to plant churches today are based on the idea of a church planter either staying permanently with a new church as a pastor. This strategy could tie down a church planter, and keep him from fulfilling his calling in other areas. Other strategies allow for a church planter to bring a specially educated, ordained minister to serve as pastor before moving on.
But in scripture, we see that the practice of the apostles was to appoint men from within local churches to be elders and oversee the local flock of God. Leaving churches behind with no one mature to care for them is a painful option for many church planters. Paul and Barnabas did this early on in their church planting, but we see that later in Paul’s ministry, as the number of Christians in Gentile areas grew, there were a number of men that Paul could send to existing churches to help them be strengthened in the faith. Existing churches were also able to send brethren to less mature churches.
Antioch is an interesting case for us to examine. The many new believers there needed teaching and strengthening. Paul and Barnabas helped the church during this crucial time, but then continued on to a greater level of ministerial responsibility that the Lord had for them. Prophets who visited Antioch from Jerusalem also helped to strengthen them. A church with many resources sent help to a church with fewer resources.
Indonesia’s churches have many ‘human resources.’ Many think of church planters, evangelists, and pastors as the human resources that can be used in church planting. The way church meetings have been conducted for centuries has caused us to pay attention to a few ordained ministers, who have chosen to pursue ministry as an occupation. However, Paul teaches us that everyone has received a gift to edify the whole body of Christ. We should expect there to be many believers who have gifts that could strengthen and comfort new believers in church planting efforts.
Imagine how wonderful it would be for a church planter who realizes the Biblical pattern of God raising up elders from within new churches, to know many mature believers who are willing to visit these new church planters to prophesy, and teach doctrine, how to sing and worship God, intercession, or whatever a new church needs.
Ultimately, new believers in a new church should grow and mature. A church should eventually have teachers, prophets, elders, and the various other members of the body. Church planters and brethren sent behind a church planter to strengthen the work should have this vision in mind.
According to Hebrews 5:12, after a certain period of time, if a church grows and matures properly, its members should become teachers. This doesn’t always happen. Some churches don’t mature properly. The practice of having new believers sit and listen only, and never use their gifts to edify others, can stunt the spiritual growth of a church. Those who minister to new churches should keep in mind the vision of new believers growing to use their own spiritual gifts.
‘Reproduction’ is a key word to keep in mind. Teachers should seek to train new teachers in a church. Prophets should encourage the gift of prophecy in a church. Consider Paul’s instructions to Timothy, which shows the reproducible nature of the gift of teaching.
II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
Let us consider the advantages to itinerant church planters followed by visiting gifted brethren who ‘water’ their work, in comparison to traditional methods of church planting. One major advantage is that the method of the planting and watering method is that we have scriptural examples of this type of ministry. Paul commanded churches to follow his example and to hold to the traditions he taught.
Another major advantage is that this method allows church planters to plant many more churches. Huge amounts of money need not be spent on campaigns to train young Bible college students to be professional pastors. Allowing the Lord to raise up local elderships is much less expensive. Churches can be established that follow Biblical patterns for leadership, rather than innovations that have been introduced throughout church history.
Visits from gifted brethren can be a key ingredient in helping new congregations develop, grow, and mature until the new church's own gifted brethren are mature in their own lives and ministries. We can all see how teachers can come and strengthen a new church. But there are brethren with gifts that attract less attention who can strengthen new churches as well. Have you ever been to a church where there was a total lack of joy and enthusiasm while the saints were singing to the Lord? A brother or sister who is fervent in praise and worship can stir up other believers just by singing with fervor. In the house church I attend, the intensity of our praise and worship has been greatly increased by a brother and his wife who have started attending. Their excitement in worship is contagious.
If a young church needs to learn to pray, a gifted intercessor from another church can come to a prayer meeting and pray with the new believers, giving them an example of fervent prayer. Even brethren with gifts that seem more mundane, like administration, can come and help new churches set their affairs in order.
One Irian Jayan brother I know helps other churches by teaching their leaders not to simply store church funds mixed in with their own money, but rather to keep it church funds in a separate place. This type of advice may be obvious to many of us, but some new believers need to learn such simple skills.
Some visiting brethren may be able to move to an area where there are new churches to be a part of the local body and encourage new believers. Others may be able to take a few weeks off of work, using their vacation time to strengthen new churches. Gifted college students may be able to use some time during their summer breaks to stay in the home of a new believers who is part of a new church plant, and share their gifts in church meetings and at other times. Some brethren who visit may be able to take a long trip just to visit for one meeting.
Imagine how the burden on apostles and evangelists would be eased if, every time they planted a church and were called to leave it, they knew that saints from other, more mature churches, were ready and able to come and strengthen existing churches.
Think of an evangelist, on the frontiers of the Gospel. He goes to a village and preaches the Gospel and goes on to new territory. After some time, the believers in the village grow and mature through ministering to one another and by receiving ministry from visiting brethren from other churches. The evangelist later returns, spending time with the villagers he won to Christ and their spiritual children. From this village, he goes out to another, nearby, unreached village. When he leaves this village, he can ask brethren from the first village he evangelized to visit and strengthen the new church plant. In this way, the Gospel can spread, and evangelists and apostles can be free to travel and preach the Gospel. The burden of discipling and encouraging new churches can be shared with existing churches.
There are probably a multitude of believers in Indonesia who could help water church planting efforts, but who don’t think of it as their place to do so. Many believers have gifts, but, because of tradition and the practice of many churches, don’t realize that they are supposed to be using these gifts in church meetings. If they realized that their gifts are to be used in church gatherings, and can be of use in gatherings of new church plants, many of these people might be excited at the possibility of being used by God in this way to advance the Gospel.
The Biblical methods for church planting and strengthening existing churches are superior to many of the methods later generations have invented.
© Paul L. Hudson, Jr. 2001
Sending gifted brethren existing churches to strengthen them is beneficial to churches that already have elders, but this practice must have played a very key role in stabilizing new church plants in the first century.
Apostles Sending Brethren
In many cases, we see that an apostle would send one of his co-workers back to an existing church to help strengthen it. We often read of Timothy and Titus being sent to strengthen existing churches. These men traveled with Paul, helping in the work of preaching, teaching, and planting churches. Paul even indicates that Timothy and Silas were ‘apostles of Christ’ along with himself. But there were other, less-famous men that Paul sent to strengthen churches as well.
Paul sent Tychicus and Onesimus to Colosae to comfort the church there. He sent Tychicus to Ephesus to send word of how he was doing and to comfort the hearts of the Ephesians.
The short epistle of II John deals with the issue of receiving brethren. These brethren may have been sent by John or by a local church that John was associated with.
Churches Sending Brethren
In addition to apostles sending brethren back and forth, churches also sent brethren to other churches to strengthen them.
The first church we read about in the book of Acts was in Jerusalem. The church in Jerusalem numbered in the thousands. At the beginning of Acts 8, we read that the Jerusalem church was scattered throughout Judea and Samaria during a time of great persecution. Acts 11:19-21 shows us that some of these brethren went as far as Antioch. In Antioch, something rather new began to happen. Instead of evangelizing Jews only, the believers in Antioch also preached Christ to the Greeks. Many repented and believed.
This church, with a huge number of new converts, was probably in need of help. The Jerusalem church responded to this need by sending Barnabas.
Acts 11:22-26
22 Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.
23 Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.
24 For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul:
26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
There is no indication that Barnabas was ordained as an elder or deacon of the church in Jerusalem before he was sent out. It is also important to notice that neither Saul nor Barnabas stayed in Antioch permanently as ‘full-time pastor.’ Instead, we see that they taught the church in Antioch for a whole year. Later, these two would be sent by the Spirit on a mission often referred to as the First Missionary Journey.
We also see that the Jerusalem church was generous with its ‘human resources.’ The Jerusalem saints could have decided that they did not want to get rid of a fine man like Barnabas. Instead, they were generous. They wanted to help their brethren in Antioch.
During the time Barnabas and Saul were in Antioch, the church there also received ministry from prophets visiting from Jerusalem.
Acts 11:27-28
27 And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch.
28 And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.
Whether Agabus and the other prophets were sent with commendation from the church in Jerusalem, we do not know. But we do see here the importance of brethren circulating between churches in different cities in order to strengthen them.
Acts 15 tells of the apostles and elders in Jerusalem sending other brethren to strengthen the church in Antioch.
Acts 15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:
32 And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.
33 And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles.
Here again we see that the Jerusalem church sent prophets to help strengthen the saints in Antioch. They were able to let go of ‘chosen men’ from among their own company. The Jerusalem church may have lost some of their own valuable people for a time, but they were concerned with the other churches. Jerusalem’s generosity was a great blessing to the Gentiles. Silas and Barnabas, both men that the Jerusalem church sent to help the Antioch church, later became a great blessing to many Gentiles. They both ministered with Paul, spreading the Gospel throughout new territories.
It is interesting to note that Silas and Judas were sent to Antioch with a written recommendation from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. The letter also pointed out that the Jerusalem church had not sent the false teachers. Those teaching Gentile circumcision earlier had come from Jerusalem. It may have wrongly appeared to some in Antioch that these men had the endorsement of the Jerusalem church. In the case of Silas and Judas, the apostles and elders wrote a letter, which clarified that these men did indeed have the churches endorsement, unlike the Gentile circumcision teachers who had gone up earlier.
Letters of Commendation
Other believers besides Paul and Silas were sent with letters of commendation. Consider the case of Apollos.
Acts 18:24-28
24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
25 This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John.
26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
27 And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace:
28 For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.
Apollos presents an interesting case. Though Apollos had a partial knowledge of Jesus before he met Priscilla and Aquila, he had a thorough knowledge of the scriptures. After being more carefully instructed, Apollos was a powerful minister in the church. There is no indication that Apollos was ordained with the laying on of hands in this passage, but the believers in Ephesus apparently recognized his gifts. While the passage does not say that the church decided to send Apollos, they certainly were willing to write a letter of commendation for Apollos to the brethren in Achaia, so that Apollos would be well received. Apollos is an excellent example of a brother being sent to edify a new church. Paul speaks well of Apollos ‘watering’ ministry in Corinth in I Corinthians 4. Gifted visiting brethren can be useful in the word that has been planted by church planters in new churches.
Unlike Apollos, who probably had that letter of commendation with him when he went from Ephesus to the church in Corinth, Paul wrote that he did not need a letter of commendation to the Corinthians.
II Corinthians 3:1-2
1 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?
2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
Paul didn’t need letters to the Corinthians. They already knew him. He had brought the Gospel there. Paul’s reference to letters of commendation indicate that sending such letters was a common practice. Paul agreed to send money to Jerusalem by whomever the Corinthians would commend by their letters. Paul even includes commendations in some of his epistles, such as his instructions to the Romans to receive a sister named Phoebe, servant of the church in Cenchrea.
Some churches today do send letters with members in good standing when they transfer to other churches. Some may see ordination papers as a type of letter of commendation. Both are a little different from what we see in scripture. Sending a letter with a godly member who plans to move to another city may well be a good practice, but many of the letters sent with brethren in scripture were written to endorse their ministries. Ordination papers are a bit different from the letters of commendation in scripture as well. Some get ordination papers through following a set of academic guidelines or other requirements of a denomination. It is possible for someone to be ordained without having a close relationship with those doing the ordination. The letters in commendation in scripture endorse the character of the brethren with whom they are sent. Letters of ordination can last a lifetime. The letters of commendation in scripture were written as needs arose. When a person was to be sent to another church, a letter of commendation was written. Paul wrote many commendations for Timothy. He didn’t just write one letter for Timothy to use for a lifetime. A lifetime letter of commendation can be dangerous because a preacher of the Gospel can fall into sin or error. In a couple of epistles, Paul sends greetings from a brother named Demas, but in another, he informs his readers that Demas had left him, having loved this present world. Offering current letters of commendation is a wiser practice than one-time ordination papers.
An obvious difference between the letters of commendation in the scriptures and letters of ordination is that ordination papers are often associated with local overseership ministry. There is no indication that local overseers needed ordination papers in the Bible. Why would they? The churches in which they were ordained would already know them. Some of the brethren sent between churches that we see in the New Testament probably had never been ordained by the laying on of hands like elders. There is no indication that prophets needed such ordination, or that Apollos had been ordained. These men had gifts from God. The churches they were a part of recognized these gifts, and sent them on.
Letters of commendation could be sent from the disciples, as in the case of Apollos, by apostles and elders, as in the case of Judas and Silas, or from a single apostle like Paul. No letter of commendation in scripture was ever originated by a denominational headquarters in response to completing a course of academic study.
The Need for Sending Brethren in Modern Church Planting Efforts
Many strategies to plant churches today are based on the idea of a church planter either staying permanently with a new church as a pastor. This strategy could tie down a church planter, and keep him from fulfilling his calling in other areas. Other strategies allow for a church planter to bring a specially educated, ordained minister to serve as pastor before moving on.
But in scripture, we see that the practice of the apostles was to appoint men from within local churches to be elders and oversee the local flock of God. Leaving churches behind with no one mature to care for them is a painful option for many church planters. Paul and Barnabas did this early on in their church planting, but we see that later in Paul’s ministry, as the number of Christians in Gentile areas grew, there were a number of men that Paul could send to existing churches to help them be strengthened in the faith. Existing churches were also able to send brethren to less mature churches.
Antioch is an interesting case for us to examine. The many new believers there needed teaching and strengthening. Paul and Barnabas helped the church during this crucial time, but then continued on to a greater level of ministerial responsibility that the Lord had for them. Prophets who visited Antioch from Jerusalem also helped to strengthen them. A church with many resources sent help to a church with fewer resources.
Indonesia’s churches have many ‘human resources.’ Many think of church planters, evangelists, and pastors as the human resources that can be used in church planting. The way church meetings have been conducted for centuries has caused us to pay attention to a few ordained ministers, who have chosen to pursue ministry as an occupation. However, Paul teaches us that everyone has received a gift to edify the whole body of Christ. We should expect there to be many believers who have gifts that could strengthen and comfort new believers in church planting efforts.
Imagine how wonderful it would be for a church planter who realizes the Biblical pattern of God raising up elders from within new churches, to know many mature believers who are willing to visit these new church planters to prophesy, and teach doctrine, how to sing and worship God, intercession, or whatever a new church needs.
Ultimately, new believers in a new church should grow and mature. A church should eventually have teachers, prophets, elders, and the various other members of the body. Church planters and brethren sent behind a church planter to strengthen the work should have this vision in mind.
According to Hebrews 5:12, after a certain period of time, if a church grows and matures properly, its members should become teachers. This doesn’t always happen. Some churches don’t mature properly. The practice of having new believers sit and listen only, and never use their gifts to edify others, can stunt the spiritual growth of a church. Those who minister to new churches should keep in mind the vision of new believers growing to use their own spiritual gifts.
‘Reproduction’ is a key word to keep in mind. Teachers should seek to train new teachers in a church. Prophets should encourage the gift of prophecy in a church. Consider Paul’s instructions to Timothy, which shows the reproducible nature of the gift of teaching.
II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
Let us consider the advantages to itinerant church planters followed by visiting gifted brethren who ‘water’ their work, in comparison to traditional methods of church planting. One major advantage is that the method of the planting and watering method is that we have scriptural examples of this type of ministry. Paul commanded churches to follow his example and to hold to the traditions he taught.
Another major advantage is that this method allows church planters to plant many more churches. Huge amounts of money need not be spent on campaigns to train young Bible college students to be professional pastors. Allowing the Lord to raise up local elderships is much less expensive. Churches can be established that follow Biblical patterns for leadership, rather than innovations that have been introduced throughout church history.
Visits from gifted brethren can be a key ingredient in helping new congregations develop, grow, and mature until the new church's own gifted brethren are mature in their own lives and ministries. We can all see how teachers can come and strengthen a new church. But there are brethren with gifts that attract less attention who can strengthen new churches as well. Have you ever been to a church where there was a total lack of joy and enthusiasm while the saints were singing to the Lord? A brother or sister who is fervent in praise and worship can stir up other believers just by singing with fervor. In the house church I attend, the intensity of our praise and worship has been greatly increased by a brother and his wife who have started attending. Their excitement in worship is contagious.
If a young church needs to learn to pray, a gifted intercessor from another church can come to a prayer meeting and pray with the new believers, giving them an example of fervent prayer. Even brethren with gifts that seem more mundane, like administration, can come and help new churches set their affairs in order.
One Irian Jayan brother I know helps other churches by teaching their leaders not to simply store church funds mixed in with their own money, but rather to keep it church funds in a separate place. This type of advice may be obvious to many of us, but some new believers need to learn such simple skills.
Some visiting brethren may be able to move to an area where there are new churches to be a part of the local body and encourage new believers. Others may be able to take a few weeks off of work, using their vacation time to strengthen new churches. Gifted college students may be able to use some time during their summer breaks to stay in the home of a new believers who is part of a new church plant, and share their gifts in church meetings and at other times. Some brethren who visit may be able to take a long trip just to visit for one meeting.
Imagine how the burden on apostles and evangelists would be eased if, every time they planted a church and were called to leave it, they knew that saints from other, more mature churches, were ready and able to come and strengthen existing churches.
Think of an evangelist, on the frontiers of the Gospel. He goes to a village and preaches the Gospel and goes on to new territory. After some time, the believers in the village grow and mature through ministering to one another and by receiving ministry from visiting brethren from other churches. The evangelist later returns, spending time with the villagers he won to Christ and their spiritual children. From this village, he goes out to another, nearby, unreached village. When he leaves this village, he can ask brethren from the first village he evangelized to visit and strengthen the new church plant. In this way, the Gospel can spread, and evangelists and apostles can be free to travel and preach the Gospel. The burden of discipling and encouraging new churches can be shared with existing churches.
There are probably a multitude of believers in Indonesia who could help water church planting efforts, but who don’t think of it as their place to do so. Many believers have gifts, but, because of tradition and the practice of many churches, don’t realize that they are supposed to be using these gifts in church meetings. If they realized that their gifts are to be used in church gatherings, and can be of use in gatherings of new church plants, many of these people might be excited at the possibility of being used by God in this way to advance the Gospel.
The Biblical methods for church planting and strengthening existing churches are superior to many of the methods later generations have invented.
© Paul L. Hudson, Jr. 2001
Planting Churches Without Overseers
The apostles Paul and Barnabas left the churches of the first missionary journey alone for some period of time, perhaps up to two or three years, without any appointed elders. It was right that they did so. Paul and Barnabas were called to a certain work which involved traveling and preaching the Gospel.
In I Timothy 3:6, Paul writes than an overseer of the church was not to be a novice. Since the apostles appointed elders from within local churches, it makes sense that the churches be given time to grow and mature so that, in time, men would mature into elders of sufficient spiritual character to take on oversight of the church.
These Churches Were Churches
Some people think that a church is not a true church unless it has an ordained minister. But we see from the Bible that these churches were indeed churches before any elders were ordained. Their assemblies were legitimate, in spite of no elder being present.
Acts 14:23 tells us that Paul and Barnabas “ordained them elders in every church”. The passage does not say “and they ordained elders in every fellowship, turning the fellowships into churches.” No, the churches were legitimate churches before the elders were appointed. It was advantageous to appoint the elders, or they would not have been appointed
It is likely that Paul regularly planted churches without immediately appointing overseers, allowing God to raise up such men in His time. Of Paul’s epistles, only three mention elders or overseers in the churches: Philippians, Titus, and Timothy.
I Corinthians deals with the need of the Corinthians to appoint judges over cases, but no mention is made here of elders of the church. It is conceivable that neither Paul nor his coworkers had yet appointed elders in these churches.
Planting Churches without Overseers
Some people think that no new church plant may be begun without an ordained minister to lead it. This idea is unscriptural, and it can slow the growth of church planting efforts. Some think that a church planter must stay with a new congregation until an ordained minister is available to take over. This concept can also slow church planting efforts.
Many church planting efforts are based on the idea of a Bible college graduate or experienced minister planting a new church, and staying there. A church planter who wants to move on and evangelize elsewhere is expected to turn the work over to an ordained minister.
Evangelists who follow the example of Paul and Barnabas, leaving new churches behind without any appointed leadership could face criticism. But we need to realize that some men have ‘itchy feet.’ It is a part of their call to take the Gospel to new areas-to evangelize new souls.
In some cases, God might want a church planter to stay for a long time in one location and do long-term discipleship work. On other occasions, a church planter may need to leave after a short time and fulfill the call of God to preach in other areas. Paul spent probably only months in some of the cities where he preached, but he stayed in Ephesus for months. There the Lord opened a great door of opportunity. Paul stayed there for a period of time and the Gospel spread into the province of Asia. In Acts 20:31, Paul speaks of having warned the elders of Ephesus for three years.
A church planter may stay in one church for a long time, or he may move around. He should follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the matter.
Church planters need to be freed from some of the traditional churches about church planting. Realizing that a church can be started, and even left behind without ordained elders, can free church planters to go do other work.
Many church planting strategies are based on sending young men to Bible college to serve as professional pastors over new churches. Educating a young man in Bible college is a slow, expensive undertaking. Ironically, many Bible college graduates are not even Biblically qualified to be overseers of the church according to the lists of requirements given by the apostle Paul. Very few of them fit the description of an elder. The Greek word for elder, presbuteros, does, after all, mean ‘older man.’
Caring for New Churches That Don’t Yet Have Overseers
Many would object to the idea of leaving a church behind with no ordained leadership in charge. They think it far too dangerous for such churches to be left alone.
In the New Testament, we see that new churches could be tempted by false teachers and false apostles. This was a real danger. But we also need to realize that churches that already had elders still had to battle with this problem. Many believe that Galatians was written to the first missionary journey churches-to south Galatia. If this is the case, the letters were likely written after Paul and Barnabas had already appointed elders in these churches. The letters written to the churches in Revelation exhort them to resist false teachings. Thos churches had probably been around for decades, and most of them probably had official church government. Elders are to resist false teaching, but they are not a proven cure against heresy. Paul even warned the Ephesian elders that, from their own number, some would arise, speaking perverse things, to draw men after themselves. (Acts 20:30.)
Such churches are not truly left alone without an overseer. I Peter 2:25 shows that Jesus is the Shepherd and Bishop of the souls of the saints. God watched over the churches that Paul left behind.
Though we do see that Paul left churches behind, we see that he did not abandon them completely. Paul earnestly prayed for these churches. He also kept in touch through men sent to and from the churches. He responded to what he had heard from brethren who had visited these churches in letters. Some of his letters answer questions sent to him by these churches. At times, Paul and his coworkers would travel back to churches to strengthen and encourage them.
As more people on what had been frontiers for the Gospel believed, there were also more workers available to strengthen existing churches. Some of these people joined Paul in his travels. After Paul had been ministering many years, there were several men who traveled with him, who could also be sent to existing churches to exhort them.
© Paul L. Hudson, Jr. 2001
The apostles Paul and Barnabas left the churches of the first missionary journey alone for some period of time, perhaps up to two or three years, without any appointed elders. It was right that they did so. Paul and Barnabas were called to a certain work which involved traveling and preaching the Gospel.
In I Timothy 3:6, Paul writes than an overseer of the church was not to be a novice. Since the apostles appointed elders from within local churches, it makes sense that the churches be given time to grow and mature so that, in time, men would mature into elders of sufficient spiritual character to take on oversight of the church.
These Churches Were Churches
Some people think that a church is not a true church unless it has an ordained minister. But we see from the Bible that these churches were indeed churches before any elders were ordained. Their assemblies were legitimate, in spite of no elder being present.
Acts 14:23 tells us that Paul and Barnabas “ordained them elders in every church”. The passage does not say “and they ordained elders in every fellowship, turning the fellowships into churches.” No, the churches were legitimate churches before the elders were appointed. It was advantageous to appoint the elders, or they would not have been appointed
It is likely that Paul regularly planted churches without immediately appointing overseers, allowing God to raise up such men in His time. Of Paul’s epistles, only three mention elders or overseers in the churches: Philippians, Titus, and Timothy.
I Corinthians deals with the need of the Corinthians to appoint judges over cases, but no mention is made here of elders of the church. It is conceivable that neither Paul nor his coworkers had yet appointed elders in these churches.
Planting Churches without Overseers
Some people think that no new church plant may be begun without an ordained minister to lead it. This idea is unscriptural, and it can slow the growth of church planting efforts. Some think that a church planter must stay with a new congregation until an ordained minister is available to take over. This concept can also slow church planting efforts.
Many church planting efforts are based on the idea of a Bible college graduate or experienced minister planting a new church, and staying there. A church planter who wants to move on and evangelize elsewhere is expected to turn the work over to an ordained minister.
Evangelists who follow the example of Paul and Barnabas, leaving new churches behind without any appointed leadership could face criticism. But we need to realize that some men have ‘itchy feet.’ It is a part of their call to take the Gospel to new areas-to evangelize new souls.
In some cases, God might want a church planter to stay for a long time in one location and do long-term discipleship work. On other occasions, a church planter may need to leave after a short time and fulfill the call of God to preach in other areas. Paul spent probably only months in some of the cities where he preached, but he stayed in Ephesus for months. There the Lord opened a great door of opportunity. Paul stayed there for a period of time and the Gospel spread into the province of Asia. In Acts 20:31, Paul speaks of having warned the elders of Ephesus for three years.
A church planter may stay in one church for a long time, or he may move around. He should follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the matter.
Church planters need to be freed from some of the traditional churches about church planting. Realizing that a church can be started, and even left behind without ordained elders, can free church planters to go do other work.
Many church planting strategies are based on sending young men to Bible college to serve as professional pastors over new churches. Educating a young man in Bible college is a slow, expensive undertaking. Ironically, many Bible college graduates are not even Biblically qualified to be overseers of the church according to the lists of requirements given by the apostle Paul. Very few of them fit the description of an elder. The Greek word for elder, presbuteros, does, after all, mean ‘older man.’
Caring for New Churches That Don’t Yet Have Overseers
Many would object to the idea of leaving a church behind with no ordained leadership in charge. They think it far too dangerous for such churches to be left alone.
In the New Testament, we see that new churches could be tempted by false teachers and false apostles. This was a real danger. But we also need to realize that churches that already had elders still had to battle with this problem. Many believe that Galatians was written to the first missionary journey churches-to south Galatia. If this is the case, the letters were likely written after Paul and Barnabas had already appointed elders in these churches. The letters written to the churches in Revelation exhort them to resist false teachings. Thos churches had probably been around for decades, and most of them probably had official church government. Elders are to resist false teaching, but they are not a proven cure against heresy. Paul even warned the Ephesian elders that, from their own number, some would arise, speaking perverse things, to draw men after themselves. (Acts 20:30.)
Such churches are not truly left alone without an overseer. I Peter 2:25 shows that Jesus is the Shepherd and Bishop of the souls of the saints. God watched over the churches that Paul left behind.
Though we do see that Paul left churches behind, we see that he did not abandon them completely. Paul earnestly prayed for these churches. He also kept in touch through men sent to and from the churches. He responded to what he had heard from brethren who had visited these churches in letters. Some of his letters answer questions sent to him by these churches. At times, Paul and his coworkers would travel back to churches to strengthen and encourage them.
As more people on what had been frontiers for the Gospel believed, there were also more workers available to strengthen existing churches. Some of these people joined Paul in his travels. After Paul had been ministering many years, there were several men who traveled with him, who could also be sent to existing churches to exhort them.
© Paul L. Hudson, Jr. 2001
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